Dome X6 Pro | Freestanding Camping Tent | POMOLY New Arrival 2024 (2024)

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Home>Hot Tents>Dome X Series>Dome X6 Pro>Dome X6 Pro | Freestanding Camping Tent | POMOLY New Arrival 2024

    US$ 680.00

    Inner Tent
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    Fireproof Ground Sheet (Stove Area)
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    • Detail
      • Product Name: Dome X6 Pro | Freestanding Camping Tent | POMOLY New Arrival 2024
      • Item NO.: PM0197
      • Weight: 8.5kg = 18.7393 lb = 299.8287 oz
      • Category: Hot Tents> Dome X Series> Dome X6 Pro
      • Tag: camping tent with stove, tent with camp stove, stove camping tent, camping stove and tent, canvas hot tent, canvas tent with stove jack wood stove, canvas tent with wood stove, canvas tent with wood burning stove, canvas tent and wood stove, canvas tent with a wood stove, stove jack, 4 season tent with stove jack, hot tent with stove jack, camping tent with wood burning stove, pomoly hot tent, pomoly tent, winter tent with stove, winter tent and stove, tent with stove jack, wall tent and stove, canvas tent and stove, canvas tent with stove, tent and wood stove, tent and stove, tent with fireplace, ultralight hot tent, hunting tent with stove, winter camping tents with stove, hottent, tent with stove hole, winter hot tent, canvas wall tent with stove, hot tents for winter camping, best winter tent with stove, hot tents for camping, tent with chimney, canvas wall tent with stove jack, cold weather tents with stoves, hot tent stove jack, 4 season tent with stove jack for sale, all season tent with stove, winter tent with wood stove, camping wood stove tent, backpacking tent with stove jack, hot stove tent, best tent with stove jack, canvas hot tent with stove jack, tent with chimney hole, small canvas tent with stove, four season tent with stove, tent with chimney vent, canvas hunting tent with stove, chimney tent, best winter tents with stove, 4 person tent with stove jack, backpacking wood stove tent, hot tent and stove, canvas winter tents with stove, pomoly stove tent, best hunting tent with stove, wood stove camping tent, backcountry hunting tent with stove, best canvas hot tent, tent with fire stove, large tent with stove, camping wood stove with oven, tipi tent with stove jack, all weather tent with stove, best 4 season tent with stove jack, canvas tent with stove hole, ice fishing shelter with stove jack, best winter hot tent, 6 person hot tent with stove jack, four season tents with stove jack, tent with wood stove vent, canvas camping tent with stove, ice fishing tent with wood stove, wood stove tents for sale, cabin tents with wood stove, canvas tent with fireplace, canvas hot tent with stove, 4 person canvas tent with stove jack, 6 person tent with stove jack, winter canvas tent with stove, pomoly canvas hot tent, pack tent with stove, tent with stove vent, large tent with stove jack, walled tent with stove, hot tent snow camping, hunting tent with stove jack, best winter camping tent with stove, winter camping tent with wood stove, snow tent with stove, ice shelter with stove jack, 4 season canvas tent with stove, 4 season cabin tent with stove jack, four season canvas tent with stove, hot tent with floor and stove jack, big tent with wood stove, tent with a chimney, cold weather tent with stove jack, tent with smoke stack, canvas tent with chimney hole, hot tent in snow, outdoor winter tent with stove, best tent for stove, best tents with wood stoves, winter tent stove jack, winter camping tents with wood stove, canvas tents with stove for sale, tent with wood stove jack, ice tent with wood stove, Best 20 Tents with Stove Jack for Stove Camping For Sale, The 8 Best 4 Person Tents of 2024 For Sale, Best 12 Waterproof Tents for Four Season Camping | PU3000mm, Best Dome Tents for All Season Camping For Sale, Best Ice Fishing Shelter with Stove Jacks, 20 Best Hunting Tents | Four Seasons Tents, Winter Tent | Best Winterized Tents for Cold Weather, Best Winter Hiking Tent with Stove Jacks, 4-Person Camping Tent with Inner Tent and Stove Jacks, Best Survival Tent in Cold Weather, Best 4 Season Tents | All Weather Camping Tents, Outdoor Camping Tent, Best 10 Outdoor Sauna Tents for Sale, Best Sauna Tent with Stove for Sale, Best Portable Sauna Tents for Sale, Ice Fishing Tents with Floor for 4 Person, Winter Fishing Tent, Insulated Ice Fishing Tent with Floor and Stove Jack, Picnic Tent with Stove Jack for Winter Camping, Best 4 Person Dome Tent For Sale, Best 6 Person Dome Tent For Sale, Best 3 Person Dome Tent For Sale, Best 5 Person Dome Tent For Sale, Best Round Tent For Sale
      • Brand: POMOLY
      • Creation Time: 2024-06-14
      • POMOLY Dome X6 Pro is a free-standing dome shaped tent designed for winter camping. Dome X6 Pro is a convenient and solid tent for 4 people with wood stove. When using the inner tent, there is spacious room for 3 people. The 6 tent poles of the Dome X6 Pro are all the same length. The Dome X6 Pro adopts a point symmetric and linear symmetric structure, so it can withstand severe weather and heavy snow.
      • The detachable ground sheet of Dome X6 Pro is specially designed for the wood stove. There is a piece of heat-resistant fabric right below the stove jack, so even if the burning carbon fire falls on the floor mat, it won't burn the ground sheet. If we remove the ground sheet, the X6 Pro will become a hot tent for ice fishing. With the addition of a stove as a heat source, fishing and cooking in the tent will be more comfortable.
      • Dome X6 Pro tent is up to 6 person in size or provides a spacious living space inside for a solo camper with tent stove, and it has three doors on both the inner and outer tents for direct entry and exit from the inner tent.

