ESS Data Portal | European Social Survey (2024)

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ESS5 Error in education mapping for Israel

A mapping error has been detected for Israeli respondents with background from the former Soviet Union education system (eduil2).

A mapping error has been detected for Israeli respondents with background from the former Soviet Union education system (eduil2).

After data collection, category 229 of eduil1 (the item related to the Israeli education system) was re-mapped from edulvlb 229 to 311. Accidentally, this re-mapping was also performed for category 229 of eduil2 (the item related to the Soviet Union education system). The latter should have remained in ISCED category 229.

Only 5 respondents (IDNOs: 2155, 2564, 2586, 2645, 2722) are affected by this error, and the following syntax (SPSS) will rectify the error:

IF (eduil2 = 229) edulvlb = 229.

The error will be corrected in future updates of the ESS5 data.

ESS10 Error in variables TTMINO12 (G15), TTMINPNT (G27), United Kingdom

An error has been detected in the United Kingdom data related to variables TTMINO12 ("Travel time to child aged 12 or over, in minutes") and TTMINPNT ("Travel time to parent, in minutes").

An error has been detected in the United Kingdom data related to variables TTMINO12 ("Travel time to child aged 12 or over, in minutes") and TTMINPNT ("Travel time to parent, in minutes").

The data currently available in the data portal for these two variables (in the UK) reflects only the hour component of the questions, hence all substantive values in the datafile refers to hours and not minutes.

Corrected variables will be published in the next update of the integrated ESS10 data file. In the meantime, correct versions of TTMINO12 and TTMINPNT may be obtained by request to the archive via email.

ESS11 first release (edition 1.0)

The first edition of data and documentation for ESS Round 11 (2023/24) was released on Thursday 20 June 2024.

The first edition of data and documentation for ESS Round 11 (2023/24) was released on Thursday 20 June 2024.

Edition 1.0 includes data from the following countries: Austria, Croatia, Finland, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Lithuania, Netherlands, Norway, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Switzerland and United Kingdom.

The release also includes data from the interviewer's questionnaire and contact form for Austria, Croatia, Finland, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Lithuania, Netherlands, Norway, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Switzerland and United Kingdom.

ESS Round 11 includes rotating modules on the topics: "Gender in contemporary Europe: Rethinking Equality and the Backlash" and "Social inequalities in health and their determinants" (also fielded in ESS Round 7, 2014/15).

Data and documentation is accessible from the ESS Data Portal.

ESS9MDWe03.1: Error in variables c_gdppc_1990 - c_gdppc_2019

In the most recent edition of the multilevel dataset for ESS9, ESS9MDWe03.1, we have been alerted to an error in variables c_gdppc_1990 - c_gdppc_2019 ("[COUNTRY] GDP per capita at current prices, US Dollars").

In the most recent edition of the multilevel dataset for ESS9, ESS9MDWe03.1, we have been alerted to an error in variables c_gdppc_1990 - c_gdppc_2019 ("[COUNTRY] GDP per capita at current prices, US Dollars").

All variables will be corrected in future releases.

In the meantime, we would recommend users to either omit these variables altogether from any analyses or apply the corresponding variables (restricted to c_gdppc_1990 - c_gdppc_2017) published in ESS8MDWe02.1.

ESS6 New edition (ed. 2.6) of Main data available

A new version of the ESS6 integrated file (edition 2.6) was published on 24 November 2023.

A new version of the ESS6 integrated file (edition 2.6) was published on 24 November 2023.

The new release is due to some corrections in the religion variables for Cyprus and the education variables for Norway.

For more information, see version information for the ESS6 integrated fileon the ESS Data Portal.

ESS7 New edition (ed. 2.3) of Main data available

A new version of the ESS7 integrated file (edition 2.3) was published on 24 November 2023.

A new version of the ESS7 integrated file (edition 2.3) was published on 24 November 2023.

The new release is due to some corrections in the education variables for Norway. The analysis weight (anweight) is added.

For more information, see version information for the ESS7 integrated file on the ESS Data Portal.

ESS8 New edition (ed. 2.3) of Main data available

A new version of the ESS8 integrated file (edition 2.3) was published on 24 November 2023.

A new version of the ESS8 integrated file (edition 2.3) was published on 24 November 2023.

The new release is due to some corrections in the education variables for Norway.

For more information, see version information for the ESS8 integrated file on the ESS Data Portal.

ESS9 New edition (ed. 3.2) of Main data available

A new version of the ESS9 integrated file (edition 3.2) was published on 24 November 2023.

A new version of the ESS9 integrated file (edition 3.2) was published on 24 November 2023.

The new release is due to some corrections in the religion variables for Cyprus and the education variables for Norway.

For more information, see version information for the ESS9 integrated file on the ESS Data Portal.

ESS1 New edition (ed. 6.7) of Main data available.

A new version of the ESS1 integrated file (edition 6.7) was published on 24 November 2023.

A new version of the ESS1 integrated file (edition 6.7) was published on 24 November 2023.

The new release is due to some corrections in the region variable for Switzerland. The analysis weight (anweight) has also been added.

For more information, see version information for the ESS1 integrated fileon the ESS Data Portal.

ESS4 New edition (ed. 4.6) of Main data available

A new version of the ESS4 integrated file (edition 4.6) was published on 24 November 2023.

A new version of the ESS4 integrated file (edition 4.6) was published on 24 November 2023.

The new release is due to some corrections in the religion variables for Cyprus. The analysis weight (anweight) has also been added.

For more information, see version information for the ESS4 integrated file on the ESS Data Portal.

ESS Data Portal | European Social Survey (9)
ESS Data Portal | European Social Survey (2024)


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Name: Tyson Zemlak

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Apt. 662 96191 Quigley Dam, Kubview, MA 42013

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Job: Community-Services Orchestrator

Hobby: Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Metalworking, Fashion, Vehicle restoration, Shopping, Photography

Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.