50 Unique Jungle Flowers and Rainforest Plants (2024)

Jungles and rainforests are some of the most diverse habitats on the planet. These ecosystems are home to an astonishing range of exciting and unusual flowers and plants. Many jungle plants are grown as houseplants, but some can be grown in gardens. In this article, I’ll explore 50 unique jungle flowers and rainforest plants.

50 Unique Jungle Flowers and Rainforest Plants (1)

Table of Contents:

  • About Jungle Flowers
  • 50 Types of Jungle Flowers and Rainforest Plants:
  • Jungle Flowers FAQs:

About Jungle Flowers

Jungles and rainforests are found worldwide, usually in the tropical climate of the Southern Hemisphere. Tropical rainforest habitats typically occur just above and just below the equator. These habitats are found in Australia, Southeastern Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa, and Central and South America.

Rainforests and jungle habitats are known for their hot, humid conditions and high rainfall amounts. As such, most jungle and rainforest flowers thrive in USDA Zones 9 to 12. These areas provide plenty of warmth and humidity for plants native to the jungle. Many jungle or rainforest flowers can be grown indoors in colder areas as houseplants.

Few habitats are as biologically diverse as jungles and tropical rainforests. The Amazon rainforest in South America is home to approximately 40,000 species of plants. These include flowering plants, trees, epiphytes, terrestrial plants, and more.

50 Types of Jungle Flowers and Rainforest Plants:

1) African Violet

50 Unique Jungle Flowers and Rainforest Plants (2)

African violets are attractive, low-growing plants native to Eastern Africa. African violets come from the Saintpaulia genus of the Gesneriaceae family. These plants can grow outdoors in Zones 11 and 12 but are more commonly grown as houseplants.

African violets grow in clumps of fleshy, oval-shaped, dark green leaves. The leaves are also covered in fine hairs. These plants also produce small purple, blue, or white flower clusters with five velvety petals.

Scientific Name:Saintpaulia spp.
Plant Family:Gesneriaceae
Native Range:Eastern Africa
Flowering Season:Spring to summer

2) Amazon Water Lily

50 Unique Jungle Flowers and Rainforest Plants (3)

Amazon water lilies are impressive aquatic plants with huge pads. Each leaf can grow up to 10 feet wide and is supported by a long underwater stalk. The leaves have maroon undersides that are protected by prickles.

Amazon water lilies are native to tropical South America and belong to the water lily family (Nymphaeaceae). On summer nights, Amazon water lilies produce beautiful white flowers that turn pink as they age. The flowers close up during the day before opening again during the evening.

Scientific Name:Victoria amazonica
Plant Family:Nymphaeaceae
Native Range:South America
Flowering Season:Summer

3) Angel’s Trumpet

50 Unique Jungle Flowers and Rainforest Plants (4)

Angel’s trumpets are gorgeous trumpet-shaped jungle flowers from the Brugmansia genus of the nightshade family (Solanaceae). Sadly, angel’s trumpets now only survive in cultivation as they are extinct in the wild. These beautiful flowers were originally native to South America.

Brugmansia flowers come in several colors, including green, orange, pink, red, white, and yellow. Angel’s trumpets usually grow as semi-woody shrubs or trees. These plants have large alternate leaves that are covered in fine hairs and have toothed edges.

Scientific Name:Brugmansia spp.
Plant Family:Solanaceae
Native Range:South America
Flowering Season:Summer

4) Anthurium

50 Unique Jungle Flowers and Rainforest Plants (5)

Also known as flamingo flowers, anthuriums are colorful jungle flowers commonly grown as houseplants. Anthuriums belong to the arum family (Araceae) and are native to parts of South America, such as Colombia and Ecuador.

Anthuriums are short, upright plants with heart-shaped leaves. Anthuriums also have brightly colored red or pink spathes topped with a spadix of tiny green and white flowers.

Anthuriums can flower yearly when grown in Zones 11 and 12 or as houseplants. Anthuriums need warm, humid conditions and bright, indirect light.

Scientific Name:Anthurium andraeanum
Plant Family:Araceae
Native Range:South America
Flowering Season:Spring to summer

5) Banana Flower

50 Unique Jungle Flowers and Rainforest Plants (6)

Although banana trees are mainly known for their popular edible fruits, they also produce attractive flowers. Bananas belong to the Musaceae family and are native to parts of Asia and Australia. Depending on the climate, banana flowers can appear in spring or summer.

