Flowering Succulents 101: Care Tips and Stunning Varieties for Every Plant Lover | Succulent Alley (2024)

Get ready to discover a whole new side of succulents! Did you know that some succulents have beautiful flowers? It’s true! Succulents are loved for being low-maintenance and tough, but flowering succulents take it to a whole new level. They are not only easy to care for but also add a burst of color to your home or garden. In this blog, we’ll introduce you to the most stunning flowering succulent plants out there and give you some tips on how to take care of them. It’s time to bring some blooming beauty into your life!

Flowering Succulents 101: Care Tips and Stunning Varieties for Every Plant Lover | Succulent Alley (1)


  • 1 Types of Flowering Succulents
  • 2 Do All Succulents Flower?
  • 3 When Do Succulents Bloom?
  • 4 Trimming Dead Blooms on Flowering Succulents
  • 5 Caring for Flowering Succulents
  • 6 Encouraging Blooming in Succulents
  • 7 What To Do With The Succulent Flower Stalk
  • 8 Do Succulents Die After Blooming?

Types of Flowering Succulents

Let’s dive into the world of blooming succulents! These five indoor plants will surely catch your eye:

  1. Flaming Katy: Known for its bright red flowers, this succulent is a real showstopper. If you prefer something more subtle, there are other Kalanchoe species with pink, white, or yellow flowers.
Flowering Succulents 101: Care Tips and Stunning Varieties for Every Plant Lover | Succulent Alley (2)
  1. Lipstick Echeveria: This robust succulent surprises many with its small flowers in shades of pink to yellowish-orange-red. Keep an eye out for its charming blooms from March to June.
Flowering Succulents 101: Care Tips and Stunning Varieties for Every Plant Lover | Succulent Alley (3)
  1. Desert Rose: With its unique shapes and beautiful pink flowers, the desert rose is a real gem among flowering succulent plants. You can also find it in white, red, or dark purple.
Flowering Succulents 101: Care Tips and Stunning Varieties for Every Plant Lover | Succulent Alley (4)
  1. Crown of Thorns: Admired for its decorative bracts in red, pink, or white, this succulent adds a touch of beauty to any space. Although its small yellowish flowers may seem inconspicuous, they complement the vibrant bracts perfectly.
Flowering Succulents 101: Care Tips and Stunning Varieties for Every Plant Lover | Succulent Alley (5)
  1. Marble Buttons: This unusual succulent with a round, gray or light green body surprises everyone when it blooms. Its single orange-yellow flower opens at night, giving off a pleasant aroma reminiscent of carnations.
Flowering Succulents 101: Care Tips and Stunning Varieties for Every Plant Lover | Succulent Alley (6)

Flowering succulents aren’t just for indoors. Check out these five hardy plants that can thrive in your garden:

  1. Goldmoss Stonecrop: Known for its bright yellow flowers, this succulent will enchant you from June to July. It’s perfect for sunny and dry locations like rock gardens.
Flowering Succulents 101: Care Tips and Stunning Varieties for Every Plant Lover | Succulent Alley (7)
  1. Adam’s Needle: This hardy succulent gets its name from its tall flower stems that can reach up to two meters. In midsummer, it blooms with beautiful white bell blossoms.
Flowering Succulents 101: Care Tips and Stunning Varieties for Every Plant Lover | Succulent Alley (8)
  1. Ice Plant: While many midday flower species are not suitable for the garden, there are hardy varieties like ‘Gold Nugget’ or ‘Fire Spinner’ that can bring their orange-pink flowers to your outdoor space.
Flowering Succulents 101: Care Tips and Stunning Varieties for Every Plant Lover | Succulent Alley (9)
  1. Houseleek: A classic succulent found in many gardens, houseleek impresses with its persistent nature and decorative leaf rosettes. Some species, like the mountain houseleek, have striking red flowers, while others, like the large-flowered houseleek, feature yellow or white blooms.
Flowering Succulents 101: Care Tips and Stunning Varieties for Every Plant Lover | Succulent Alley (10)
  1. White Stonecrop: From June to August, this succulent will capture your attention with its magical white flowers. Bees and butterflies are also attracted to this robust and hardy plant.
Flowering Succulents 101: Care Tips and Stunning Varieties for Every Plant Lover | Succulent Alley (11)

Do All Succulents Flower?

While some succulents do produce beautiful flowers, not all of them do. Some succulents are grown for their leaves or unique shapes, rather than their blooms. Additionally, certain succulents may require specific conditions or triggers to encourage flowering.

However, there are plenty of succulents known for their stunning blossoms, and they are definitely worth the wait. If you’re interested in growing flowering succulent plants, it’s a good idea to research the specific species you’re interested in to learn about their blooming requirements and conditions.

When Do Succulents Bloom?

Succulents can bloom at different times of the year depending on their species and growing conditions. Generally, most succulents bloom in the spring and summer when the temperatures are warmer and there is more sunlight. However, there are also succulents that bloom in the fall and winter months.

