How To Build a Backyard Hockey Rink: The Ultimate Guide - Ice Hockey Central (2024)

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Are you looking for a fun winter activity to keep your family entertained? Why not build your own backyard hockey rink? With a little bit of planning and effort, you can have your very own winter wonderland to enjoy throughout the season.

Building a backyard hockey rink may seem daunting, but don’t worry. In this ultimate guide, we will walk you through every step of the process, from clearing and leveling your backyard to maintaining your rink. You’ll learn everything you need to know to get started and make sure your rink is a success.

So, whether you’re a seasoned DIYer or a beginner looking for a fun winter project, this guide is for you. Get ready to turn your backyard into a winter oasis with backyard hockey rink.

Read on to discover how to make your dream of having your own backyard rink a reality.

Table of Contents show

Clearing and Leveling Your Backyard

If you want to build a backyard hockey rink, the first step is to prepare the area. You will need to clear the space and level the ground to ensure your rink is safe and functional. Start by removing any rocks, branches, or other debris that could damage your rink’s liner. Make sure to pick up everything, even small pebbles can cause problems down the road.

After clearing the space, you need to level the ground. Use a large wooden plank to measure the surface for levelness. If you notice any bumps or unevenness, use a shovel to remove dirt and fill in any low spots. It is essential to have a flat surface for your backyard hockey rink to avoid water puddles and bumps that could cause injuries.

When you finish leveling, use a roller or tamper to compact the ground. This step is crucial to ensure that your rink’s base is solid and stable. Once everything is level and compacted, you can move on to the next step of building your backyard hockey rink.

Measuring and Marking the Area

  1. Measure the area: The first step is to measure the area where you want to build the rink. Use a measuring tape or a measuring wheel to get accurate measurements. Make sure to add extra space around the rink for safety.

  2. Mark the corners: After you have measured the area, mark the corners of your rink. Drive wooden stakes into the ground at each corner and tie string between the stakes to create a square or rectangular outline of your rink.

  3. Check for level ground: Use a level to check if the ground is flat and level. If the ground is uneven, you’ll need to clear and level the area before continuing with the installation.

  4. Remove obstacles: Remove any obstacles in the area such as rocks, branches, or debris. These obstacles can damage the liner or cause injury to players.

  5. Consider drainage: Ensure that the area where you’re building the rink has proper drainage to avoid water accumulation. Consider digging a shallow trench around the perimeter of the rink to divert water away from the rink.

  6. Adjust the outline: If necessary, adjust the outline of your rink to accommodate any obstacles or changes in the terrain. Use a spray paint or a chalk line to mark the final outline of the rink.

Properly measuring and marking the area is crucial for building a backyard hockey rink that is safe and functional. Once you have marked the area, it’s time to move on to the next step of the installation process.

Clearing the Area of Debris

The first step in clearing your backyard of debris is to remove any large objects that could interfere with your rink. This includes rocks, branches, and anything else that could damage your liner or create uneven ground. Use a rake or leaf blower to clear the area of any smaller debris such as leaves and twigs.

Next, use a garden tiller or manual cultivator to loosen the topsoil in the area where you plan to put your rink. This will make it easier to level the ground and ensure that your liner sits flat. If you don’t have a tiller, you can rent one from a local hardware store.

Finally, use a landscaping rake or a board to level the ground as much as possible. Make sure the area is flat and even, with no high or low spots that could cause problems later on. It’s important to take your time during this step, as a well-leveled surface is crucial for a good skating experience.

Leveling the Ground

Once you’ve cleared the area of debris, the next step is to level the ground. Use a leveling tool to ensure the surface is flat and even. If your yard has any slopes, you may need to dig out the higher areas and fill in the lower areas with soil.

It’s important to make sure the ground is properly compacted to prevent any shifting or settling after the rink is constructed. Use a compactor or tamper to compact the soil until it’s firm and solid.

If you’re building on an existing concrete or asphalt surface, you can skip the leveling and compacting steps. However, it’s still important to ensure the surface is clean and free of debris before moving on to the next step.

