83 Names of Flowers in Alphabetical Order {A-Z + PHOTOS} (2024)

Flowers or blossoms or bloom is the reproductive structure in angiosperms. The primary duty of the flower is reproduction. They make it possible for sperm to meet with eggs.

Scientists call this process pollination. Many flowers have one thing in common, they attract animals: insects, birds, and even humans. These animals help in spreading the pollen grain from the flower.

Once fertilization takes place, the flower's ovary changes to become a fruit with seeds. Flowers are objects of love, religion, ritual medicine and can also be a food source.

In this article, we will furnish you with the names of flowers in alphabetical order. We will be talking about names of flowers that starts with A-Z, alongside their pictures so you will get to know what they look like.

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Names of Flowers in Alphabetical Order | List of Flowers

If you've ever imagined if there are plants or flowers whose names begin with each later of the 26 alphabets (A to Z), you will like this post.

Below are different names of flowers in alphabetical order:

1. Abutilon

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The flowers on the abutilon are beautiful to behold. The flower has a bell-like shape. You can find them either standing alone, paired, or in little inflorescences on the leaves.

The flower grows in the wild and is usually orange or red. Sometimes you can find one that is pinkish or red.

2. Aconite

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You must have heard of this beautiful killer. It is a flower of outstanding beauty, but it is poisonous. This does not stop people from cultivating it still.

The flowers are normally yellow, but you can find one that is bluish-purple, You find aconite more in mountainous areas.

3. African Daisy

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This is a flower that comes in vibrant and diverse colors like blue, gold, and orange. It is a perennial flower with dark shades in the whorls.

It is a member of the daisy or sunflower family. You can call the flower osteospermum or daisy bushes.

The flower loves the soil to be moist else they will hibernate and even when they wake, the flowers won’t bud easily again.

4. Allium

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Allium is a flower that belongs to the same genus as shallot, chives, leek, scallion, and garlic. The flowers form umbels atop a stalk.

The height of the flower is usually between 5 and 150 cm. The best time to plant your allium is in the fall. They bloom in summer and spring. The flowers live long, even after you cut them.

>>Continue Reading: List Of Flowers That Begin With A

5. Baby's Breath

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The scientific name for this flower is Gypsophila repens. Turkey has the largest diversity of baby's breath. This flower is not just for beautification, it is useful for making lab reagents and photographic films.

Because of their beauty, you can find them in bouquets. They are predominantly white, but you can find rose or pink ones.

6. Balloon Flower

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You can also call this flower Chinese bellflower or platycodon. The balloon flower is a perennial and an herb. It has a brief flowering period.

Balloon flowers are usually blue. Some variants come in pale pink or white color. They do not spread quickly and can be mistaken as a weed.

7. Begonia

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This is a special flower in the sense that it comes with leaves that are fleshy. Quite the proud flower with bronze or green color. They are semi-hardy annual plants.

The flower comes in varying sizes. You can find them hanging elegantly in flower baskets and you can also find them low on the ground, having fibrous roots.

8. Brassica

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What if we told you that there are species of kales and cabbages that you can use as ornamental plants? Brassica is one of those.

Some brassica flowers are edible, and they are very colorful. The leaves of the plant are rose, pink, or white colors. Even though brassica can survive in temperate regions, frosts will kill it.

>>Continue Reading: List Of Flowers That Begin With B

9. Calendula

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You may probably know this flowering plant as an English marigold or pot marigold. It sprouts. It is hardy and needs the full glare of the sun.

You will most likely find yellow calendula. Other varieties come as yellow and rarely green. Plant the seed on the ground and watch it germinate and bloom quickly.

10. Camelia

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This sounds like the name of a beautiful princess, and the flower is as beautiful as the name suggests. The leaves are glossy and are evergreens.

The flowers bloom between autumn and spring. The flowers come in varying colors: white, crimson, pink, or a mix of these aforementioned colors. Camellia is a flower that lives long.

11. Cape Leadwort

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This is a climber and an evergreen. You can also call it plumbago. The plant makes flowers that look like stars. They are small and sky blue and bloom between fall and summer.

Because of its climbing nature, it is best you prune the flowers regularly. Your plumbago likes the sun, even though it can manage a light shade.

12. Cerastium Tomentosum

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You can call this plant, Cerastium tomentosumis, snow. It is white and blooms during the summer.

The leaves are silver-grey, and they support the flamboyant white flowers. The plant does not grow tall and it a good weed suppressor.