Banana plants produce large flower spikes of purplish-red bracts that protect the flowers. Bananas also have large, oblong leaves that are used in many Asian and Pacific cuisines. Banana leaves are also waterproof.

Scientific Name:Musa spp.
Plant Family:Musaceae
Native Range:Eastern & Southeastern Asia
Flowering Season:Spring to summer

6) Bat Flower

50 Unique Jungle Flowers and Rainforest Plants (7)

Bat flowers are some of the rarest flowers in the world. These unusual tropical flowers come from the Dioscoreaceae family and are native to parts of Southeastern Asia. Despite their rarity in the wild, bat flowers can be grown in Zones 9b to 11 or as houseplants.

Bat flowers have large flower heads with slender black tendrils. Each flower can be up to 12 inches wide, and the tendrils can grow to 28 inches long.

Scientific Name:Tacca chantrieri
Plant Family:Dioscoreaceae
Native Range:Southeastern Asia
Flowering Season:Summer to fall

7) Begonia

50 Unique Jungle Flowers and Rainforest Plants (8)

Begonias are popular ornamental plants that come from warm, moist jungle habitats. Begonias are native to parts of Africa, South Asia, and the Americas. These gorgeous, colorful plants can be grown as houseplants or outdoors in Zones 6 to 10.

Begonias are herbs or small shrubs with highly variable leaves. Some begonia leaves are fan-shaped, while others are rounded or have spiraling patterns. Begonia flowers come in shades of pink, orange, red, yellow, and white.

Scientific Name:Begonia spp.
Plant Family:Begoniaceae
Native Range:Africa, Asia, & the Americas
Flowering Season:Spring to fall

8) Bird of Paradise

50 Unique Jungle Flowers and Rainforest Plants (9)

Bird of Paradise plants are beautiful plants with unusual flowers. As such, they are popular as houseplants and garden ornamentals. Bird of Paradise plants are native to South Africa and can grow outside in Zones 10 to 12.

Bird of Paradise plants have fan-shaped crowns of large, glaucous oblong leaves. The flowers emerge from beak-like spathes and consist of three purple or white petals and three orange sepals. This combination resembles a bird of paradise, hence the common name.

For more, see our guide to the meaning and symbolism of Bird of Paradise flowers.

Scientific Name:Strelitzia reginae
Plant Family:Strelitziaceae
Native Range:South Africa
Flowering Season:Spring to fall

9) Bleeding Heart Vine

50 Unique Jungle Flowers and Rainforest Plants (10)

Bleeding heart vines are evergreen liana vines native to West Africa. These trailing plants come from the mint or sage family (Lamiaceae). Also known as glory-bower, bleeding heart vines can be grown as ornamental plants in Zones 10 to 12.

Bleeding heart vines have oblong or oval-shaped leaves with prominent veins. During the blooming season, bleeding heart vines produce dense clusters of pale purple or white flowers with red centers.

Scientific Name:Clerodendrum thomsoniae
Plant Family:Lamiaceae
Native Range:West Africa
Flowering Season:Summer to fall

10) Bougainvillea

50 Unique Jungle Flowers and Rainforest Plants (11)

Bougainvilleas are flowering vines and shrubs from the four o’clock family (Nyctaginaceae). Bougainvilleas are native to South America and use their thorny stems to climb nearby plants. These vines can grow up to 40 feet tall and can be grown outside in Zones 9 to 11.

Bougainvilleas have small white flowers protected by three to six colorful bracts. These bracts come in shades of pink, purple, orange, red, yellow, and white. Bougainvilleas also have simple oval-shaped leaves.

Scientific Name:Bougainvillea spp.
Plant Family:Nyctaginaceae
Native Range:South America
Flowering Season:Spring to fall

11) Bromeliads

50 Unique Jungle Flowers and Rainforest Plants (12)

Bromeliads are a group of tropical herbaceous perennials that make up the Bromeliaceae family. Most bromeliad species are native to tropical and subtropical parts of the Americas. The Bromeliaceae family contains approximately 3700 species.

Bromeliads are usually epiphytes or terrestrial plants with succulent leaves. Many bromeliads form vase-shaped rosettes that collect water. Bromeliads also have bright, colorful flowers and bracts protecting the sepals and petals. Most types of bromeliads are grown as houseplants.