      Dome X6 Pro | Freestanding Camping Tent | POMOLY New Arrival 2024 (1)

      DOME X6 Pro

      The additional top cover of the Dome X6 Pro can prevent rainwater from accumulating on the top during rainy and snowy days.

      Six pieces of mesh fabric can enhance the ventilation of the tent, even if used in summer, it will not be stuffy; Each door is equipped with YKK waterproof zippers to improve the waterproof performance of the outer tent.

      Dyneema fabric has been added at the crossing pole to prevent the pole from wearing out the tent.

      The jack stove with velcro can be easily used for renewal, and the outside is equipped with a placket and a waterproof zipper to enhance the waterproof performance.

      The ground sheet with fireproof cloth is suitable for most tent stoves on the market.

      Removable buckle-in ground sheet for ice fishing.

      The detachable triangular mesh at the top can be used to dry wet gloves and socks.

      The outer tent is equipped with three controllable triangular vents, which can improve the ventilation inside the tent.

      The three doors are double-layer design, and No-see-um bug mesh on all doors and vents.

      All seams are treated with waterproof taping to ensure no leaks in rain or snow.

      The inner tent is made of waterproof fabric and can easily accommodate the camping cot.

      Dome X6 Pro | Freestanding Camping Tent | POMOLY New Arrival 2024 (2)

      Dome X6 Pro | Freestanding Camping Tent | POMOLY New Arrival 2024 (3)

      Tips: The color of the best hot tent fabric under different light is different, subject to the actual object.

      Dome X6 Pro | Freestanding Camping Tent | POMOLY New Arrival 2024 (4)

      Capacity4P with Stove / 6P
      Stove JackHigh Temperature Resistant
      Snow Skirt6 Sides
      Doors3 Doors
      Outer Tent Fabric40DRipstop Silnylon PU3000mm
      Waterproof TreatmentHeat Taped Waterproof Seaming
      Inner Tent FabricMesh / 40DRipstop Silnylon PU3000mm
      Tent Poles7001 Aluminum Alloy / 11mm
      Ground Sheet Fabric210D Oxford / Flame Retardant Fabric (1/6)
      Tent Area10.4 sq m / 112 sq ft
      Inner Tent Area5.1 sq m / 54.9 sq ft
      Tent Height6.56 ft / 200 cm
      Outer Tent18.7 lb / 8.5 kg
      InnerTent3.5 lb / 1.6 kg
      RemovableGround Sheet2.87 lb / 1.5 kg
      ColorArmy Green / Black
      Tent Type4 Season

      Dome X6 Pro | Freestanding Camping Tent | POMOLY New Arrival 2024 (5)

      Dome X6 Pro | Freestanding Camping Tent | POMOLY New Arrival 2024 (6)

      Dome X6 Pro | Freestanding Camping Tent | POMOLY New Arrival 2024 (7)

      Package Includes:

      Dome X6 Pro


      Tent pegs



      Inner Tents (Option)

      Ground Sheet(Option)

      Dome X6 Pro | Freestanding Camping Tent | POMOLY New Arrival 2024 (8)

      Lightweight Rain and Snow Cover

      Same design as Dome X6, Dome X6 Pro's cover prevents rainwater accumulation during prolonged rainfall events.

      Stove Jack withVelcro

      The integrated stove jack makes the surface of the tent more flat, the triangular cloth (rain cover) with waterproof zipper can completely cover the stove jack, and the small plackets on both sides can prevent rainwater from touching the zipper.

      Ground Sheet with Flame Retardant Fabric

      The ground sheet can be fixed by six buckles with adjustable webbing, and one-sixth of the area is made of fireproof fabric, so even if the high-temperature charcoal fire accidentally falls on the mat, it will not be burnt.

      (Tips: Flame retardant fabric can prevent the ground sheet from being burned, but it cannot isolate the high temperature 100%, and the high temperature charcoal fire will still burn the lawn and wooden floor.)

