80 Flowers That Start With R (With Pictures and Info) (2024)


Who wouldn’t adore flowers? They’re all very beautiful. And they’re all unique in their own way. Sometimes, that may be their name. Of the 80 flowers listed below that start with R, how many have you already seen? Their exquisite designs and vivid colors are quite delightful.

Different types of Flowers that Start with R

Robinia Pseudoacacia

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Black Locust (Robinia Pseudoacacia), a deciduous tree from North America, has grayish-brown bark, thorny branches, and oval leaves. Fragrant flowers bloom from April to June, followed by elongated pods maturing from August to September. Introduced from the West, it adapts to various climates and soils, thriving in sunlight. With rapid growth and shallow, expansive roots, it’s used for sand fixation and soil conservation. Its durable wood is employed for railway ties, and it’s a valuable source of nectar for honeybees. Resistant to pollutants, it aids in air purification and absorbs lead vapors.


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Rosa, a diverse genus in the Rosaceae family, encompasses a variety of thorny, climbing, or sprawling shrubs. Their leaves are typically alternate, and flowers, often solitary, feature petals in shades of white, yellow, pink, and red. Roses hold cultural and symbolic significance, universally representing love, beauty, and balance. With different colors conveying nuanced meanings, roses are cherished globally for their timeless elegance and emotional expressions. Beyond symbolism, roses contribute economically, with blossoms utilized in food and the extraction of prized rose oil, a versatile ingredient in cosmetics and fine chemicals.

Rosinweed Sunflower

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The Rosinweed Sunflower, also known as Ozark sunflower, hails from southern Central America. With a diameter of around 3 inches, its captivating features include dark reddish-purple core disks surrounded by brilliant yellow rays. Each flower boasts numerous disks enveloped by 12–25 florets. Flourishing in native landscapes like roadsides, fields, and thickets, this sunflower undergoes a vibrant blooming phase lasting three to four weeks, occasionally extending up to two months.

Rosmarinus Officinalis

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Rosemary (Rosmarinus Officinalis), a perennial evergreen sub-shrub in the Lamiaceae family, boasts quadrangular young branches covered in fine white fluff. Its linear leaves, with silver-white undersides, emit a refreshing fragrance. Varieties like European rosemary and blue Suffolk rosemary offer diverse ornamental choices. Native to the Mediterranean, rosemary thrives in sunny to semi-shaded environments. Essential oils extracted from its branches find use in cosmetics, while its leaves have therapeutic properties in traditional medicine. Despite its aversion to waterlogging, this aromatic herb remains a prized addition to gardens and herbal remedies.

Rudbeckia Hirta

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Rudbeckia Hirta, or Black-eyed Susan, is a perennial known for its golden-yellow petals surrounding a purplish-brown center. Blooming from early summer to frost, it offers diverse varieties, including mahogany, chestnut brown, and bicolored flowers. Native to the eastern United States, it can be cultivated as an annual or biennial herb. Some variants feature an “Irish eye” or reach up to 15 cm in diameter. While its cold resistance is moderate, in central China, it can be sown in fall for winter resilience, making it a versatile and vibrant garden choice.

Rhus Typhina

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Rhus Typhina, commonly called the Staghorn Sumac, is a deciduous shrub or small tree known for its irregular shape. With sturdy, reddish-brown branches covered in velvety hairs, its long, elliptical-lanceolate leaves have sharp serrated edges. This dioecious plant features white flowers and distinctive torch-like clusters of deep red fruits, blooming from June to July and fruiting from September to October. Native to North America and also found in parts of Europe, Asia, and Oceania, the Staghorn Sumac thrives in sunny conditions and prefers moist sandy soils. It is highly ornamental and economically valuable, with applications ranging from industrial use of leaves and seeds to crafting with its attractive yellow wood.

Rudbeckia Laciniata

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Rudbeckia Laciniata, commonly known as Golden Glow, is a vibrant perennial herb with golden flowers. Native to North America and present in parts of China, it thrives in well-drained, fertile soils with sunlight. Resilient to cold, it’s low-maintenance and reproduces through division or seeds. While its cheerful appearance makes it an ideal flower bed decoration or cut flower, caution is advised as the entire plant is toxic, causing symptoms like loss of appetite and lethargy when ingested.