Scientific Name:Bromeliads
Plant Family:Bromeliaceae
Native Range:The Americas
Flowering Season:Spring to fall

12) Calla Lily

50 Unique Jungle Flowers and Rainforest Plants (13)

Calla lilies are elegant herbaceous perennials from the arum family. Depending on the local climate, these clump-forming plants can be deciduous or evergreen. Calla lilies are native to Southern Africa and grow well in Zones 7 to 10.

Calla lilies grow in clumps of dark green, glossy arrow-shaped leaves. From late spring until early summer, these plants produce white spathes protecting a spadix of tiny yellow flowers. Calla lilies also produce a sweet, subtle scent.

Scientific Name:Zantedeschia aethiopica
Plant Family:Araceae
Native Range:Southern Africa
Flowering Season:Spring to summer

13) Camellia

50 Unique Jungle Flowers and Rainforest Plants (14)

Also known as tea plants, camellias are beautiful evergreen shrubs often grown for their flowers. The leaves of Camellia sinensis are also used to make tea. Camellia shrubs are native to parts of eastern and southern Asia. Most camellias can be grown in Zones 6 to 9.

Camellias have broad, glossy, oval-shaped leaves with serrated margins. Young leaves also have white hairs on their undersides. Camellia sinensis produces yellowish-white flowers, but other species can have yellow, white, pink, or red camellia flowers.

Scientific Name:Camellia sinensis
Plant Family:Theaceae
Native Range:Asia
Flowering Season:Fall to spring

14) Canna

50 Unique Jungle Flowers and Rainforest Plants (15)

Also known as Indian shot, canna plants are perennials native to Central and South America. Canna plants have been cultivated for thousands of years throughout their native range as a food source. Canna plants can also be grown as ornamentals in Zones 8 to 11.

Canna plants grow in clumps of upright stems and large, blade-like leaves. From summer until fall, these stems are topped with clusters of red, orange, or pink flowers.

Scientific Name:Canna indica
Plant Family:Cannaceae
Native Range:Central & South America
Flowering Season:Summer to fall

15) Chenille Plant

50 Unique Jungle Flowers and Rainforest Plants (16)

Chenille plants are free-flowering shrubs native to tropical parts of Asia. Also known as red hot cat tails, chenille plants can be grown as houseplants or as ornamentals in Zones 10 and 11.

Chenille plants can grow up to 12 feet tall and approximately 6 feet wide. These shrubs have glossy, ovate leaves with serrated edges. Chenille plants will produce feathery racemes of tiny pink or red flowers whenever the temperature is warm enough.

Scientific Name:Acalypha hispida
Plant Family:Euphorbiaceae
Native Range:Asia
Flowering Season:Spring to winter

16) Chinese Hibiscus

50 Unique Jungle Flowers and Rainforest Plants (17)

Chinese hibiscus is one of the most beautiful types of hibiscus. These tropical hibiscus are native to Vanuatu and belong to the mallow family (Malvaceae). Chinese hibiscus performs excellently as an ornamental perennial in Zones 10 to 12.

Chinese hibiscus is an evergreen shrub with simple, ovate leaves with serrated margins. This hibiscus species also produces gorgeous red flowers with five petals. In warm tropical climates, Chinese hibiscus can flower throughout the year.

Scientific Name:Hibiscus rosa-sinensis
Plant Family:Malvaceae
Native Range:Vanuatu
Flowering Season:Spring to fall

17) Coffee Plant

50 Unique Jungle Flowers and Rainforest Plants (18)

Coffee plants are one of the most well-known jungle crops. These plants belong to the Coffea genus of the coffee family (Rubiaceae). Coffea arabica and Coffea canephora are the two main species used in coffee production.

Coffee plants are native to tropical parts of Asia and Southern Africa but are also grown in South America. Coffee plants have glossy elliptical leaves and produce densely-packed racemes of white star-shaped flowers. However, it’s the purple or red fruits that are used to produce coffee beans.

Scientific Name:Coffea spp.
Plant Family:Rubiaceae
Native Range:Africa and Asia
Flowering Season:Spring

18) Columnea

50 Unique Jungle Flowers and Rainforest Plants (19)

Also known as flying goldfish plants, columnea are epiphytic plants native to Central and South America. These tropical flowers are usually grown as houseplants but can be grown outdoors in Zones 10 to 12.

Columnea plants have bushy stems covered in curved, glossy leaves. From spring until fall, these plants produce tubular orange or red flowers that look like goldfish, hence their common name. Columnea plants grow best in bright light and require well-draining, slightly acidic soils.