Preparing the Ground for Your Rink

Now that you’ve cleared and leveled the area for your backyard rink, it’s time to take the next step in preparing the ground. The ground beneath the rink must be firm and compact to avoid any sinking or shifting of the rink over time.

The first step is to lay down a layer of sand, which will help with drainage and prevent the ground from freezing and thawing. Make sure to spread the sand evenly and use a level to ensure that the sand is distributed evenly.

Next, you’ll need to install a perimeter board around the rink. This will help keep the water contained and prevent it from seeping into the ground. Use stakes to secure the board and make sure it is level all the way around.

Once the perimeter board is installed, you’ll need to add a layer of water to the sand. This will help freeze the sand and create a solid base for the rink. Spray the water evenly over the sand and let it freeze overnight.

Laying the Base Layer

The base layer of your rink is crucial for creating a smooth and level playing surface. The first step is to lay down a geotextile fabric over the entire area to prevent weeds and grass from growing up through the ice. Next, add a layer of crushed stone to create a stable base. This layer should be compacted and leveled to ensure it’s even and firm.

Once the base layer is complete, add a layer of outdoor rink liner to create a barrier between the ground and ice. This liner will prevent any moisture from seeping into the ground and ensure your rink freezes evenly. Make sure to trim the liner to fit the shape of your rink and secure the edges with stakes or sandbags.

Finally, add a layer of water to the rink to freeze and create the ice surface. It’s best to add several thin layers rather than one thick layer to ensure the ice freezes evenly and is less likely to crack. Once the water has frozen, you can add additional layers until you reach the desired thickness for your rink.

Building the Border

Once the base layer is in place, it’s time to build the border for your rink. The border should be sturdy enough to withstand the weight of the ice and the force of any collisions that may occur during gameplay. The following are the steps to build a border for your backyard hockey rink:

  • Measure and mark the border: Use stakes and string to mark the outline of the rink, then measure and mark where the boards will go.
  • Build the frame: Build a wooden frame using 2×6 or 2×8 boards. Cut the boards to the appropriate length and secure them together with metal brackets or screws.
  • Install the boards: Cut the boards to the appropriate length and secure them to the frame with screws or bolts.
  • Level the boards: Use a level to make sure the boards are even and adjust them as necessary.
  • Create the corners: Cut the boards at a 45-degree angle to create the corners of the rink. Secure them together with screws or bolts.
  • Attach the kick plates: Attach 12-inch high kick plates to the bottom of the boards to prevent pucks from flying out of the rink during gameplay.

Building a border for your backyard hockey rink may require some carpentry skills, but with a little effort and the right tools, you can create a sturdy and safe border that will last for years to come.

Filling and Leveling the Rink Area

Now that your border is complete, it’s time to add the base layer of ice to your rink. Begin by filling the area with water, aiming for a depth of at least two inches. Use a garden hose or bucket to add water slowly and evenly across the rink area.

Once the water has frozen, use a scraper or shovel to remove any bumps or ridges that have formed. This will ensure a smooth surface for your skaters to glide on. Repeat this process of adding water and removing bumps until you have achieved your desired ice thickness, which should be around 4-6 inches for optimal skating conditions.

During this process, it’s important to regularly check the levelness of the ice surface. You can do this by placing a straight board or level across the rink and checking for any areas that need to be filled or shaved down. A level rink is essential for safe and enjoyable skating.

Once you’re happy with the ice thickness and levelness, it’s time to add the finishing touches. Use a hose to spray a light mist of water over the entire rink surface to create a smooth and glossy finish. Then, let the ice freeze completely before allowing anyone to skate on it.

Choosing the Right Liner for Your Rink

When it comes to building your backyard ice rink, choosing the right liner is crucial for its success. The right liner will keep water from seeping into the ground and protect the grass underneath. Durability is an important factor when selecting a liner. It should be able to withstand extreme temperatures and any sharp objects that may puncture it.

The size of your rink will also be a determining factor in choosing the right liner. You want to make sure that the liner is size-appropriate and can cover the entire rink area without leaving any gaps. If the liner is too small, it will not provide adequate protection for the grass underneath.