Here are some common succulents that bloom in the spring and summer:

  • Echeveria
  • Sedum
  • Crassula
  • Kalanchoe

And here are a few succulents that bloom in the fall and winter:

  • Christmas cactus (Schlumbergera)
  • Thanksgiving cactus (Schlumbergera truncata)
  • Hoya
  • Kalanchoe blossfeldiana

Trimming Dead Blooms on Flowering Succulents

Once the flowers on your succulent have withered, you may wonder if it’s necessary to remove the dead blooms. The answer isn’t always straightforward. Generally, you shouldn’t remove the dead blooms immediately, as the plant can still recover some nutrients and substances from them.

As the flower stalk dries up and becomes brittle, the flowers often fall off naturally or can be carefully cut off with a knife. However, as the flowers fade, there is a higher risk of them rotting. If this happens or if you simply don’t like the withered parts of the plant, you can remove them with a clean, sharp knife without harming the plant.

Caring for Flowering Succulents

To encourage your succulent to bloom, it needs ideal conditions and proper care. Luckily, this doesn’t require much time and effort if you follow a few basic rules. The right soil is crucial for succulents as it provides a foundation for their growth.

Succulents have specific requirements. The soil should be loose and well-draining since succulents are sensitive to waterlogging, especially when they are in bloom. Additionally, the soil needs to meet the nutrient requirements of the plants. Using specialized cactus and succulent soils can provide the optimal conditions.

With the right soil in place, flowering succulents require minimal attention. They thrive in bright areas with low humidity and only need to be watered when their soil is completely dry. During the growing season, you can support their growth with a small amount of cactus and succulent fertilizer every three weeks, depending on the species.

One distinct characteristic of flowering succulents is their dormancy period. While many succulents continue to grow steadily without specific winter care, flowering succulents often benefit from a winter rest period. From November to February, it’s recommended to move these succulents to a bright room with temperatures between 54 and 59°F. During this time, they require less water and fertilization. After their resting phase, they will often bloom more beautifully.

Encouraging Blooming in Succulents

Getting succulents to bloom can be a bit tricky, but here’s a tip to help you out. Lowering the temperature can stimulate blooming in cacti and other indoor succulents.

Here’s what you can do with your indoor succulents:

  • From November to February, move your succulents from heated rooms to a bright, sunny location with temperatures around 12 to 15 degrees Celsius.
  • Alternatively, you can lower the nighttime temperatures by about 5 degrees in your living area during winter.
  • Water your succulents enough to prevent the root ball from drying out.
  • Avoid fertilizing them from October or November to February or March.

By creating a cooler environment and adjusting your care routine, you can encourage your succulents to bloom when the next flowering season arrives. It’s also beneficial to give your cacti, thick-leaf plants, and other succulents some fresh air on a sunny balcony during the summer. After they have acclimated to partially shaded conditions for about 8 days, direct sunlight will promote blooming.

Pro Tip:

For winter-blooming succulents like the popular poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima), you can stimulate blooms by placing them in a cool location at 59 to 63 degrees Fahrenheit for 4 to 6 weeks in spring. Afterward, repot the plant in fresh soil and keep it in a sunny windowsill at 68 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit to enjoy its magical blooms during the coming Advent season.

Flowering Succulents 101: Care Tips and Stunning Varieties for Every Plant Lover | Succulent Alley (12)

What To Do With The Succulent Flower Stalk

One common question among succulent enthusiasts is what to do with the flower stalk once the blooms have wilted. Unless you plan to save the seeds for propagation, you can easily cut the stem close to the base and let the plant focus its energy on its leaves.

To avoid damaging the plant, use clean, disinfected scissors or a knife when cutting the stems. Take care not to accidentally cut or damage any leaves, as these marks will remain on the plant permanently.

Once you have enjoyed the spectacle that succulents bloom provides and the flowers begin to wilt and the stems dry out, unless you are thinking of saving their seeds for propagation next year, you can easiZ to avoid possible infections.

Do Succulents Die After Blooming?

If your succulent plant dies shortly after blooming, it may be a monocarpic succulent. Monocarpic succulents bloom only once in their lifetime and then die. Some species of Agave, Sempervivum, Aeonium, Kalanchoe, Crassula, and Echeveria fall into this category.

However, keep in mind that monocarpic succulents may take years before they bloom. Once they do, it’s the energy and resources they put into producing fruit and seeds that cause their eventual demise, rather than the flower itself. This is a common reproductive strategy among certain plant species, both succulents and non-succulents.

For example, century plants (agave) and yuccas bloom after 8-10 to 20-60 years or more before dying. The good news is that monocarpic succulents leave offsets in the ground, ensuring the next generation continues the plant’s legacy.

You can choose to replant the offsets and continue the life cycle of the original plant or leave them near the mother plant until it completely dries out, benefiting from all the energy it provides.

Now you’re armed with knowledge on succulent blooming, caring for flower stalks, and even the interesting phenomenon of monocarpic succulents. It’s time to bring out the blooming beauty in your succulent collection!