Scientific Name:Columnea spp.
Plant Family:Gesneriaceae
Native Range:Central & South America
Flowering Season:Spring to fall

19) Corpse Flower

50 Unique Jungle Flowers and Rainforest Plants (20)

Also known as titan arums, corpse flowers are native to the island of Sumatra in Indonesia. Corpse flowers produce the largest unbranched inflorescence globally but can take several years to create a single flower. These flowers produce a carrion stink, hence their common name.

Corpse flowers grow from underground corms. When they do bloom, corpse flowers produce a huge reddish-green spathe that resembles the underside of a mushroom. A large yellowish-green spadix rises from the center of the flower.

Scientific Name:Amorphophallus titanum
Plant Family:Araceae
Native Range:Indonesia
Flowering Season:Variable

20) Flame Lily

50 Unique Jungle Flowers and Rainforest Plants (21)

Flame lilies are striking jungle flowers from the autumn-crocus family Colchicaceae family. These colorful flowers are native to parts of Africa, Asia, and the Indian Subcontinent. Flame lilies are herbaceous perennials that thrive in Zones 8 to 12.

These beautiful exotic flowers have alternate lance-shaped leaves with tendrils at the tips. Flame lilies get their name from their dramatic flowers, six red and yellow reflexed tepals resembling flames. Six stamens spread out beneath the flowers.

Scientific Name:Gloriosa superba
Plant Family:Colchicaceae
Native Range:Africa, Asia, & India
Flowering Season:Summer to fall

21) Frangipani

50 Unique Jungle Flowers and Rainforest Plants (22)

Frangipani are some of my favorite jungle flowers. These deciduous shrubs are native to Central and South America and grow best in Zones 10 to 12. From spring until fall, frangipani shrubs are covered in beautifully fragrant flowers.

Frangipani shrubs have elliptical dark green leathery leaves for much of the year. Frangipani flowers emerge in clusters at the ends of the branches. These flowers come in pink, red, white, and yellow, producing fruity, spicy, or rosy fragrances.

Scientific Name:Plumeria rubra
Plant Family:Apocynaceae
Native Range:Central & South America
Flowering Season:Spring to fall

22) Ginger

50 Unique Jungle Flowers and Rainforest Plants (23)

Ginger is one of the most well-known spices in the world. Beyond its culinary use, ginger is an attractive flowering plant native to Southeastern Asia. In cultivation, ginger performs best in Zones 9 to 12.

Ginger plants grow from fragrant rhizomes that are ground to produce the spice. Ginger plants also have long, lanceolate leaves. From summer until fall, ginger plants also produce stalks of purple and yellow flowers protected by green bracts.

Scientific Name:Zingiber officinale
Plant Family:Zingiberaceae
Native Range:Southeastern Asia
Flowering Season:Summer to fall

23) Ginger Lily

50 Unique Jungle Flowers and Rainforest Plants (24)

Ginger lilies are gorgeous jungle flowers with a strong fragrance similar to jasmine. These flowers are native to eastern Asia but can also be grown in Zones 7 to 11. Ginger lilies continually bloom for six weeks or so from summer to fall.

Ginger lilies grow in clumps of lance-shaped leaves and upright stems. When in bloom, these stems are topped with spikes of elegant white flowers. The flowers resemble butterflies but only last for one day.

Scientific Name:Hedychium coronarium
Plant Family:Zingiberaceae
Native Range:Asia
Flowering Season:Summer to fall

24) Golden Penda

50 Unique Jungle Flowers and Rainforest Plants (25)

Golden pendas are colorful ornamental jungle trees from the myrtle family. These trees grow up to 80 feet tall and are native to parts of Queensland in northeastern Australia. When cultivated as ornamental plants, golden pendas rarely exceed 40 feet tall.

Golden penda trees have gnarled, twisted trunks and elliptical, glossy dark green leaves. In tropical climates, golden penda trees can flower throughout the year. These trees produce terminal clusters of bright yellowish-green flowers.

Scientific Name:Xanthostemon chrysanthus
Plant Family:Myrtaceae
Native Range:Australia
Flowering Season:Year-round

25) Heliconia

50 Unique Jungle Flowers and Rainforest Plants (26)

Heliconias are unusual jungle flowers, also known as lobster claws, due to the shape of their flowers. Heliconias are native to tropical regions of Central and South America. These colorful jungle flowers can also be cultivated in Zones 10 and 11.