Rain Lily

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The Rain Lily, resembling delicate funnels, is a wildflower that thrives in Central and South America. Its bloom, triggered by prolonged heavy rains, justifies its name. Found in pink, white, or orange clusters, this resilient flower is easy to cultivate, demanding minimal care, making it a hassle-free addition to your garden.

Round-headed Rampion

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The Round-headed Rampion, known as the Pride of Sussex, is not only the county flower but also thrives in grasslands. Its unique appearance, resembling a hybrid of an octopus and an anemone, is due to 15-30 small florets pressed together. The striking deep blue hue, almost purple, adds to its distinctive charm.


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Rue flowers exhibit small blooms with a diameter of nearly three centimeters, forming umbel-shaped, yellow-green flower heads. Featuring up to five symmetrical petals with frilly edges, these flowers lack a strong aroma, unlike the aromatic leaves. While bees and butterflies are attracted to it, caution is necessary as the Rue variety is poisonous for consumption.

Rock Rose

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The Rock Rose flower, famed for its therapeutic qualities, is a key component in Bach flower remedies, addressing issues like stress and anxiety. Native to Europe’s high-altitude areas, this petite flower, measuring about an inch, blooms with the onset of winter rains. Its dazzling five yellow petals, though short-lived, make a striking appearance.

Rattlesnake Master

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Despite its name, the Rattlesnake Master flower bears no resemblance to a snake. With a spherical head-like appearance, it comes in white, blue, or green hues. The central cone can hold a cluster of up to ten flowers, each with five petals. Thriving in both house and prairie settings, this flower emits a strong honey-like fragrance, attracting pollinators such as bees.

Regal Geranium

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The Regal Geranium, commonly known as Martha Washington, graces patios and gardens, thriving best in enclosed outdoor spaces that enhance its vibrant hues and longevity. With numerous varieties resembling cacti, tulips, and spiky stars, it showcases a diverse array of shades, including pink and white, among others.

Rusty Foxglove

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The Rusty Foxglove, native to Europe, boasts a striking golden-bronze hue with captivating spots inside its petals, attracting pollinators like bees to its stunning spikes of bell-shaped flowers. In gardens, it serves as a wonderful accent, with its beautiful spires acting as architectural highlights.


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Rondeletia, a stunning garden plant, graces the landscape with abundant clusters of pink or red flowers, boasting a distinct yellow neck. Blooming in spring and summer, this scented beauty effortlessly attracts butterflies, moths, and birds, adding vibrancy to your yard.

Red Campion

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Red Catchfly, also known as Red Campion, captivates with its distinctive pink-red hue and lovely five-petal blooms. The petals form a notched tube encircled by a purple-brown calyx, reaching a maximum width of two centimeters. This flower opens during the day, attracting bees and butterflies, making it a delightful summer sight in wooded areas and along roadsides.

Rose of Sharon

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The Rose of Sharon, despite its misleading name, is not a true rose and doesn’t come from Sharon. Native to Asia, this beautiful plant features various single, double, or semi-double variations with flat or frilly petals. Blooming from summer to fall, its flowers showcase enchanting hues of red, pink, or violet.

Russian Sage

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Russian Sage, with its lavender to purple or purple-blue flowers arranged in spiky clusters, adds a charming touch to gardens. Supported by silvery white stems and grayish-green leaves, it thrives in sunny conditions, requiring minimal effort for maintenance while boasting long-lasting blooms.

Red Valerian

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Red Valerian, commonly known as Jupiter’s Beard, graces the Mediterranean region with its pinkish-red allure, occasionally appearing entirely white. Drawing various pollinators, it provides a reliable nectar source. Resilient and adaptable, it thrives in diverse conditions, enhancing walls, rocks, or gardens with its naturalized charm.

Redvein Enkianthus

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The Redvein Enkianthus, also known as Furin-tsutsuji, resembles an inflated urn and graces your garden from late spring to mid-summer. The delicate clusters of bell-shaped flowers, adorned with red veins, carry a light fragrance that captivates. This enchanting flower not only adds cheerfulness to your garden but also attracts hummingbirds and bees with its nectar. As the blossoms fade, little brown capsules emerge, adding visual interest to the landscape.