Another factor to consider is the thickness of the liner. A thicker liner will provide better insulation and help maintain the ice for a longer period of time. However, a thicker liner may also be more expensive. You should weigh the benefits of a thicker liner against the cost to determine what is best for your budget.

Finally, it is important to choose a liner that is UV-resistant. UV rays from the sun can cause the liner to deteriorate over time, leading to cracks and tears. A UV-resistant liner will help prolong the life of your rink and save you money in the long run.

Understanding Different Types of Liners

If you’re planning to build an ice rink in your backyard, you’ll need to choose the right liner to prevent leaks and ensure a smooth surface. There are several types of liners available, each with its own pros and cons.

  • PVC Liners: PVC liners are a popular choice due to their affordability and durability. They are easy to install and can last for several seasons. However, they are not very flexible and can crack in extreme temperatures.
  • HDPE Liners: High-density polyethylene (HDPE) liners are a premium option that offers superior durability and flexibility. They can withstand extreme temperatures and are less likely to crack or puncture. However, they can be more expensive than other types of liners.
  • Rink Tarps: Rink tarps are an affordable option that can be used for one season. They are easy to install and can be taken down quickly. However, they are not very durable and can be prone to leaks and tears.
  • Rubber Liners: Rubber liners are a heavy-duty option that offers superior durability and resistance to punctures and tears. They are more expensive than other types of liners and can be difficult to install.

When choosing a liner, consider factors such as cost, durability, flexibility, and ease of installation. Your local climate can also play a role in your decision. It’s essential to select a liner that can withstand the extreme temperatures and weather conditions in your area.

Before making a purchase, research different brands and read reviews from other backyard rink builders. Taking the time to choose the right liner can ensure that your rink lasts for several seasons and provides hours of enjoyment for you and your family.

Setting Up the Boards

If you’re looking to create an outdoor rink, then setting up boards around the perimeter is essential. These boards will not only help to contain the ice but also give the rink a professional look. The process of setting up the boards is relatively straightforward, but it does require some preparation.

Plan Your Layout: Before installing the boards, you’ll want to plan out the layout of your rink. Consider the size of your yard and how much space you want to allocate to the rink. You should also consider the placement of any obstacles or landscaping features that may impact the layout.

Choose Your Boards: There are many options for boards when it comes to building an outdoor rink. Some popular choices include PVC pipes, wooden boards, and plastic boards. Consider your budget, desired look, and maintenance requirements when selecting your boards.

Install the Boards: Once you’ve planned your layout and selected your boards, it’s time to install them. Start by marking the perimeter of the rink with stakes and string. Then, position the boards around the perimeter and secure them into place using brackets, screws, or stakes. Be sure to use a level to ensure that the boards are straight and even.

Add Finishing Touches: With the boards in place, you can add finishing touches to your rink. Some options include adding padding to the boards for safety, painting the boards to match your team’s colors, and adding advertising banners for a professional look.

Choosing the Right Type of Boards

If you’re planning to build a hockey rink, choosing the right type of boards is crucial. There are several factors to consider when selecting boards, such as durability, flexibility, and safety. Wooden boards are a popular option because they are durable and provide a classic hockey look. However, they can be heavy and require maintenance to prevent rotting. Composite boards are a newer option that are lightweight, easy to install, and require less maintenance. They are also more flexible than wooden boards, which can be a safety advantage. Acrylic boards are another popular option that provide excellent visibility and a professional look. However, they can be expensive and require more maintenance than composite boards.

Installing the Boards Properly

Prepare the area: Before starting the installation process, clear the area of any debris or rocks. If there are any uneven spots, level them out with a shovel or rake. It’s important to have a level playing surface to ensure the boards are installed properly.

Start with the corners: Begin by installing the corner boards, as they are the most critical part of the rink. Make sure they are level and secure before moving on to the rest of the boards.

Install the boards: Once the corners are in place, begin installing the rest of the boards. Use long screws to attach them to the corner boards and ensure they are level and flush with each other.