>>Continue Reading: List Of Flowers That Begin With C

13. Daffodils

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Daffodils are among the most popular flowers on the planet. These bulb plants are quite common with white petals outside and yellow petals inside.

Daffodils are flowers for the month of March. They grow on stems as short as 3 inches and as long as 20 inches. This flower adds so much beauty to your garden if you plant it.

14. Daphne

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Everyone that knows this flower knows they are fragrant. Plant them in pots in place at strategic positions in your house and notice the smell of your home change.

Daphne makes flowers that are like stars, with purple-red colors. They best bloom from February to June. The flowers grow slowly so you do not need to prune regularly.

15. Delphinium

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The delphinium is absolutely stunning, breath-taking beauty that shines in the sun. The height of the flower is usually between 39 and 78 inches, and they produce long-lasting flowers.

Delphinium naturally is a blue flower, but you can find ones with shades of red, pink, and white because of cultivars.

16. Dianthus Barbatus

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You can also call this plant sweet William. It is quite a colorful flower with heads that are large and rounded.

The flowers come in many colors, white, pink, burgundy, and sometimes they come in two colors. Dianthus barbatus has dark eyes in its center. There are tall and dwarf varieties.

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17. Eremurus

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Eremurus or foxtail lily is a beautiful flower. The species that is tallest is Eremerus robustus. It blooms into flowers that look like stars and have colors like pink, yellow, and orange.

You should be careful where you are planting because winds will make the plant suffer and fall.

18. Erica

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People also call Erica alpine heath or winter heath. It is a shrub that is evergreen. The leaves are dark green or bronze. Erica flowers are white, red, or pink.

You can plant the three colors in the garden to give the garden a beautiful outlook. The plan can spread up to 20 inches.

19. Erigeron

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This is a perennial herbaceous plant. Another name for it is Robin's plantain. They were originally in the Eastern and Southern parts of the United States only, but you can find them now in other parts of the world.

The flowers are ray-like and are round about a yellow disc. The color of the flowers is pale violet.

Read Also: How Close Can You Plant Herbs Together?

20. Evening Primrose

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An Oenothera plant is common in cottage gardens. They come in varying colors like pink, yellow, and white colors. Evening primrose flowers can open and then close quickly.

They can do so in 24 hours or fewer. Traditional medics use evening primrose oil, which is from the seeds to treat inflammations and bruises.

>>Continue Reading: List Of Flowers That Begin With E

21. Feverfew

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The feverfew is an aromatic and perennial flower. The flowers bloom in clusters of white and tiny flowers, like the daisy. They bloom throughout summer.

The foliage of feverfew is usually green, but it is not totally strange to see one with golden foliage. You can use the flowers to treat indigestion.

22. Flaming Katy

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Kalanchoe blossfeldiana or flaming Katy is common as a potted plant. The plants have scalloped leaves whose edges are sometimes with a tint of red.

The natural flaming Katy is red, but the hybrid comes in a variety of colors like pink and white. Flaming Katy is not safe for cats and dogs.

23. Four O'clock Flower

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The flower is a member of the Mirabilis family. It was originally from the tropics in America. This includes Texas, Mexico, and Arizona.

People also call them the beauty of the night and Marvel of Peru. The reason its name is four o'clock flower is that it blooms in the evening. The flowers are fragrant and come in pink, red, white, and yellow.

24. French Marigold

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This flower belongs to the Tagets family. It can grow easily and has bright colors like yellow, orange, and red.

French marigold needs a lot of sunlight. The dwarf variety will grow as high as 6b inches and the taller variety can get up to 3 feet.

>>Continue Reading: List Of Flowers That Begin With F

25. Gerbera Flower

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People also call gerbera flowers Transvaal daises. They bloom only in seasons. The blooms occur in orange, yellow, and red.

In the center of the bloom, you will find a disc that is bronze-yellow. The flowers are indigenous to South Africa and love the full glare of the sun.

26. Gladiolas

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You can also call these flowers gladiolus. Just like the flower above, it is indigenous to South Africa even though you can find a few species in Western Asia and the Mediterranean.

There are only 300 species of gladiolas, and most ones available now are hybrids. The flowers come in green, yellow, and pink.

27. Grape Hyacinth

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You can also call this flower the Muscari. It is one of the easiest flowers to grow. The bloom is predominantly blue. A variety of grape hyacinth, plumosum is feathery.

The flowers grow on a spike. On top of the spike, the flowers are pale blue and below the spike, the flowers are deep blue.