Rock Trumpet

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The Rock Trumpet, or Mandevilla, is a stunning flower celebrated for its remarkable tenacity. It graces landscapes with prolonged blooms, showcasing vibrant hues such as red, yellow, pink, and even a pristine white variety. Admire its beauty persisting throughout spring and summer.

Roundleaf Liverleaf

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The Roundleaf Liverleaf, an early woodland wildflower, charms with its bowl-like blooms in hues of light blue, lavender, white, purple, or pink. Thriving in wooded areas, it closes during overcast days and nights, gracing the landscape from March to May.


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The Rosemallow boasts the exotic allure of tropical hibiscus with large plate-sized flowers. Hardy and moisture-loving, its five-petaled blossoms, adorned with a golden stamen, span 6-8 inches. Varieties include pink, peach, and bi-colors.

Rocket Larkspur

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The Rocket Larkspur, aren’t just beautiful; they have a historical significance. In the past, they adorned Egyptian mummies. The unique backward spur of its tightly packed blossoms makes it a timeless favorite in ornamental gardens worldwide.

Roof Iris

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The Roof Iris, discovered on Japanese roofs in the 1860s, earned its name from this unique habitat. With bluish or purplish flowers, including a white variant, it lacks the beard seen in other iris species but boasts a large, fringed crest. Blooming in April and May, its floral spectacle lasts for around two weeks.

Red Hot Poker

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Red Hot Pokers, also known as “torch lilies,” are famous for their tall flower spikes in vibrant shades of red, yellow, and more. Thriving in full sun, the flowers transition from red or orange to yellow as they mature, creating a stunning display of three hues on each stalk. While not true lilies, these captivating flowers grace gardens for several weeks with their brilliant clusters.


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The Restharrow, with its pointed spines, might not be a garden favorite, but its adorable appearance resembling a butterfly with pretty wings makes it unique. The pink blossoms cluster on tiny shoots, and observable hairs adorn the calyx. Blooming from May to October, it emits a partially disagreeable, slightly sweet scent during this season.

Russelia Equisetiformis

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Russelia Equisetiformis, commonly known as the Firecracker Plant, is a distinctive semi-shrub with horsetail-like stems, native to Central America. With its red, tubular flowers in umbrella-like clusters, it reaches a height of about 1 meter. This plant thrives in warm, well-ventilated conditions, tolerating direct sunlight and moderate cold. Its ornamental appeal makes it popular for pot decorations in various settings, adding vibrancy to venues, halls, balconies, and flower stands, particularly in subtropical regions during the summer season.

Rafflesia Arnoldii

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The Rafflesia Arnoldii, or Corpse Flower, a parasitic herbaceous plant, lacks chlorophyll and thrives in tropical regions. It forms mycelium-like structures, absorbing nutrients from host plants. With the world’s largest bloom, it emits a foul odor resembling decaying flesh. Facing endangerment due to deforestation and its brief blooming period, conservation efforts are crucial.

Ranunculus Asiaticus

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The perennial herb Ranunculus Asiaticus, or Asian Buttercup, with spindle-shaped tuberous roots, blooms in vibrant colors from April to May. Native to Asia and Europe, it thrives in cooler climates and well-draining soil. Caution is advised due to its poisonous nature.

Rehmannia Glutinosa

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Rehmannia Glutinosa, the Chinese Foxglove, boasts a yellow rootstock and purplish-red stem. Its ovate leaves and racemose flowers bloom from April to July. Valued in Southeast Asia, it’s part of the “Four Major Huai Medicines” exchanged as precious gifts. With both fresh and dried variants, historical records highlight its medicinal significance, offering hemostasis, fluid production, and cooling properties. Additionally, it finds use in natural floral arrangements.

Renanthera Coccinea

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Renanthera Coccinea, the Flame Orchid, displays vibrant red flowers resembling flames. Native to China and Southeast Asia, it thrives in warm, humid conditions and is an endangered species with ornamental significance.