Secure the boards: Once all the boards are in place, make sure they are secured properly to prevent any shifting or movement. You can use metal brackets or stakes to anchor them to the ground.

Finishing Touches for the Boards

Install Backboards: Adding backboards to your rink is a great way to keep the puck on the ice and protect any surrounding landscaping or property. Install the backboards at the same time as your side boards.

Attach RinkNetting: RinkNetting is important to keep the puck in play and prevent it from flying into the surrounding areas. Attach the netting to the backboards and side boards, making sure it’s secure and tight enough to prevent any pucks from escaping the rink area.

Add Benches and Lights: To make your rink a more comfortable place to play and spend time, consider adding benches or seating areas around the perimeter of the rink. Installing lighting is also important if you plan to play at night or in low-light conditions.

Installing the Netting and Lighting

Netting: Once the boards are in place, it’s time to install the netting. The netting prevents pucks from flying out of the rink and injuring people or damaging property. You’ll need to attach the netting securely to the boards, making sure it’s tight and won’t sag.

Lighting: Adequate lighting is important for playing hockey, especially if you plan to use the rink after dark. Installing lighting around the rink will help you see the puck and players more clearly. Consider using LED lights, as they’re energy-efficient and last longer than traditional lights.

Placement: When installing the netting and lighting, it’s important to consider their placement. The netting should be installed at a height that will prevent pucks from leaving the rink, but not so high that it interferes with play. The lighting should be placed at an angle that minimizes shadows and glare.

Electrical Requirements: Before installing the lighting, make sure your electrical system can handle the additional load. You may need to hire an electrician to install additional wiring or circuits. Make sure to follow all safety guidelines and local codes when installing electrical components.

Choosing the Right Type of Netting

  • Durability: One of the most important factors to consider when choosing netting is durability. Consider the type of material the netting is made of, as well as the expected wear and tear. Some types of netting, such as polyethylene, are highly durable and resistant to damage, making them ideal for long-term use.
  • Mesh Size: Another important factor to consider when choosing netting is the size of the mesh. The mesh size will determine what types of objects the netting will be able to trap or keep out. For example, if you need to keep out birds, you’ll want a netting with a smaller mesh size than if you were trying to keep out larger animals like deer.
  • Transparency: Depending on your needs, you may want netting that is more or less transparent. For example, if you’re using netting to create a privacy barrier, you’ll want a netting that is more opaque. On the other hand, if you’re using netting for agricultural purposes, you may want a more transparent netting to allow sunlight to reach your crops.
  • UV Resistance: UV resistance is another important factor to consider when choosing netting. Netting that is not UV resistant can quickly degrade in the sun, leading to discoloration and weakening of the material. Choose netting that is specifically designed to be UV resistant to ensure that it lasts as long as possible.

When it comes to choosing the right type of netting, it’s important to carefully consider your needs and the specific application for the netting. By considering factors like durability, mesh size, transparency, and UV resistance, you can choose a netting that will perform well and last for years to come.

Installing the Netting Properly

Proper installation of netting is crucial to ensuring that it performs as intended and lasts as long as possible. Here are a few tips to keep in mind when installing netting:

  • Secure Anchors: Before installing the netting, make sure to secure the anchors that will hold the netting in place. This may involve digging holes and setting posts, or using existing structures like trees or poles.
  • Proper Tension: Once the anchors are in place, it’s important to make sure that the netting is installed with proper tension. Too little tension can lead to sagging or drooping, while too much tension can put unnecessary strain on the netting and cause it to tear or degrade more quickly.
  • Correct Placement: Make sure that the netting is placed in the correct position to achieve the desired outcome. For example, if you’re using netting to keep out birds, make sure that it covers the entire area and is secured tightly to prevent any gaps where birds can enter.

It’s also important to consider any special instructions or requirements for the specific type of netting you’re using. For example, some types of netting may require specific hardware or tools for installation, or may need to be installed in a certain way to ensure proper performance.

Maintenance: Once the netting is installed, it’s important to keep up with regular maintenance to ensure that it continues to perform as intended. This may include periodic inspections to check for damage or wear, as well as cleaning or repair as needed.