>>Continue Reading: List Of Flowers That Begin With G

28. Hibiscus

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You can't argue that this isn't one of the most popular flowers on earth. Hibiscus is deciduous. Its bloom occurs late in summer and the flowers come singly or double.

The colors are purple, pink, white and blue. The hibiscus lives long and is hardy. The Hibiscus plant itself does not spend lots of time developing. It blooms early.

29. Hollyhock

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The scientific name of hollyhock is Alcearosea. Depending on which cultivar the colors are pink, red, or white. It is a flower that is difficult to maintain.

Hollyhock is herbaceous and perennial. If you plant this flower in your garden, be ready to play host to butterflies, hummingbirds, and rabbits.

30. Hydrangea

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This plant blooms many flowers. They bloom in a mushroom or conical clusters. Hydrangea flowers are blue, red, white, or pink and they live longer.

The two most common types are mopheads and lacecaps. Scientists classify the plant as a shrub, and it blooms in summer and spring.

Read Also: How Often Should You Water Hydrangea?

31. Ice Plant

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You can also call this flower Delosperma. It is a flower that is native to South Africa. The flower is a succulent plant, and it spreads a mat that spread as the plant grows.

Ice plants can only grow a few inches from the soil, but they can spread out to 2 feet. The color of the flower is red, purple, and this flower does not like moist environs.

32. Impatiens

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Impatiens or busy Lizzie are beautiful flowers that come in wide varieties. They can thrive in just about any condition: the shade or full sun.

You can plant them in hanging baskets, flower beds, and container gardens. This flower is difficult to grow from the seed. Impatiens' bloom stays for a long time.

33. Ixora

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You can find people calling this flower flame of the woods. The plant has broad leaves that are evergreen, and flowering occurs all year long.

The flowers need to grow on moist and acidic soil. It loves the sun too. The color of the flower is red, and they are easy to maintain.

34. Jacob's Ladder

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You can also call this plant Polemonium. It is a perennial and also a herbaceous plant. They are indigenous to America and the largest bloom occurs from April to June.

Polemonium is blue. It can thrive in partial shade and full sun. It is best you plant your Jacob's ladder in soil with good drainage.

35. Jasmine

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This all too popular flower has two types: the bushy form and the climbing form. If you maintain the flower properly, you will get a generous bloom.

The colors of the flower are pink, white, and yellow. The foliage is green but with cream flushes. You can train the climbing jasmine to climb the trellises as well.

36. Johnny Jump Up Flower

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Funny name, right? These flowers are tiny, delicate flowers whose colors are a mix of yellow and bright purple.

People call it many other funny names like tickle my fancy, jack jump up and kiss me, love in idleness, come and cuddle me, etc.

Johnny jump up flowers are related to pansies and you can grow them easily. Their best location is under a shade.

37. Kaffir Lily

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Kaffir lily or Cliviaminiata is evergreen with long green foliage that covers the flower base. The stem of kaffir lilies can hold 20 flowers.

These flowers have shapes like bells and come in orange color with a touch of yellow. Some hybrids have yellow flowers with cream stripes instead.

38. Kalmia

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Kalmia or mountain laurel is a beautiful flowering plant with broad and evergreen leaves. It is indigenous to the east of America.

The flower can grow really tall, as tall as 15 feet, and the color of the flower is white or rose with purple marks. Mountain laurel grows best on moist grounds and partial shade.

39. Kangaroo Paw

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Anigozanthus plant is also Kangaroo paw. It is native to western Australia and is perennial. The flower blooms in seasons and this bloom produces a yellowish-green flower or red flower.

Kangaroo paw best grows under the full glare of the sun. It will also do well under partial shade. The flowering plant has evergreen leaves. This flower hates frost and loves sandy soils.

40. Lantana

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You can also call this flower shrub verbena. It is indigenous to the tropics in America. Lantana blooms from July till the first frost.

The flowers come in orange, red, purple, yellow, and white. Flower clusters usually have more than one color combination, and the most popular combination is purple and yellow.

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41. Lavatera

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Lavatera or annual mallow is a flower that has a sheen that is silky. The flowers bloom in rose, pink and white color.

There are different varieties of annual mallow and they all have different sizes. They are usually 2 to 4 feet in height. This flower grows rapidly and can do well as a decoration.

42. Lilac Flower

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This flower is a flower that originated in Asia and Europe. They bloom as plumes and grow from May to June.