Rhipsalidopsis Gaertneri

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The Easter Cactus, or Rhipsalidopsis Gaertneri, is an epiphytic succulent with flattened dark green stems. Native to South America, its deep red flowers bloom radially. Thriving in a warm, humid environment, it’s popular for indoor potting in Europe and the USA, adding to air freshness with its CAM (Crassulacean Acid Metabolism) pathway. Propagation is through cuttings and grafting, making it an attractive addition to balconies, windowsills, and tables.


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Rhododendron, or Azalea, a deciduous shrub, showcases leathery leaves and vibrant, funnel-shaped flowers in rose, red, or dark red hues. Widespread across Europe, Asia, and North America, it thrives in acidic soil and shaded environments. A symbol of prosperity and happiness, azaleas hold medicinal value and detect toxic gases, making them significant in both culture and nature.

Rhododendron Anthopogonoides

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Rhododendron Anthopogonoides, known as “Liet Xiang,” is a fragrant variety cultivated from a crossbreed by Mr. J.R. Finlay of New Zealand. Introduced in 1986, its pale pink flowers deepen to dark red with large petals. Occasionally, stamens resemble petals. The anthers are golden yellow, and the filaments are milky white. With a strong fragrance, medium-sized blooms, and gray-green leaves, it has a vigorous growth habit, flowering from February to April.

Rhododendron Aureum

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Rhododendron Aureum, the “Golden Leatherleaf Rhododendron,” is an evergreen dwarf shrub with horizontally growing stems and leathery leaves. Thriving in alpine meadows at elevations of 1000-2506 meters, it blooms in May to June, bearing pale yellow bell-shaped flowers with distinctive red-spotted lobes. Found in regions spanning China, Russia, Mongolia, North Korea, and Japan, this species is cultivated for its economic significance.

Rhododendron Dauricum

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The Dahurian Rhododendron, or Rhododendron dauricum, is a semi-evergreen shrub reaching 2 meters in height. With nearly leathery oval leaves, it blooms in pink or purplish-red hues from May to June, fruiting in July. Found in China, Mongolia, Japan, North Korea, and Russia, it thrives under deciduous pine and birch forests. The ornamental flowers yield fragrant oils, and its medicinal properties include antitussive and expectorant effects, with tannins in stems, branches, and fruits for tannic acid production.

Rhododendron Decorum

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The Great White Rhododendron, or Rhododendron Decorum, is an evergreen shrub native to China and northeastern Myanmar. Growing up to 5 meters tall, it thrives in elevations between 1000-4000 meters. With thick, leathery leaves and umbrella-shaped inflorescences, it blooms from April to June, with fruiting in September to October. Propagated through seeding, cuttings, and grafting, it prefers humid conditions and slightly acidic, well-draining soil. Medicinally, its roots and leaves promote blood circulation and relieve pain, treating conditions like leucorrhea and rheumatic pain. Prolific in bloom, it’s also suitable for ornamental planting beside roads, rocks, and riverbanks.

Rhododendron Degronianum

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Rhododendron Degronianum, the Snow Mountain Rose or “Avalanche,” is a high-end white rose variety with flowers ranging from pale green to pristine white. Cultivated in Yunnan and Taiwan, it symbolizes purity, nobility, and innocence.

Rhododendron Fortunei

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Rhododendron Fortunei, the Cloud Brocade Rhododendron, is an evergreen shrub or small tree native to China, reaching up to 12 meters tall. With stout yellow-green branches, glossy dark green leaves, and pink funnel-shaped flowers, it thrives at altitudes of 620-2000 meters. Cold-hardy and preferring a mild climate, it’s ideal for sunny ridges or shaded forest areas. Blooming from April to May, it produces rough-textured oval fruits from August to October. This ornamental plant with large, fragrant flowers is perfect for gardens, providing beauty and a touch of elegance.

Rhododendron Indicum

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Rhododendron Indicum, the Gao Yue Azalea, is a semi-evergreen shrub native to India and Japan, widely cultivated in China. Growing 1-2 meters tall, its twigs are initially covered in reddish-brown coarse hair, fading over time. Blooming bright red or rose-red flowers in a broad funnel shape, it’s colloquially called “Cuckoo” due to blooming with the cuckoo’s song. Thriving in shade and preferring a cool environment, it’s known for medicinal properties, treating various ailments. Suitable for diverse environments, it symbolizes joy internationally, but in Chinese culture, some avoid it due to the belief in bad omens associated with the phrase “cuckoo bleeds.”

