10 Top Fastest Growing Trees in Ontario You Didn't Know - Ideal Explorer (2024)

In Ontario, there’s a wide selection of beautiful trees to plant, but the waiting period for them to fully mature can test anyone’s patience.

If you’re seeking quick shade and striking, vibrant colors in your landscape, consider choosing fast-growing tree varieties in Ontario.

These stunning trees offer lush foliage, appealing textures, and relief from the sun’s heat, significantly enhancing your property’s value and overall attractiveness.

In this article are 10 fastest growing trees in Ontario renowned for their impressive growth rate and breathtaking displays!

Fast-growing trees play a vital role in Ontario’s landscape, offering a multitude of benefits that extend beyond aesthetic appeal. In a world where environmental challenges loom large, the rapid growth of certain tree species has become a valuable asset for various purposes, from reforestation efforts to timber production and environmental restoration.

These trees have the unique ability to thrive in Ontario’s specific climate and soil conditions, making them indispensable assets for sustainable land management.

What You Should Know Before Growing Trees in Ontario

  1. Tree Selection: When selecting fast-growing species, it’s essential to consider not only growth rates but also local climate and soil conditions. Opt for native or well-adapted species that support local ecosystems.
  1. Sustainable Planting: Ensure trees are planted correctly, with attention to soil preparation, watering, and maintenance. Implement sustainable planting practices, including mulching and organic fertilization, to support healthy growth.
  1. Biodiversity Conservation: While fast-growing trees offer numerous advantages, they should be integrated into comprehensive land management plans that prioritize biodiversity preservation and habitat creation.
  1. Consulting Local Experts for Tailored Advice: Harnessing the full potential of fast-growing trees requires expertise and local knowledge. Consulting with arborists, foresters, and local environmental agencies can provide tailored advice on species selection, planting techniques, and long-term maintenance.

These experts can help align tree planting initiatives with broader environmental goals, ensuring that fast-growing trees contribute positively to Ontario’s unique ecosystems.

Factors Affecting Tree Growth in Ontario

These factors collectively shape the growth and success of trees in Ontario, they aid in making informed decisions that promote healthy and fast growth of trees within Ontario’s diverse ecosystems.

Climate Conditions in Ontario

The growth of trees in Ontario is significantly influenced by the climate, which varies across the province. Understanding these climate conditions is essential for successful tree growth and management.

  1. Precipitation Levels
    Ontario experiences diverse precipitation patterns, ranging from its humid regions in the south to more arid conditions in the north.

Adequate precipitation is essential for tree growth as it ensures a steady supply of moisture to the roots. Variations in precipitation levels can affect the overall health and growth rate of trees.

  1. Temperature Variations
    Temperature fluctuations throughout the year are another critical climatic factor. Ontario’s climate includes cold winters and warm summers, which can influence the dormancy and active growth periods of trees.

Some fast-growing tree species are adapted to these temperature variations, allowing them to thrive in the province.

Soil Conditions

The composition and quality of soil have a profound impact on tree growth. Ontario’s diverse soil conditions require careful consideration when selecting tree species for planting.

  1. Soil Types
    Ontario’s soil types range from clay to loam to sandy soils, each with its unique characteristics. Soil texture affects water retention, drainage, and nutrient availability.

Certain tree species are better suited to specific soil types, and planting the right species in the right soil is crucial for optimal growth.

  1. Nutrient Availability
    Nutrient-rich soil is essential for tree health and growth. Soil tests can determine nutrient levels and deficiencies, allowing for targeted soil improvement efforts. In some cases, fertilization may be necessary to enhance nutrient availability and support rapid growth.

Tree Species-Specific Factors

Not all tree species respond the same way to climate and soil conditions. Each species possesses unique characteristics that influence its growth rate and resilience.

  1. Genetics and Inherent Growth Rates
    Tree species have inherent growth rates determined by their genetic makeup. Some species are naturally fast growers, while others have slower growth patterns.

Understanding the growth potential of a species is crucial when planning tree plantations or forestry management.

  1. Resistance to Pests and Diseases
    Pests and diseases can pose significant threats to tree health and growth. Certain tree species exhibit resistance or resilience to specific pests and diseases, reducing the need for chemical interventions and ensuring consistent growth.