Lilac has many varieties and these varieties come in different colors like cream, pink, and purple a lilac can be as tall as 10 feet. While the plant can thrive under a shade, it loves the sun more.

43. Maltese Cross

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You can also call this flower Jerusalem Cross. It is red and blossoms quickly. You can plant in areas that do not get enough rainfall and it will thrive.

The flower is indigenous to Serbia and Russia, but it came to other parts of Europe as the crusaders traveled the continent.

44. Matthiola

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The scientific name of this flower is Matthiola tricuspidate. You can also call the flower Brompton stock. It is a glower with such a pleasant fragrance.

Matthiola grows above other foliage and has pastel colors even though you can find shades of red and purple, the flower is a biennial and loves the full glare of the sun.

45. Moraea

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The nickname of this flower is peaco*ck iris or butterfly iris. It is native to Africa. This plant is somewhat hard to grow. Employ the services of an expert florist.

The peaco*ck iris has three petals outside and another three inside, which are smaller. The plant blooms white flowers with blue and yellow spots inside.

46. Narcissus

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This genus of flowers has a lot of cultivars and species. The commonest species in this genus is the daffodil. Narcissus is mainly yellow, but you can as well see cream and pink narcissus.

The plants come also in varying heights. The cream color flower has orange petals inside that contrast beautifully with the cream color.

47. Nemophilia

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This is a beautiful flower that some people call baby blue eyes. It is best to grow the flower in autumn or spring. The colors of Nemophilia are black, white, sky blue. Nemophilia does not grow over 8 inches.

What it lacks in height, it makes up for it by spreading and making a carpet. The foliage of the plant is feathery. Plant them in soil with proper drainage.

48. Nolana

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This flower has another name, Chilean bellflower. It is part of the family of nightshades, even though they look like the glory family.

Nolana can thrive where other flowers can't. They love heat and can do well in the desert. It blooms very blue flowers. Chilean bellflowers look like trumpets and can thrive in hanging baskets.

49. Ornamental Cherry

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The tree ornamental cherry is huge with evergreen shrubs. It can grow to 14 feet tall, but this height depends on the variety.

The flowers bloom in red and white. They may be double or single. You can plant the smaller varieties and they will thrive in the garden.

50. Osteospermum

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You plant this flower for the seed, or you can buy a young one and grow it. Winter is not much of a problem with the flower. It can bloom during winter perfectly.

The color of osteospermum is white, and it loves the sun a lot. Many people refer to this flower as African daisy and as daisy bushes.

51. Oyster Plant

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Many people have different names for oyster plant-like Tradescantia spathacea, boat lily, or Moses inside a basket. The flower is indigenous to the United States. Oyster blooms quickly with white blooms.

They are seasonal bloomers, and they all bloom in white or blue. It is also a seasonal flower that you can also find them in central and South Northern America.

52. Pansy

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These sets of flowers are quite colorful. They are famous for being cool climate flowers. They thrive best in fall and spring. Pansy often comes with multi-colors.

These colors can be purple, red, yellow, and blue. It is best you plant pansy on loamy soil. The flower can thrive in partial shade or the full glare of the sun.

53. Peace Lily

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Peace lilies are flowers that are members of the Araceae family. They are perennials and bloom white flowers. The flowers are easy to grow.

Peace lily loves the shade but won’t complain when it receives the full heat of the sun. It is best you keep the soil for peace lily moist.

54. Penstemon Flower

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This plant is for popular beardtongue plants. The flowers have tubular or funnel shapes. Penstemon comes in many colors like white, pink, red, purple, and blue.

You can get the best bloom from fall to summer. The base color of the penstemon flower is usually different from its throat.

55. Queen Anne's Lace

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This flower and carrots belong to the same family. The plant is a herb and also a wildflower. Queen Anne's lace is indigenous to America.

These flowers look like toxic plant hemlock. This flower can grow just about anywhere, and it still looks good when dried. The flowers are tiny in clusters and are white.

56. Queen's Cup

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Queen's cup is a flower indigenous to America and a wildflower. The plant blooms a flower that hangs on top of a slim stalk.

You can hear people call the flower bride's bonnet, and the scientific name for the flower is Clintonia uniflora. The flowers look like lances and in the summer; it produces blueberries which are not safe for human consumption.

57. Quince

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Quince is a shrub or tree which produces fruits. It is native to Western Asia and blooms from April to May. The flowers it blooms are pale pink or white.