Rhododendron Latoucheae

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Rhododendron Latoucheae, the Deer Antler Azalea, is an evergreen shrub or small tree reaching up to 7 meters. With slender, hairless twigs and oval to elongated lanceolate leaves, it blooms from March to June and fruits from July to October. Found in various parts of China, it grows at altitudes of 1000-2000 meters in mixed forests and on slopes. The roots and flower buds are used medicinally, possessing sweet and sour taste, warm nature, and properties that alleviate pain, clear heat, detoxify, and invigorate blood. Effective in treating conditions like rheumatic pain, lung abscesses, hemorrhage, eczema, and boils.

Rhododendron Lutescens

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Rhododendron Lutescens, the Yellow Azalea, is an evergreen shrub native to China, featuring slender branches and lanceolate leaves. Blooming yellow, funnel-shaped flowers in March and April, it’s also known as “Three Qian Three” due to its toxicity. Found in moist mixed forests on limestone slopes, its roots and flowers, while medicinally used for reducing swelling and relieving pain, are highly toxic. Ingesting even a small amount can lead to severe poisoning, causing symptoms like vomiting, difficulty in breathing, and numbness, with severe cases posing life-threatening risks. Caution is crucial due to its potent toxicity.

Rhododendron Molle

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Rhododendron Molle, or Soft Azalea, is a deciduous shrub with papery leaves, growing up to 2 meters tall. Blooming vibrant yellow flowers with red spots, it thrives in hillside grasslands or mixed forests up to 1000 meters. Native to China and Japan, it holds both medicinal and economic value. Despite its toxicity, it’s widely cultivated and serves as a parent for various azalea horticultural varieties. The Soft Azalea’s beauty and versatility make it a valuable addition to gardens and horticultural practices.

Rhododendron Mucronulatum

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Rhododendron Mucronulatum, the Korean Rhododendron, is a deciduous shrub native to China, Mongolia, Japan, North Korea, and Russia. Thriving in mountainous shrubs between 300–900 meters, it’s cold-resistant and drought-tolerant. With slender branches and elongated oval leaves, it blooms light reddish-purple flowers from April to June. Medicinally, it treats cold symptoms, headaches, coughs, asthma, and bronchitis. The plant’s versatility extends to aromatic oil extraction from its fragrant flowers and use as green manure. Its adaptability and medicinal properties make it a valuable addition to various landscapes and applications.

Rhododendron Obtusum

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Rhododendron Obtusum, the Hiryu Azalea, is an evergreen shrub native to Japan. With glossy ovate leaves and bright red, fragrant, funnel-shaped flowers blooming in April and May, it’s a cultivated species with numerous variants. Thriving in slightly acidic soil and warm, humid climates, it’s sensitive to high temperatures and direct sunlight. Propagated through cuttings, it’s commonly used for ornamental purposes in gardens, parks, and as potted plants or bonsai, showcasing its versatility and aesthetic appeal.

Rhododendron Pulchrum

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Rhododendron Pulchrum, the Exquisite Rhododendron, is a semi-evergreen shrub native to China, reaching 1.5-2.5 meters. Its branches are pale gray-brown with rough hairs. The thin-leathery leaves, varying in shape, have a dark green upper surface. Flowers in umbrella-like clusters bloom from April to May. Thriving in cool, moist, and semi-shaded environments, it’s intolerant to direct sunlight and high temperatures. The Exquisite Rhododendron, besides its ornamental value, serves multiple purposes—from its hard wood for tools to medicinal uses for roots and leaves. It aids in soil and water conservation in mountainous regions and showcases a diverse range of applications.

Rhododendron Radendum

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Rhododendron Radendum, the “Hairy Rhododendron,” is a semi-evergreen shrub, growing 2-5 meters tall. Distinguished by young branches densely covered in light brown, flat, rough hairs, it blooms funnel-shaped, rose-colored flowers with deep purplish-red spots from April to May. Found in provinces like Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and Jiangxi in China, it thrives in cool, moist environments with ample sunlight. Its ornamental charm makes it suitable for mass planting, enhancing landscapes with its distinctive foliage and vibrant blooms.