Heliconias can be upright or hanging plants with long, oblong leaves. Some heliconias produce hanging inflorescences of claw-shaped flowers. Others have flowers resembling Bird of Paradise flowers, combining petals, sepals, and spathes.

Scientific Name:Heliconia spp.
Plant Family:Heliconiaceae
Native Range:Central & South America
Flowering Season:Spring to summer

26) Hot Lips Plants

50 Unique Jungle Flowers and Rainforest Plants (27)

Also known as girlfriend’s kiss, hot lips plants are vibrant jungle flowers from the coffee family. These plants are native to tropical rainforests in Central and South America. Hot lips plants also thrive in Zones 10 and 11 as ornamental flowers.

Hot lips plants get their name from the glossy red bracts that resemble human lips. These bracts protect small, star-shaped flowers. These jungle plants also have simple, elliptical leaves.

Scientific Name:Palicourea elata
Plant Family:Rubiaceae
Native Range:Central & South America
Flowering Season:Spring

27) Impatiens

50 Unique Jungle Flowers and Rainforest Plants (28)

Also known as jewelweed, impatiens flowers are native to parts of Africa, Asia, Europe, and North America. Many impatiens species thrive in tropical or subtropical forests. Impatiens flowers can also be grown in Zones 10 and 11.

Impatiens flowers often have succulent-like leaves and stems. The flowers have five sepals and five petals. Impatiens flowers come in shades of pink, purple, orange, red, yellow, and white.

Scientific Name:Impatiens spp.
Plant Family:Balsaminaceae
Native Range:Africa, Asia, Europe, & North America
Flowering Season:Spring to summer

28) Ixora

50 Unique Jungle Flowers and Rainforest Plants (29)

Commonly known as jungle geraniums, Ixora are evergreen shrubs from the coffee family. These plants are native to India and South Asia. Ixora are also grown as ornamentals in Zones 10 and 11.

Ixora shrubs can grow up to 12 feet high and have glossy, oblong leaves. Ixora shrubs also have terminal clusters of tubular flowers with four scarlet petals and yellow centers. These shrubs bloom throughout the year in tropical climates.

Scientific Name:Ixora coccinea
Plant Family:Rubiaceae
Native Range:India & South Asia
Flowering Season:Throughout the year

29) Jade Vine

50 Unique Jungle Flowers and Rainforest Plants (30)

Jade vines are attractive perennial lianas from the legume or pea family. These tropical vines are native to the Philippines and are pollinated by bats. Jade vines also grow well in Zones 10 to 12.

Jade vines have thick, woody stems and leaves with three elliptical or oblong leaflets. From spring until summer, jade vines produce dense hanging clusters of turquoise beak-shaped flowers. Each cluster contains approximately 75 flowers.

Scientific Name:Strongylodon macrobotrys
Plant Family:Fabaceae
Native Range:Philippines
Flowering Season:Spring to summer

30) Jasmine

50 Unique Jungle Flowers and Rainforest Plants (31)

Jasmine is a famously fragrant jungle flower from the olive family. These highly prized plants are native to parts of Asia and the Caucasus. Jasmine is a climbing shrub that thrives in Zones 7 to 10.

These deciduous vines have pinnate leaves consisting of up to nine elliptical leaflets. Jasmine vines produce clusters of elegant white flowers that emit a thick, heady fragrance. Each cluster contains three to five flowers.

Scientific Name:Jasminum officinale
Plant Family:Oleaceae
Native Range:Asia & the Caucasus
Flowering Season:Spring to fall

31) Lantana

50 Unique Jungle Flowers and Rainforest Plants (32)

Lantanas are perennial shrubs from the verbena family. Originally native to Central and South America, lantanas have also spread to other tropical areas. Lantana shrubs grow well in Zones 7 to 11.

Lantana shrubs produce dense thickets of simple, oval-shaped leaves with toothed edges. Throughout the year, the upright stems are topped with terminal clusters of tubular flowers. Lantana flowers come in shades of pink, orange, red, yellow, and white.

Scientific Name:Lantana camara
Plant Family:Verbenaceae
Native Range:Central & South America
Flowering Season:Spring to fall

32) Lipstick Plant

50 Unique Jungle Flowers and Rainforest Plants (33)

Lipstick plants are epiphytes or lithophytes from the Gesneriaceae family. Lipstick plants are native to humid jungles in Southeastern Asia but can also be grown as houseplants. Lipstick plants can also be grown outdoors in Zones 10 and 11.