Flowering Succulents 101: Care Tips and Stunning Varieties for Every Plant Lover | Succulent Alley (2024)


How do you take care of blooming succulents? ›

The flowers typically appear in summer when your plant gets lots of bright sunshine. You'll need to water a bit more than in winter to keep your plant sufficiently hydrated during its growth spurt. Once the flowers fade, you can cut back the stem at the base with a pair of sanitized shears.

What is the best fertilizer for flowering succulents? ›

NPK fertilizer is a synthetic fertilizer that is composed of three primary nutrients: nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K). These nutrients are essential for succulent growth and development and can be found in varying ratios in NPK fertilizers. For succulents, a balanced NPK ratio of 2-4-2 is recommended.

Do you cut off succulent blooms? ›

Most experienced gardeners recommend pruning the succulents before the new growth begins, i.e., in early spring. Furthermore, you should prune the flowering varieties in the dormant season or after blooming.

How often do you water flowering succulents? ›

According to Retro Den, the rule of thumb for watering your succulent is every other week during non-winter months. During the winter months, when the temperature is below 40 degrees Fahrenheit, it is recommended to water your succulent only once a month.

How do you perk up succulents? ›

Place your succulent in an area with a lot of bright light to help it recover. "The more light it gets, the more energy it will have to revive," says Hanco*ck. It's important to make sure you don't let your succulent get too dry after being too wet.

Are coffee grounds good for succulents? ›

Adding coffee grounds will increase water retention in the soil. This creates a moist soil environment. Therefore plants that prefer dry soils, such as cacti and succulents, might like just a sprinkle.

Is Miracle-Gro good for succulents? ›

All succulents need lightweight, well-draining soil. Improve the planting area by mixing one part Miracle-Gro® Garden Soil for Cactus, Palm & Citrus with one part native soil. This will improve the soil density and add nutrition to give succulent plants a boost.

Is Epsom salt a good fertilizer for succulents? ›

In addition, using an Epsom salt fertilizer is a great way to help encourage blooming in many succulents. To make an Epsom salt fertilizer, you'll need just a pinch of pure Epsom salt and a cup of distilled water. Since salt is soluble, you can dissolve Epsom salt grains in water just by stirring it in.

How to propagate a flowering succulent? ›

All you have to do is a little hunting - lift up the lower leaves of your older succulents, and you'll probably find some babes under their mommas' skirts, just waiting for a new home and their time in the sun. Just snip them off and plant them in a new soil block. They'll get growing immediately.

Should I cut off dying succulent leaves? ›

Throughout a succulent's life cycle, there will be times that leaves toward the bottom of the plant turn brown or die. This may seem like a cause for alarm, but it happens from time to time. When you see these dead leaves, be sure to remove them carefully from the base of the plant.

How do you tell if a succulent is over or under watered? ›

An underwatered succulent will have soil that feels dry and leaves with brown tips, dry, and will start to curl, drop, or even drop. An overwatered succulent, on the other hand, will have yellowing leaves, browning tips, and also wilting (with wet or soggy soil).

Do you water succulents from the top or bottom? ›

Bottom watering is an ideal method for summer care of succulents. During summer, people often need clarification about how to water succulents. Bottom watering succulents after sunset is an efficient method to help succulents survive from overwatering.

What to do when succulent starts flowering? ›

In general, leaving the flowers on the plant can be a visually appealing addition to your indoor or outdoor space, adding a burst of color and vibrancy. Additionally, allowing the flowers to fully mature and produce seeds can contribute to the propagation of the plant, allowing you to create new plants from the seeds.

Should I water succulents morning or night? ›

Third, one of the most overlooked rules when it comes to watering succulents is the time of day. Succulents should never be watered past 2pm in the Summer or 11am the rest of the year. Don't ask us where this rule came from, but it really does seem to make a difference. Photo: Checking to make sure the soil is dry.

Are succulents dying when they bloom? ›

They will only bloom once in their lifetime and it usually takes the plant several years to reach this point. Once they bloom, they begin to die off, but not before the mother plant produces off-shoots or “pups” that take their place – that's the good news! Bright green and flowering monocarpic Aeonium succulents.

Do succulent flowers need sunlight? ›

Most succulents do best in bright direct light and need at least 6 hours of natural light per day. But if you only have a shady corner in your home, choose plants like mother-in-law tongue that do well in low light and place them near a south or east-facing window.

How do I get my succulents to bloom indoors? ›

Warmer temps and longer days promote flowering in many of these specimens. If you keep your succulents indoors, getting them to bloom may be more of a challenge, but getting them settled into the right lighting encourages blossoms. If you've been withholding water for winter, resume watering as temperatures warm.

Can you repot succulents when flowering? ›

Don't repot a succulent that's blooming, either. Disturbing it will interrupt the blooming process. Repotting a succulent may even make the blooms fall off the plant prematurely. Let those flowers bloom and fade before moving the succulent into a new pot.


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