Rhododendron Russatum

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Rhododendron Russatum, an evergreen dwarf shrub, forms a mat or semi-prostrate shape, ranging from 0.3 to 1.5 meters in height. Densely covered with light brown stalked scales, its leathery leaves vary in shape and color. The umbellate clusters of 6-10 flowers, with broad funnel-shaped corollas in purple-blue, indigo, purple, or rose hues, bloom from May to June. Found in rocky slopes, cliffs, and high-altitude rhododendron thickets in China and Myanmar, it’s valued for its vibrant flowers and hybrid varieties, making it a prized horticultural asset.

Rhododendron Simiarum

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Rhododendron Simiarum, commonly known as the “Monkey-head Rhododendron,” is an evergreen shrub reaching 2 to 5 meters in height. Thriving in the southwestern part of East China, it prefers altitudes of 500 to 1600 meters, flourishing in cool, moist climates and acidic soil. With ovate-lanceolate leaves and terminal umbellate inflorescences, it blooms from April to May, with white to pink flowers and elongated-oval fruit. Found in broad-leaved forests, Monkey-head Rhododendron forests, like the “Ten-mile Rhododendron Corridor” in Jinggang Mountain, offer a refreshing spectacle during the blooming season, attracting visitors and promoting forest tourism.

Rhodomyrtus Tomentosa

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Rhodomyrtus Tomentosa, or the Downy Rose Myrtle, is a shrub of the Myrtaceae family, reaching up to 2 meters. With elliptical leaves and purple-red flowers in April and May, its berries turn purplish-black when ripe. Originating from the Mediterranean and the Middle East, it thrives in warm, humid conditions and acidic soils. The plant has cultural significance, linked to a survival tale during wartime, earning the name “escape ration” or, through misinterpretation, “peach myrtle.” Used in traditional medicine for its alleged ability to nourish and stop bleeding, its stable pigment makes it a potential natural colorant. Legends associate it with Aphrodite, the Love Goddess, and Romans used it decoratively in wedding feasts.

Rieger Begonias

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Rieger Begonias, horticultural hybrids resulting from a cross between tuberous begonias and a Central Asian species, are compact perennials with fleshy stems, ovate leaves, and vibrant flowers in various colors. Originally from Germany, they thrive in warm climates with moist, well-drained soil. Cultivated in southern China, they’re prized for indoor and outdoor ornamental purposes, displaying their beauty in pots, hanging arrangements, flower beds, and terraces. Their blooming period from fall to winter adds a splash of color to diverse landscapes. Proper care involves avoiding strong sunlight, ensuring drainage, and maintaining a temperature range of 16-30°C.

Rosa Banksiae

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Rosa Banksiae, or Lady Banks’ Rose, is a climbing shrub reaching 6 meters in height. Its cylindrical, thorned twigs bear elliptical leaves. Umbrella-like clusters of white, double to semi-double flowers bloom April-May. Native to China, it grows near streams and roadsides at 500-1,300 meters. Cultivated nationwide, it’s valued for aromatic oils used in perfumes. A popular ornamental, it’s suitable for hedges and trellises. The root and leaves possess medicinal properties, known for astringency, diarrhea relief, and hemostatic effects.

Rosa Chinensis

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Rosa Chinensis, the Chinese Rose, is an evergreen shrub native to China. Its glossy, pinnate leaves come in deep green. Flowers, single or double, vary in colors from red to white, yellow, pink, and rose-red. The oval rose hips turn red when ripe. Blooming from April to September, it earned names like “Monthly Red” and “Eternal Spring Flower.” Thriving in various soils, it prefers slightly acidic sandy loam, tolerates cold and drought, and grows best in sunny, warm climates. Known for medicinal properties, it stimulates blood circulation, reduces swelling, detoxifies, and invigorates blood, often used in gynecology.

Rosa Chinensis Jacq.

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Juice Balcony Rosa chinensis Jacq., a Dutch-bred miniature rose variety, stands out for its prolonged blooming season, large color-changing flowers, and consistent flowering. Ideal for compact urban balconies, it thrives even in 15-20 cm pots. Despite its small size, it demands abundant sunlight and occasional shading during intense mid-day sun to safeguard against excessive sunlight.