As their name suggests, lipstick plants have tubular red flowers resembling tubes of lipstick. These plants also have glossy, almost succulent-like green leaves that can be oval-shaped or lance-shaped.

Scientific Name:Aeschynanthus radicans
Plant Family:Gesneriaceae
Native Range:Southeastern Asia
Flowering Season:Spring to fall

33) Lobster Claw

50 Unique Jungle Flowers and Rainforest Plants (34)

Also known as false bird of paradise, lobster claws are a type of heliconia native to Central and South America. Lobster claws can be grown outdoors in Zones 10 and 11.

Unlike most other heliconias, lobster claws produce hanging racemes of flowers shaped like crab claws. The flowers consist of white flowers protected by bright red bracts with yellowish-green tips. Lobster claws also have leathery dark green leaves.

Scientific Name:Heliconia rostrata
Plant Family:Heliconiaceae
Native Range:Central & South America
Flowering Season:Spring to summer

34) Medinilla

50 Unique Jungle Flowers and Rainforest Plants (35)

Also known as rose grapes, Medinilla plants are perennial shrubs native to the Philippines. These tropical shrubs can be grown outdoors in Zones 10 and 11 but are more frequently grown as houseplants.

Medinilla shrubs grow up to 10 feet tall and have leathery evergreen leaves. Medinilla plants produce long panicles covered with pink, purple, or red flowers in spring and summer. Pink bracts protect the flower clusters.

Scientific Name:Medinilla magnifica
Plant Family:Melastomataceae
Native Range:Philippines
Flowering Season:Spring to summer

35) Monkey Brush Vine

50 Unique Jungle Flowers and Rainforest Plants (36)

Monkey brush vines are colorful jungle flowers from the white myrtle family. These climbing vines are native to South America but can be grown in Zones 9 to 11.

Monkey brush vines grow up to 20 feet tall and have simple, elliptical leaves. From late winter until mid-summer, these vines produce brush-like clusters of tiny bright yellow flowers. These flowers gradually turn orange or red throughout the season.

Scientific Name:Combretum rotundifolium
Plant Family:Combretaceae
Native Range:South America
Flowering Season:Late winter to summer

36) Moonflower

50 Unique Jungle Flowers and Rainforest Plants (37)

Also known as moon vines, moonflowers are herbaceous perennial lianas native to parts of North and South America. Moonflowers have large, fragrant white or pink flowers that close up during the day. At dusk, the flowers open again and bloom throughout the night.

Moonflowers are beautiful ornamental climbers that can be grown in Zones 9 to 12. The flowers have a sweet scent and emerge above medium-green, arrow-shaped leaves.

Scientific Name:Ipomoea alba
Plant Family:Convolvulaceae
Native Range:The Americas
Flowering Season:Summer to fall

37) Morning Glory

50 Unique Jungle Flowers and Rainforest Plants (38)

Morning glory flowers are herbaceous annuals or perennials from the bindweed family. These flowering vines are native to tropical regions of the Americas. Morning glory can be grown as an annual in Zones 2 to 11.

Morning glory vines grow up to 13 feet tall and have medium-green heart-shaped leaves. Morning glory produces blue trumpet-shaped flowers with white and yellow centers. As their name suggests, these flowers open in the morning.

Scientific Name:Ipomoea tricolor
Plant Family:Convolvulaceae
Native Range:The Americas
Flowering Season:Summer to fall

38) Orchids

50 Unique Jungle Flowers and Rainforest Plants (39)

The Orchidaceae family contains over 28,000 species of orchids that grow worldwide. Many types of orchids grow in tropical jungles and rainforests. These include moth orchids (Phalaenopsis) and Vanda orchids.

Orchids are usually grown as houseplants for their large, colorful flowers and attractive markings. Most orchids grow as epiphytes and have aerial roots. Other orchids grow from rhizomes and have pseudobulbs that contain energy for new flowers.

Scientific Name:Orchidaceae spp.
Plant Family:Orchidaceae
Native Range:Around the world
Flowering Season:Spring to fall

39) Passion Flower

50 Unique Jungle Flowers and Rainforest Plants (40)

Passion flowers are beautiful jungle flowers that grow as climbing vines. Originally native to Brazil, these vines are often grown as ornamental plants in Zones 7 to 10. With the right support, passion flowers can grow up to 30 feet tall.

Passion flower vines have glossy leaves with three elliptical lobes. During the summer, passion flowers produce solitary flowers with a fringe of petals surrounding green sepals. The base of each flower is purple.