Quince flowers can stand the full glare of the sun and partial shade. Its soil’s requirement is soil with proper drainage, fertile, and moderately moist.

58. Rondeletis

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In some places, they know this flower as Panama rose. It is a small or huge tree depending on the species. The flowers form in clusters and are fragrant.

They also have enough nectar and attract butterflies. The color is usually pink, and they send out fragrances in the evening and in the morning.

59. Rose

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We can beat our chest and say that the rose the world's most famous flower. Everyone knows that there is a flower with the name rose.

Rose however is not just a flower, there are many varieties of rose, but they all have the same thing in common-flamboyant flowers. The colors range from pink to blue.

The time the rose blooms depends on the species, but they are usually in autumn, summer, and spring.

60. Rose of Sharon

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Rose of Sharon or Hibiscus syriacus is a flower that blooms from June to October. And the flowers are pink with red dots.

The rose of Sharon is indigenous to Japan and China and they can grow quite tall-up to 12 feet. The sun can do well under full sun or partial shade. These flowers will also attract butterflies and birds to your garden.

>>Continue Reading: List Of Flowers That Begin With R

61. Saint John's Wort

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This saintly flower is indigenous to Asia and Europe. It can grow to a shrub that is 3 to 4 feet tall. Saint John’s wort is a wildflower and is yellow.

You can find people calling Saint John’s wort many names like hypericum, goat weed, and god's wonder plant. This flower is vital in the treatment of depression and insomnia issues.

62. Scilla

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This flower is indigenous to Africa, Europe, Asia, and the Middle East. You can also call it the Siberian squill. It is of the Asparagaceae family.

You can find scilla almost anywhere from seashores to forests and fields. The flower blooms best in April. The leaves are green, and the flowers are a vivid blue.

63. Silene

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This flower is perennial and from Caryophyllaceae which people call catchfly or campion. People call it a catchfly because the stem is sticky and can actually catch insects.

The flower is native to Europe and has a height of 14 inches. The flowers in the bloom are purple or pink.

>>Continue Reading: List Of Flowers That Begin With S

64. Tea Rose

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Some people opine that this is a modern rose. And how true they are because this flower was gotten by crossing some other rose varieties.

It is best you grow your tea rose in gardens and greenhouses. The flowers bloom in plenty of colors and they have such sweet fragrance that you could almost eat them.

65. Tiger Flower

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This flower is indigenous to Mexico and Chile. It is part of the iris family and grows just 2 feet. The leaves of the plants are like lance or swords.

You can also call this flower tiger iris, peaco*ck flower, or Mexican bellflower. The flower blooms in red, white, orange, yellow, and pink. The center is mostly with spots.

66. Tulip Flower

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Here is another popular flower on the list. The best time to pant the tulip is in autumn. They are perennials that are hardy. Tulips grow from bulbs. Tulips tell us that spring has come, and they show off their colorful nature.

The Tulip colors are purple, pink, and white. The best thing to do is to plant different colors and varieties to make your garden more beautiful.

>>Continue Reading: List Of Flowers That Begin With T

67. Urn Flower

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People also call this flower a silver vase. It is native to the South American rain forest and is from the family of bromeliad. Urn flowers are one of those flowers people see as exotic.

They have dark green foliage and white or silver markings. The flower comes in pink shades and markings.

68. Ursinia

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This flower is indigenous to South Africa. You can grow them from seeds because they grow easily and can serve as a bedding plant.

The bloom of the flowers starts in July and ends in September. The colors of the bloom are yellow and orange with the center having a dark ring.

69. Uva Ursi

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This plant is hardy and creeps. It also serves well as a ground cover. The flower blooms from April to May. Uva Ursi has concave shapes, they drop in clusters downward.

Some part of the flowers that are green become berries and turn red during autumn. These berries are edible for wildlife and animals.

>>Continue Reading: List Of Flowers That Begin With U

70. Verbena

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This flower is tuberous and perennial. It adds life to flower gardens, pots, and borders. The colors of this flower are blue, pink, purple, red, and blue.

These flowers have attractive florets which adds a new shade to the colors of the flower when they mature. Verbena hits the ground quickly immediately you plant it.

71. Viola

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You can use this flower as a border or as a potted flower. Viola is a perennial or annual plant, depending on the variety.

The flower can come in one color and also with double colors. These flowers can stand chilly temperatures.

72. Virginia Creeper

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This plant is a vine and a creeper, just as the name suggests. It will either grow across the garden floor or grow upwards. The plant has leaflets with 5 leaves with serrated edges.