Planting and Care Considerations for Growing Trees in Ontario

Planting and Care Considerations ensure that these fast-growing trees in Ontario not only thrive but also contribute positively to the environment and landscape while minimizing potential issues. Some of these include:

Soil Preparation

Proper soil preparation is the foundation of successful tree planting. This includes:

  • Testing soil quality to assess nutrient levels.
  • Amending soil as needed to provide essential nutrients.
  • Ensuring good soil drainage to prevent root rot.
  • Loosening soil to encourage root growth and aeration.

Watering and Irrigation

Adequate watering is crucial, especially during a tree’s early years:

  • Providing deep, consistent watering to establish strong root systems.
  • Using mulch to retain soil moisture and regulate temperature.
  • Adjusting watering frequency based on weather conditions and tree type.

Pruning and Maintenance

Regular pruning and maintenance promote tree health and shape:

  • Pruning dead or diseased branches to encourage new growth.
  • Shaping the tree to maintain its structure and aesthetics.
  • Monitoring and addressing any signs of stress or damage promptly.

Pest and Disease Management

Vigilance against pests and diseases is essential:

  • Identifying common pests and diseases in the region.
  • Implementing preventive measures like proper sanitation.
  • Utilizing environmentally friendly pest control methods when necessary.

Importance of Native Species

By prioritizing native species in tree planting initiatives, local ecosystems are enhanced and their associated benefits also contribute to the preservation of biodiversity.

This ensures a healthier and more sustainable environment for future generations.

  1. Ecosystem Benefits

Native tree species hold significant ecological value within their respective regions:

  • Habitat Support: Native trees provide essential habitat and food sources for local wildlife, from insects to birds and mammals.
  • Ecosystem Services: They play a critical role in maintaining environmental balance by improving air and water quality, reducing soil erosion, and supporting nutrient cycling.
  • Adaptation to Local Conditions: Native trees are well-adapted to the local climate, soil types, and pests, reducing the need for extensive care and maintenance.
  1. Biodiversity Preservation

Native species contribute to biodiversity preservation in several ways:

  • Species Interdependence: Many species of flora and fauna have evolved to rely on specific native tree species for their survival, creating intricate ecological relationships.
  • Genetic Diversity: Native trees often exhibit a rich genetic diversity that can be vital for breeding programs, ensuring resilience in the face of changing environmental conditions.
  • Conservation: Planting native species helps conserve threatened or endangered plant and animal species by maintaining their natural habitats.

List of Fastest Growing Trees in Ontario

In Ontario, the growth rate of trees can vary depending on factors like climate, soil conditions, and local ecosystems. However, some species are generally known for their relatively fast growth. Here are a few:

  • Canadian Hemlock (Tsuga canadensis)
  • Sycamore Tree (Platanus occidentalis)
  • Silver Maple (Acer saccharinum)
  • Hybrid Poplar (Populus spp.)
  • Eastern White Pine (Pinus strobus)
  • Red Maple (Acer rubrum)
  • Norway Maple (Acer platanoides)
  • Black Locust (Robinia pseudoacacia)
  • Krauter Vesuvius Flowering Plum (Prunus cerasifera ‘Krauter Vesuvius’)
  • Willow Trees (Salix spp.)

Canadian Hemlock (Tsuga canadensis)

The Canadian Hemlock is a graceful evergreen tree native to Ontario and other parts of North America. It’s known for its conical shape, pendulous branches, and dark green, delicate needles. It is also valued for its aesthetic appeal and ability to provide dense shade

10 Top Fastest Growing Trees in Ontario You Didn't Know - Ideal Explorer (1)

-Growth Rate: The tree can grow up to 60 to 80 feet (18 to 24 meters) in height. The tree cannot tolerate drought or windy sites, and it takes well to moist soil. The tree grows well if the soil is sandy, loamy, and well-drained.

Preferred Climate and Soil Conditions: Canadian Hemlocks are often found in moist, shaded areas, especially along riverbanks and in ravines. They are shade-tolerant and thrive in cool, moist conditions.