Scientific Name:Passiflora edulis
Plant Family:Passifloraceae
Native Range:Brazil
Flowering Season:Summer

40) Peace Lily

50 Unique Jungle Flowers and Rainforest Plants (41)

Peace lilies are herbaceous perennials from the arum family. These evergreens are native to parts of Southeastern Asia and the Americas. Peace lilies are extremely popular as houseplants but can also be grown outdoors in Zones 11 and 12.

Peace lilies grow in clumps of large, glossy lance-shaped leaves and thrive in warm, humid conditions. Peace lilies also produce white or yellowish-green spathes that surround a spadix of tiny yellowish-green flowers.

Scientific Name:Spathiphyllum spp.
Plant Family:Araceae
Native Range:Southeastern Asia & the Americas
Flowering Season:Year-round

41) Peaco*ck Flower

50 Unique Jungle Flowers and Rainforest Plants (42)

Also known as the red bird of paradise, peaco*ck flowers are colorful shrubs from the pea family. These evergreens are native to tropical parts of the Americas but can also be grown in Zones 9 to 11.

Peaco*ck flowers have upright, thorny stems and bipinnate leaves divided into several pairs of oblong leaflets. From spring until fall, peaco*ck flowers produce racemes of orange, red, or yellow flowers. Each flower has five frilly petals.

Scientific Name:Caesalpinia pulcherrima
Plant Family:Fabaceae
Native Range:The Americas
Flowering Season:Spring to fall

42) Pitcher Plant

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Pitcher plants are some of the more unusual and fascinating jungle plants. Pitcher plants are carnivorous plants found throughout southeastern Asia. Pitcher plants are usually grown as houseplants but can sometimes be grown outside in Zones 10 to 12.

Pitcher plants have clumps of sword-shaped leaves and upright stems that produce pitchers at the ends of the leaves. The insides of these pitchers trap insects that fall in and digest them, nourishing the plant. To prevent insects from escaping, many pitcher plants have slippery interior surfaces.

Scientific Name:Nepenthes spp.
Plant Family:Nepenthaceae
Native Range:Southeastern Asia
Flowering Season:Spring to summer

43) Poinsettia

50 Unique Jungle Flowers and Rainforest Plants (44)

Although popular at Christmas, poinsettias are actually jungle plants native to Central America. Poinsettias come from the spurge family and were used in traditional Aztec medicine. These days, poinsettias can be cultivated in Zones 9 to 11.

Poinsettias are shrubs or small trees with long, dark green leaves. Poinsettias are popular thanks to their colorful red leaf-like bracts. These bracts surround clusters of tiny yellow flowers that appear in late winter and spring.

Scientific Name:Euphorbia pulcherrima
Plant Family:Euphorbiaceae
Native Range:Central America
Flowering Season:Spring

44) Rafflesia

50 Unique Jungle Flowers and Rainforest Plants (45)

Rafflesia flowers are the largest individual flowers in the world, measuring over three feet wide. These strange jungle flowers are native to parts of Southeastern Asia, such as Borneo and Sumatra. Rafflesia flowers give off a strong carrion-like scent to attract flies.

Rafflesia flowers are unusual because they don’t have leaves, stems, or roots. Instead, rafflesia flowers are parasites that feed off nearby vines. These large, heavy flowers are bright red and have pale spots on the petals.

Scientific Name:Rafflesia arnoldii
Plant Family:Rafflesiaceae
Native Range:Southeastern Asia
Flowering Season:Spring

45) Rainforest Vireya

50 Unique Jungle Flowers and Rainforest Plants (46)

Rainforest vireyas belong to a section of the Rhododendron genus within the heather family (Ericaceae). These evergreen plants are native to parts of Southeastern Asia. There are approximately 300 species of rainforest vireyas.

Rainforest vireyas have leathery lanceolate leaves with scales on the undersides. During the spring in the Southern Hemisphere, rainforest vireyas produce clusters of colorful single flowers. These flowers come in shades of pink, purple, orange, red, yellow, and white.

Scientific Name:Vireya spp.
Plant Family:Ericaceae
Native Range:Southeastern Asia
Flowering Season:Spring

46) Spider Lily

50 Unique Jungle Flowers and Rainforest Plants (47)

Commonly known as beach spider lilies, Hymenocallis littoralis is native to coastal regions of Central and South America. These bulbous herbaceous perennials belong to the Amaryllis family. Spider lilies can be grown in Zones 10 and 11.