Small flowers that are green show up from June to August and then blueberries show up later. These berries are edible for wildlife.

>>Continue Reading: List Of Flowers That Begin With V

73. Water Lily

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The water lily is one plant that can grow on freshwater in tropical and temperate climates. There are 58 other species like that.

Water lilies look like they are floating on water, but they are actually held by stems whose roots are inside the mud. The flowers are solitary and look like yellow cups in between green leaves.

Read Also: Types of Plants In The Ocean

74. Winterberry

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This flower is an exceptional addition to natural and bird gardens. Canterbury is from the holly family, which is native to the North-eastern part of America.

It is dioecious, so pollination has to occur between two different plants. In the summer, the plant blooms small white flowers. These flowers turn to red berries during winter.

75. Woolly Violet

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Viola sororia or woolly violet is a small and perennial wildflower which blooms during spring. It is indigenous to Northern América.

You find the flower growing at the edge of fields and woods. They grow near the ground. The color of the flowers is violet, dark violet, or blue. The flowers have veins that are violet too.

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76. Xerophyllum

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This flower also belongs to the family of lilies. You can plant it as seeds or as rhizomes. The flower is perennial and blossoms from spring to summer.

It produces white flowers. You can also call the flower bear grass, elk grass, or saw grass. Natives use the leaf fibers to make clothing and baskets.

77. Xylobium

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Most people call this flower Xyl. It belongs to the family of Orchidaceae orchids. The flower has over 34 species. XYL comes in many colors and formations.

The album from the tropical regions of south and central America has woody stems, 3 leaves that grow out from one long pseudo-bulb.

78. Xylosma

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It is one species that make up the 100 plants of the Flacourtia family. The flower is indigenous to tropical areas of the world.

Xylosma serves as hedge plants and topiary plants and caterpillars love feeding on them a lot. This plant has shiny leaves. Growing leaves have a bronze color and full-grown leaves have a yellowish-green color. The flower has a fine scent.

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79. Yellow Archangel

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This is one of the fastest-growing flowers on the list. It stays close to the ground and is a perennial. The leaves are semi-evergreen even though some are evergreen.

Yellow angel has other names like dummy nettle, Herman's pride, or silver frost. The last name is because of the flower's variegated foliage. The flower's color is yellow.

80. Yellow Bell

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It is easy and does not cost much to take care of the yellow bell. The plant is a flowering shrub and a perennial. Yellow bells can grow up to 20 feet and as wide as 10 feet.

You can also call it by the names, singer Thomas, yellow bells, and yellow elder. This flower belongs to the family of Tecoma.

Yellow bells produce yellow flowers that grow in clusters and hang down from branches. They have shapes like a trumpet.

81. Yellow-eyed Grass

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The yellow-eyed grass is indigenous to the southern coast of California. It is a perennial, and it belongs to the family Iris. The flower does not grow much.

It only grows up to 8 inches. The flowers bloom in c clusters and can spread well. As the flowers bloom in May and then June, they attract bees and butterflies.

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82. Zenobia Flower

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A semi-evergreen that thrives south of the United States. If the weather is favorable, Zenobia can grow up to 10 feet. You will find people calling it a honey cup or dusty Zenobia.

The plant blooms white flowers that look like bells, and this blooming occurs from May to June. Zenobia is almost like the lily of the valley flower. The leaves look waxy.

83. Zinnias

83 Names of Flowers in Alphabetical Order {A-Z + PHOTOS} (83)

You can also call this flower Mexican daisy. Zinnias grow from the seed and they bloom into plenteous and beautiful flowers late in summer.

The plant has varying sizes and colors. They come as singles, doubled, and crested. Gardeners use zinnias for landscape planting. If you want to get butterflies into your garden, plant zinnias.

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Recommended Readings:

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Conclusion | Flowers That Starts With A-Z

We have listed the names of flowers in alphabetical order. The list is not all-encompassing, but it has many flowers that you can cultivate to make your garden beautiful.

Only a few of the flowers on this list are edible for plants and animals, so ensure that your pets and kids stay away from them except if it has been otherwise stated.

There are many other names of flowers that starts with a-z, but we hope that you've been able to get what you're looking for from our list.

Growing flowers can challenge and so it requires patience for you to do so properly. Ensure the flower gets enough water, sunlight, and is on the right soil for its growth.

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83 Names of Flowers in Alphabetical Order {A-Z + PHOTOS} (2024)


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