      Dome X6 Pro | Freestanding Camping Tent | POMOLY New Arrival 2024 (9)

      Dome X6 Pro | Freestanding Camping Tent | POMOLY New Arrival 2024 (10)

      Three Doors for Entry and Exit

      The three doors of the outer tent are double-layered, and the mesh door can prevent mosquitoes from entering the tent, and both doors can be independently controlled. The inner tentalso has three doors, the two doors at the back correspond to the outer tent, and we can easily enter and exit from any door.

      Ventilated Double Side Walls
      The Dome X6 Pro feature six controllable vent side walls. Six pieces of mesh fabric can enhance the ventilation of the tent, even if used in summer, it will not be stuffy; Each door is equipped with YKK waterproof zippers to improve the waterproof performance of the outer tent. We can close the vent in the cold weather to keep the temperature inside the tent.

      Free-Moving ElasticFasteners

      All doors and vents are controlled with free-moving elastic fasteners

      Top Triangle Drying Mesh

      When we use the tent stove, the hot air rises and the temperature on the top gradually increases, and we can place the wet gloves on the top for drying.

      Dome X6 Pro | Freestanding Camping Tent | POMOLY New Arrival 2024 (11)


      Dyneema fabric has been added at the crossing pole to prevent the pole from wearing out the tent.

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      Top and Bottom Storage Pocket

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      Dome X6 Pro | Freestanding Camping Tent | POMOLY New Arrival 2024 (14)

      Waterproof Treatment

      In order to achieve the best waterproof effect, all joints are treated with high temperature glue pressing.

      Dome X6 Pro | Freestanding Camping Tent | POMOLY New Arrival 2024 (15)Dome X6 Pro | Freestanding Camping Tent | POMOLY New Arrival 2024 (16)

      Lantern Hanging Hook

      Dome X6 Pro | Freestanding Camping Tent | POMOLY New Arrival 2024 (17)

      Ground Sheet and Inner Tent Adjustable Buckles

      Dome X6 Pro | Freestanding Camping Tent | POMOLY New Arrival 2024 (18)

      7001 Aluminum Alloy Tent Poles (Diameter 11mm)

      Additional Replacement Hooks

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      Dome X6 Pro | Freestanding Camping Tent | POMOLY New Arrival 2024 (20)

      Dome X6 Pro | Freestanding Camping Tent | POMOLY New Arrival 2024 (21)

      Independent Snag-free YKK Zippers

      Dome X6 Pro | Freestanding Camping Tent | POMOLY New Arrival 2024 (22)

      7075 Bold AluminiumAlloy Tent Pegs (Lenght 25cm/9.8in)

      The tent pegs of Dome X6 Pro are made of high-strength aluminum alloy, and the thickened material ensures the service life of the tent pegs.

      Dome X6 Pro | Freestanding Camping Tent | POMOLY New Arrival 2024 (23)

      How to use the stove jack correctly?

      These tips are helpful to some experienced campers:
      1. Roll up the jack cover and fix it.
      Don't let the jack cover cloth touch the hot pipes. Ordinary winter hot tent cloth, such as our 300D oxford cloth, can't stand such a high pipe temperature. So you need to roll up the cover cloth and make sure it's far away from the hot pipe.
      2. Make sure your pipes is in the center of the stove jack.
      You should try to make the stove pipes in the center of the jack hole by moving the stove position. And don't let the pipe touch any fabric.
      3. Use branches to separate pipes and hunting tent with stove cloth.
      Some people may find it difficult to keep the stove pipes from touching the winter tent with stove cloth by moving the stove position. In this case, you can use branches as barriers to separate them.
      4. Make sure the winter tent with wood stove doesn't shake.
      When you put the pipe in the center of the stove jack, don't be careless. If the ultralight hot tent shakes, it means the hot pipes may touch the hot tents cloth. To make the stove jack cloth last longer, you should protect it as well as possible.
      The important thing you need to know:
      The jack cloth is fireproof, but the stitched thread has no fire proof function. If you let the tent cloth too close to the hot pipe, it may cause the sewing thread to be burned off, which may cause damage to the backpacking hot tent .


      Regular care of your POMOLY tent will ensure its optimal conditions and longer lifetime. We provide some basic cleaning suggestions for the teepee tent.
      1. Dirt removal - Please use a soft brush to clean the surface of the tent, including a snow skirt, floor mat, and an inner tent.
      2. Detergent - Please use a neutral detergent to clean the tent.
      3. Zippers - Please use soapy water to clean the zipper part.
      4. The tent can't be washed by the washing machine, or the coating and glue pressing of the tent will be damaged.
      5. Please do not use brushes and other hard objects to scrub the tent, otherwise, the waterproof coating on the outside of the tent will be damaged, thus damaging its waterproof performance.
      6. Regularly check the fixing points of the hot tents. If there is any stitching problem, please mend it in time and use the tent seam sealer for sealing.
      7. Once your tent is fully dry and there are no damp patches at all, you can roll or fold your clean, dry tent up carefully ready for storage. Making sure it’s completely clean and dry before packing your hot tentsaway ensure that no nasty mildew builds up while it’s in storage.


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    Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

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