Rosa Chinensis ‘Cai Yun’

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Cai Yun Rosa Chinensis ‘Cai Yun’ is an exquisite hybrid tea rose introduced in Japan in 1980. Its distinctive feature is the bicolor petals—deep pink on the front, intensifying into red hues, and a golden yellow on the backside. With around 45 non-fragrant petals, the large flowers are visually stunning. The plant grows upright, responds well to pruning, thrives with heavy fertilization, and exhibits robust disease resistance. It flourishes in full sun and is propagated effectively through grafting.

Rosa Chinensis Minima

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Miniature Rose Rosa Chinensis Minima, a member of the modern roses category, is a petite shrub standing under 20 cm. With upright branches, pinnate compound leaves, and short stems, it boasts small yet vibrant flowers that bloom recurrently at branch tips. Despite its diminutive size, these tiny, brightly colored roses exhibit a remarkable profusion. Perfect for household pot cultivation, they can enhance the aesthetics of living rooms or bedroom balconies with their lively hues.

Rosa Chinensis Viridiflora

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Chu Zhuang Rosa Chinensis Viridiflora, a member of the Rosa genus, showcases an enchanting blend of white bases adorned with soft pink edges. With a moderate petal count and 6 cm flower diameter, it exudes a sweet charm. Demonstrating excellent heat tolerance, it maintains standard blooms even in the summer, enhancing its allure under ample sunlight. Its upright branches make it perfect for cut flowers, and its mild, delightful fragrance complements its graceful demeanor, creating a captivating floral presence.

Rosa Hybridahort

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“Black Magic” Rosa Hybridahort, a captivating variant of the red rose, exhibits a profound, velvety texture with a mesmerizing interplay of deep red and black hues. Its petals create a harmoniously attractive appearance, evoking both luxury and mystery. Resembling the “Carola” variety, the distinct feature of “Black Magic” lies in its intense, almost black, red shade. While maintaining a consistent shape during stable temperatures, it may display a whimsical arrangement on days with notable temperature variations, adding a dynamic touch to its allure.

Rosa ‘Juliet’

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Rosa ‘Juliet’, a David Austin creation, stands as the inaugural cut rose in his renowned collection. Known as the “3 Million Rose,” its vintage charm and unique bouquet shape required over 15 years of dedicated cultivation. Despite its subtle fragrance, ‘Juliet’ is a preferred choice for weddings, anniversaries, and special events. Its prolific branches, adorned with perfectly shaped blossoms, make it a standout. Influenced by temperature, summer blooms may be smaller than spring ones. With ample sunlight, vibrant colors and a mild, refreshing scent emerge. ‘Juliet’ boasts thick, robust stems, but caution is advised against powdery mildew and red spider mites. Overall, it demonstrates resilience to diseases.

Rosa Laevigata

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Rosa Laevigata, commonly called “Golden Cherry,” is an evergreen climbing shrub with red-yellow to reddish-brown fruits, adorned with brown spots. The disc-shaped blossom features a slender yellow column tapering at the base.

Upon cutting, the inner wall of the receptacle is slightly thick, containing numerous hard, slim fruits coated in yellow fuzz. Named for its small, cherry-sized fruits and ripe golden hue, it’s native to China and thrives in various environments. Adaptable to different soils, it prefers loose, fertile, sandy soils. Reproduction can be sexual or asexual, with cutting propagation being common.

Rosa Nigra

80 Flowers That Start With R (With Pictures and Info) (62)

The Black Rose, Rosa Nigra, stands out with its deep, almost black hue, gaining popularity for its mysterious beauty. Varieties like “Black Magic” boast symmetrical, luxurious blossoms with a red-black velvet feel, while “Black Beauty” features intricate, delicate blooms with a dark red shimmer and velvety black luster. Their unique charm captivates admirers upon closer inspection, making them a distinctive choice for floral arrangements.

Rosa Rubus

80 Flowers That Start With R (With Pictures and Info) (63)

Rosa Rubus, a distinctive plant in the rose family, exhibits various medicinal uses. Its root bark contains tannins, while young branches are softly hairy. Blooming from April to June, its white-petaled flowers form conical clusters, leading to shiny scarlet or purplish-brown rosehips from July to September.