The Canadian Hemlock is not related to toxic variations such as wild hemlock or water hemlock. The Canadian Hemlock is entirely safe and non-poisonous.

Sycamore Tree (Platanus occidentalis)

The Sycamore Tree, also known as the American Sycamore, is a native tree species in Ontario. It’s recognized by its distinctive mottled bark that peels away in patches, revealing a smooth, cream-colored surface.

Growth Rate: The tree features large, broad leaves and can reach heights of 75 to 100 feet (24 to 30 meters Per year).

-Preferred Climate and Soil Conditions: Sycamore trees are commonly found along riverbanks, in floodplains, and in lowland areas with access to water. They prefer moist soils and are often seen near streams and rivers.

Sycamore trees are used in urban landscaping due to their impressive size and attractive appearance. During its initial growth stages, this tree displays a pyramidal shape pointing upward, but as it matures, the crown takes on a more rounded or oval form, featuring branches that spread irregularly.

They are also valuable in riparian zones, where their roots help stabilize soil and prevent erosion.

Silver Maple (Acer saccharinum)

Silver Maple is known for its rapid growth and adaptability to various soil types. It’s a popular choice for landscaping due to its quick growth and attractive foliage.

10 Top Fastest Growing Trees in Ontario You Didn't Know - Ideal Explorer (2)

-Growth Rate: Silver Maple is renowned for its fast growth rate measuring over 24″ Per Year

It is one of the quickest-growing deciduous trees, making it an ideal choice for quick shade and landscaping purposes.

-Preferred Climate and Soil Conditions: Silver Maples are adaptable to various climates, including the varying conditions of Ontario. They thrive in moist to wet soils and are often found near rivers and streams.

These trees can tolerate a range of soil types, from sandy to clayey, as long as the soil is consistently moist, and can tolerate moderate levels of flooding and drought.

Interestingly, their adaptability to both urban and natural environments makes them a suitable choice for many areas in Ontario.

Hybrid Poplar (Populus spp.):

Hybrid Poplar trees are one of the fastest-growing trees in Ontario. They can grow up to 5-8 feet per year under ideal conditions. These trees are often planted for timber, biomass, and ecological restoration projects.

Hybrid Poplar (Populus spp.)

1. Growth rate

2. Preferred climate and soil conditions

10 Top Fastest Growing Trees in Ontario You Didn't Know - Ideal Explorer (3)
  • Growth Rate: Hybrid Poplar is celebrated for its incredibly fast growth rate. It’s one of the fastest-growing tree species, making it an excellent choice for timber production, reforestation, and environmental projects requiring quick results.
  • Preferred Climate and Soil Conditions: Hybrid Poplars are adaptable to a range of climates, including those found in Ontario. They thrive in areas with well-drained soils and access to ample sunlight. These trees can grow in various soil types, including loam and clay, as long as the soil remains consistently moist. Hybrid Poplars are a favored choice for quick establishment and growth in diverse environmental conditions across Ontario.
  • Eastern White Pine (Pinus strobus)

Eastern White Pine is a native Ontario species that can grow quickly, especially when young. It’s a valuable timber tree in the region.

  • Growth Rate: Eastern White Pine is known for its rapid growth rate. It’s one of the fastest-growing pine species, making it valuable for timber production and reforestation projects.
  • Preferred Climate and Soil Conditions: Eastern White Pines thrive in a variety of climates, including cold and humid regions. They prefer well-drained soils but can adapt to various soil types, including sandy and loamy soils. These trees are well-suited to Ontario’s climate and can be found in diverse forest ecosystems across the province.

Red Maple (Acer rubrum)

Red Maples are known for their vibrant red foliage in the fall and can grow at a moderate to fast pace.

10 Top Fastest Growing Trees in Ontario You Didn't Know - Ideal Explorer (4)

-Growth Rate: Red Maple is known for its moderate to fast growth rate of about – 13″-24″ Per Year. It can grow quickly, especially when young, making it a valuable choice for landscaping and forestry.

-Preferred Climate and Soil Conditions: Red Maples thrive in a variety of climates, from moist to slightly dry. They are adaptable to different soil types, including clay and loam. However, they tend to prefer soils that are moist, well-draining, and slightly acidic. These versatile trees can withstand both cold winters and warm summers, making them well-suited for Ontario’s climate diversity.