Spider lilies grow in clumps of large, lance-shaped leaves that emerge from underground bulbs. From summer until fall, spider lilies produce large, white flowers with long white tendrils. The flowers emit a vanilla-like fragrance.

Scientific Name:Hymenocallis littoralis
Plant Family:Amaryllidaceae
Native Range:Central & South America
Flowering Season:Summer to fall

47) Taro

50 Unique Jungle Flowers and Rainforest Plants (48)

Taro plants are perennial root vegetables that grow in jungles across India and Southeastern Asia. Taro plants have been eaten in several Asian and Pacific cultures for centuries. Taro plants can also be grown as ornamental evergreens in Zones 8 to 12.

Taro plants grow from underground corms and produce large arrow-shaped or heart-shaped leaves clumps. Taro plants also have yellowish-green spathes and a spadix of tiny flowers.

Scientific Name:Colocasia esculenta
Plant Family:Araceae
Native Range:India & Southeastern Asia
Flowering Season:Spring to summer

48) Torch Ginger

50 Unique Jungle Flowers and Rainforest Plants (49)

Also known as red ginger lilies, torch ginger plants are tropical perennials native to Thailand and New Guinea. Torch ginger flowers are edible and have a sweet, sour taste.

Torch ginger flowers have a pink central cone of up to 120 true flowers surrounded by red bracts. The flowers resemble lit torches, hence the common name. Torch ginger plants also have large, leathery leaves.

Scientific Name:Etlingera elatior
Plant Family:Zingiberaceae
Native Range:Thailand & New Guinea
Flowering Season:Seasonal

49) Ylang-Ylang

50 Unique Jungle Flowers and Rainforest Plants (50)

Ylang-ylang is a tropical tree with gorgeously fragrant flowers commonly used to produce perfumes and scented candles. Ylang-ylang trees are native to the Philippines but have spread throughout Southeastern Asia and the Pacific.

Ylang-ylang trees come from the custard-apple family and can grow up to 40 feet tall. Ylang-ylang trees have glossy, pinnate leaves divided into oval-shaped leaflets with pointed tips and undulating margins. Ylang-ylang flowers have several long, bright yellowish-green petals.

Scientific Name:Cananga odorata
Plant Family:Annonaceae
Native Range:Philippines
Flowering Season:Seasonal

50) Zebra Plant

50 Unique Jungle Flowers and Rainforest Plants (51)

Zebra plants are evergreen plants from the acanthus family. These striking plants are native to the Atlantic forest in Brazil but are commonly grown as houseplants. Zebra plants can also be grown outside in Zones 11 and 12.

Zebra plants grow in clumps of large elliptical or oval-shaped dark green leaves. The leaves are covered with white veins, hence their common name. When given enough bright, indirect light, zebra plants may produce yellow flowers and bracts at the tips of the stems.

Scientific Name:Aphelandra squarrosa
Plant Family:Acanthaceae
Native Range:Brazil
Flowering Season:Seasonal

Jungle Flowers FAQs:

What is the Most Common Jungle Flower?

Also known as lobster claws, heliconias are some of the most common jungle flowers. Passion flowers are another type of jungle flower that is fairly common.

What Types of Flowers Are in a Rainforest?

Rainforest habitats contain various types of flowers, including heliconias and passion flowers. Even common garden flowers like camellia or jasmine can grow in rainforests.

What is a Rare Flower in the Amazon Rainforest?

One of the rarest flowers in the Amazon rainforest is the imposing Rafflesia (Rafflesia arnoldii). These large red flowers are also known as corpse flowers because they produce a carrion-like stink to attract flies.

Beautiful Jungle Flowers – Wrapping Up

Jungles and rainforests are biologically diverse habitats that contain some amazing flowers and plants. Some of the more popular jungle flowers and rainforest plants for gardens include begonias, camellias, heliconias, and passion flowers. Many jungle or rainforest plants can also be grown as houseplants. These include anthuriums, birds of paradise, and orchids.

Edward Hodsdon

Contributing Editor | edd@petalrepublic.com | Full Bio

Edd is a budding content writer and gardener living in the United Kingdom. He has a bachelor's degree in Creative and Professional Writing and has written for several gardening publications online. He is passionate about nature and sustainability with a focus on gardening and wildlife.

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50 Unique Jungle Flowers and Rainforest Plants (2024)


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