Widely distributed in China, Rosa Rubus thrives on slopes, roadsides, and in meadows. With different parts offering medicinal benefits, from stomach ailments with its flowers to detoxification with its fruit, it holds significance in traditional medicine. The plant’s versatile applications also extend to culinary use, as its tender stems and leaves can enhance fresh dishes, and its fruit can be transformed into wine or jam through fermentation.

Rosa Xanthina

80 Flowers That Start With R (With Pictures and Info) (64)

Rosa Xanthina, known as the single-petaled yellow prickly rose, is a native Chinese species, serving as the ancestor for cultivated yellow prickly rose varieties. This upright shrub features sprawling branches with occasional thorns, and broad ovate leaves. The single-petaled flowers, emerging individually, showcase yellow, broadly ovate petals. The fruit, nearly spherical, adopts purplish-brown or blackish-brown hues. Blooming from April to June, with fruiting from July to August, Rosa Xanthina thrives on sunny slopes or amid shrubs in its natural habitat.

Rosa Xanthina Lindl

80 Flowers That Start With R (With Pictures and Info) (65)

Rosa xanthina Lindl, an upright shrub from the Rosaceae family, stands at 2-3 meters. The robust branches bear broadly ovate, serrated leaves with sparse hairs. Flowers, double or semi-double petaled, adorn the shrub in yellow hues. The fruit, purplish-brown or blackish-brown, appears from July to August. Flourishing in northern China, it prefers sunlight but tolerates partial shade, resisting cold and thriving in loose, fertile soil. Resilient to drought, saline-alkaline soils, and pests, it’s often found on sunny slopes or amid shrubs. Used in traditional medicine, it’s valued for various health benefits.

Rosa”Crown Princess Margareta”

80 Flowers That Start With R (With Pictures and Info) (66)

Rosa “Crown Princess Margareta” is a rose variety standing at 120 centimeters, boasting a flower diameter of 10 centimeters with 20-28 petals. Initially white with a pearl-pink center, it evolves into an elegant bloom with wavy petals and golden stamens. Its fragrance, rich and spicy with citrus undertones, enhances its allure. The upright shrub, adorned with shiny dark green leaves, displays resilience against rain, powdery mildew, and moderate resistance to black spot disease.

Rotheca Myricoides

80 Flowers That Start With R (With Pictures and Info) (67)

Rotheca Myricoides, known as Blue Butterfly, is a plant from the Verbenaceae family. Resembling dancing butterflies, its square, purplish-brown branches support ovate-lanceolate leaves with serrated margins. Blooms showcase a spectrum from light blue to purple, creating a visual spectacle. With a preference for loamy soil and temperatures between 23-32℃, it thrives in Uganda’s climate. Propagation through cutting during spring and autumn enhances its elegant presence in gardens, parks, and decorative pots, bringing nature’s beauty to balconies, terraces, and living spaces.

Rock Cress

80 Flowers That Start With R (With Pictures and Info) (68)

Springtime welcomes an abundance of Rock Cress, offering various hues such as pink and lavender. Beyond its aesthetic appeal, the nectar-rich blooms attract butterflies. Thriving as edging, ground cover, and on slopes, Rock Cress is not just visually pleasing but also edible.

Roman Chamomile

80 Flowers That Start With R (With Pictures and Info) (69)

Roman Chamomile, with its small white flowers resembling daisies and golden centers, spreads like a captivating carpet. Ideal as ground cover, it adds beauty between patio tiles, emitting a pleasant apple-like scent that attracts beneficial insects.

Round-leaved Sundew

80 Flowers That Start With R (With Pictures and Info) (70)

The Round-leaved Sundew is intriguing with its reddish leaves often mistaken for flowers, yet they are slender stems. With five distinct petals, this flower exhibits a spectrum of 3–25 blooms on a bare stem, available in pink or white, gracing the landscape from June through August.

Reticulated Iris

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The Reticulated Iris, adorned in purple with golden touches and occasional white streaks, mirrors its Iris counterparts. Boasting three erect petals and three gracefully drooping ones, it blooms from March to April, lending a delightful fragrance to early spring gardens.

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80 Flowers That Start With R (With Pictures and Info) (2024)


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