Norway Maple (Acer platanoides):

Although considered invasive in some areas, Norway Maple trees can grow rapidly in Ontario’s climate.

Norway Maple (Acer platanoides):

  1. Growth Rate: Norway Maple is known for its moderate growth rate. It doesn’t grow as fast as some other species but still exhibits steady growth. This makes it suitable for urban landscaping.
  2. Preferred Climate and Soil Conditions: Norway Maples are adaptable to various climates. They can thrive in a wide range of conditions, from cold winters to warm summers. These trees prefer well-drained soils but can tolerate a variety of soil types, including clay and loam. They are a good fit for Ontario’s climate and soil diversity.

Black Locust (Robinia pseudoacacia)

Black Locust is known for its fast growth, durability, and nitrogen-fixing properties, making it valuable in reforestation and soil improvement projects.

  • Growth Rate: Black Locust is known for its fast growth. It can grow rapidly, making it valuable for various purposes like timber production and soil improvement projects.
  • Preferred Climate and Soil Conditions: Black Locust trees thrive in a range of climates. They are adaptable to both dry and humid conditions. These trees prefer well-drained soils but can tolerate a variety of soil types, including sandy and clayey soils. They are well-suited for Ontario’s diverse climate and soil conditions.

Krauter Vesuvius Flowering Plum (Prunus cerasifera ‘Krauter Vesuvius’)

The Krauter Vesuvius Flowering Plum (Prunus cerasifera ‘Krauter Vesuvius’) is considered a relatively fast-growing tree in Ontario. It can grow at a moderate to fast pace, making it a good choice for those looking for a tree that will establish itself and provide relatively quick growth in Ontario’s climate.

10 Top Fastest Growing Trees in Ontario You Didn't Know - Ideal Explorer (5)

The Krauter Vesuvius Flowering Plum, often simply called Vesuvius Plum, is a deciduous tree known for its striking appearance. It features dark purple to burgundy foliage throughout the growing season, making it a standout in gardens and landscapes. In spring, it produces delicate, pinkish-white blossoms that add to its ornamental charm.

  • Growth Rate: This tree is considered relatively fast-growing, especially during its early years. It can put on several inches to a foot or more of growth per year under favorable conditions. At maturity, the Krauter Vesuvius Flowering Plum typically reaches a height of 15 to 25 feet (4.5 to 7.5 meters) with a similar spread. Its growth habit is usually upright and vase-shaped.
  • Preferred Climate and Soil Conditions: This tree is well-suited for Ontario’s climate, as it can tolerate cold winters and adapts to a variety of soil types. It thrives in full sun to partial shade, making it versatile for different garden settings.

Regular watering during dry spells and mulching can help promote healthy growth.

Willow Trees (Salix spp.):

Some Willow species, such as the Weeping Willow, can grow quickly, making them useful for erosion control along waterways.

  • Growth Rate: Willow trees are known for their rapid growth. They can grow quite fast, especially when provided with ample water. This swift growth makes them suitable for various purposes, including erosion control.
  • Preferred Climate and Soil Conditions: Willows are adaptable to a range of climates and soil types. They thrive in moist to wet conditions and can often be found near water bodies like rivers and streams. They are well-suited to Ontario’s climate and can grow in various soil types, including loam and clay, as long as the soil remains consistently moist.


The benefits of fast-growing trees in Ontario are undeniable, ranging from mitigating climate change through carbon sequestration to providing valuable resources like timber and improved air quality. However, their successful integration into the environment relies on responsible choices and sustainable practices.

It is also important to note that while these trees may grow rapidly, they may also have specific requirements and challenges. The choice of tree species should consider factors such as local climate, soil conditions, intended purpose (e.g., shade, timber, or wildlife habitat), and potential impact on the local ecosystem.

It is always a good idea to consult with local forestry experts or arborists for guidance on tree selection and care. Additionally, planting native species is often encouraged for ecological sustainability and biodiversity.


10 Top Fastest Growing Trees in Ontario You Didn't Know - Ideal Explorer (2024)


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