By following these tips and taking the time to properly install and maintain your netting, you can ensure that it performs well and lasts for years to come.

Maintaining Your Backyard Rink

Keeping your backyard rink in good condition requires regular maintenance to ensure it stays safe and enjoyable to use throughout the winter. One of the most important steps in maintaining your rink is to clear off any snow or debris after every use. Leaving snow on the surface can cause it to become uneven and create dangerous spots where skaters could trip and fall.

Another key aspect of rink maintenance is to ensure that the ice remains smooth and level. This means regularly flooding the rink to fill in any cracks or holes and creating a consistent layer of ice. You may also need to adjust the water levels depending on the temperature and weather conditions to prevent the ice from melting or becoming too hard.

Cleaning the boards and surrounding area is also important to keep your backyard rink looking its best. Wipe down the boards with a mild detergent and water to remove any dirt or grime that has accumulated. You can also use a leaf blower or broom to sweep away any debris that has gathered on the surface around the rink.

Finally, make sure to keep your equipment in good condition as well. Your skates, sticks, and other gear will last longer and perform better if you take proper care of them. Dry them off after each use, store them in a cool, dry place, and replace any damaged or worn out equipment as needed.

Regularly Checking and Resurfacing the Ice

One of the most important aspects of maintaining your backyard rink is regularly checking and resurfacing the ice. This helps to ensure that the surface is level and smooth, making it easier and safer to skate on.

To check the surface of the ice, use a level or straightedge to make sure it is even. If you notice any low spots, use a snow shovel or ice scraper to fill them in with snow or slush. Then, use a hose or bucket to flood the rink with a thin layer of water. This will freeze and create a smooth surface.

It’s also important to resurface the ice periodically throughout the season. This can be done with a handheld or machine-powered ice resurfacer. Start by removing any loose snow or debris from the surface of the ice, then apply a thin layer of hot water to create a smooth and level surface.

FrequencyTools NeededDuration
Every daySnow shovel or ice scraper, hose or bucket15-20 minutes
WeeklyHandheld or machine-powered ice resurfacer30-60 minutes
As neededSnow blower or plowVaries based on snowfall
SeasonallyIce edger or auger2-3 hours

By regularly checking and resurfacing your backyard rink, you can ensure that it remains a safe and enjoyable place for you and your family to skate all winter long.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the materials required to build a backyard hockey rink?

Building a backyard hockey rink requires specific materials to create the perfect playing surface. You will need to purchase materials such as wood or plastic boards, brackets, liner, stakes, and, of course, water. Choosing the right materials is crucial in ensuring the longevity and durability of your rink.

What is the ideal location to build a backyard hockey rink?

When deciding on the location to build your backyard hockey rink, you need to take several factors into account. A flat surface, access to a water source, and ample space are all essential elements. The location should be away from any trees or structures that could affect the quality of the ice, and it should also have access to electricity if you plan on using lights or a heater.

How do you maintain a backyard hockey rink?

Maintaining your backyard hockey rink is essential to ensure it lasts throughout the season. You will need to regularly check and resurface the ice, keep the area clean of snow and debris, and ensure the boards and brackets are securely in place. It’s also crucial to protect your rink from the sun and wind, which can cause the ice to melt and deteriorate quickly.

How do you choose the right netting for a backyard hockey rink?

Choosing the right type of netting for your backyard hockey rink is essential to ensure the safety of players and bystanders. You will need to select netting that is sturdy, durable, and can withstand harsh weather conditions. It’s also important to choose netting that is the appropriate size for your rink, ensuring that it covers all areas where pucks could escape.

How long does it take to build a backyard hockey rink?

Building a backyard hockey rink is a time-consuming process that requires planning, preparation, and patience. The time it takes to complete the project will depend on several factors, including the size of the rink, the materials used, and the weather conditions. Typically, it can take anywhere from a few days to a couple of weeks to build a backyard hockey rink, depending on these factors.

How To Build a Backyard Hockey Rink: The Ultimate Guide - Ice Hockey Central (2024)


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Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

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