Perfect Subway Copycat Oatmeal Raisin Cookies Recipe - (2024)

Perfect Subway Copycat Oatmeal Raisin Cookies Recipe - (1)

If you’re a fan of the big, chewy oatmeal raisin cookies they serve at Subway, then you’re in luck. Our Perfect Subway Copycat Oatmeal Raisin Cookies Recipe will help you make the same cookies in your very own kitchen! Also, believe us. Making homemade oatmeal cookies is definitely better. After all, you get to try the first, fresh batch that comes right out of the oven. It’s a luxury not a lot of people have experienced.

Subway’s oatmeal raisin cookies are a crowd favorite. They’re soft and chewy, with the oats and shredded coconut bringing a varied texture that suits the cookies well. There are also hints of spice in the taste, thanks to the use of cinnamon and clove. And the distinct, sweet taste of raisins really complements and adds to these flavors. This Subway copycat oatmeal raisin cookies are also the perfect balance between a sweet and nutritious treat. Both oatmeal and raisins are a good source of fiber, vitamins, minerals, as well as antioxidants.

Getting the cookies’ soft and chewy texture may be challenging for first-timers. But don’t fret! With our clear baking instructions, you’ll be making batches and batches of these homemade cookies in no time. So if you want a delightful, sweet snack that’s also healthy to eat, then try making these copycat Subway raisin cookies. Also, these cookies go really well with drinks like milk or hot chocolate. So go ahead and try our Almond Dream Milk Recipe or Crockpot Spiced Hot Chocolate Recipe! Your loved ones will certainly be delighted with your homemade treats.

How To Make Perfect Subway Copycat Oatmeal Raisin Cookies

Enjoy our copycat version of the famous Subway oatmeal raisin cookies within the comfort of your own home.

Prep: 15 mins

Cook: 12 mins

Total: 27 mins



  • 2 cups all-purpose flour
  • ½ tsp iodized salt
  • ½ tsp baking soda
  • 1 tbsp cinnamon, ground
  • ½ tsp cloves, ground
  • ½ cup raisins
  • ½ cup rolled oats
  • cup coconut, shredded
  • ¾ cup butter, unsalted
  • 1 cup white sugar, granulated
  • ¾ cup brown sugar
  • ½ cup whole milk
  • 2 eggs, whole
  • 1 tbsp vanilla extract


  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.

  2. In a bowl, sift together all-purpose flour, salt, and baking soda. Set aside.

  3. Combine cinnamon and cloves. Mix well and set aside.

  4. In a bowl, add raisins, rolled oats, and coconut. Mix well and set aside.

  5. Using a mixer, mix the butter, white sugar, and brown sugar until combined.

  6. While mixing, add the spice mixture, milk, eggs, and vanilla extract.

  7. Remove wet mixture from mixer and gradually fold in flour mixture into the wet mixture.

  8. Then, fold in the coconut mixture. Set aside.

  9. Grease baking tray with non-stick cooking spray, then line with parchment paper. Grease the sheet with non-stick cooking spray.

  10. Scoop cookie batter onto the sheet using an ice cream scoop.

  11. Bake for 10 to 12 minutes until the cookies are golden brown.

  12. Serve and enjoy these healthy cookies!


  • Sugar: 31g
  • :
  • Calcium: 44mg
  • Calories: 362kcal
  • Carbohydrates: 55g
  • Cholesterol: 28mg
  • Fat: 14g
  • Fiber: 2g
  • Iron: 2mg
  • Potassium: 145mg
  • Protein: 4g
  • Saturated Fat: 4g
  • Sodium: 305mg
  • Vitamin A: 564IU
  • Vitamin C: 1mg
Nutrition Disclaimer

Share your thoughts on the Perfect Subway Copycat Oatmeal Raisin Cookies Recipe in the Baking and Desserts forum. Let's discuss your experience making these cookies and any tips or variations you'd like to share!

Frequently Asked Questions

Why are my oatmeal cookies dry?

Making cookies can be challenging for first-timers who haven’t tried baking before. There are many explanations for why your cookies ended up being dry or hard. One of the main culprits could be using too much flour. Make sure not to scoop the flour directly from the container using your measuring cup. Instead, use a spoon to add the flour from the container into your measuring cup. Also, be careful not to overmix the dough, since doing so develops the flour’s gluten, leading to tough cookies.

Can I use quick oats instead of rolled oats for this recipe?

Yes, you can. When baking oatmeal cookies, recipes should remain largely unchanged when you use quick oats instead of rolled oats (and vice versa). However, do keep in mind that using quick oats instead of rolled oats will give your cookies a different texture.

Perfect Subway Copycat Oatmeal Raisin Cookies Recipe - (2)


Thanks to our wonderful copycat recipe, you can have Subway’s oatmeal raisin cookies anytime, anywhere! The satisfaction of devouring one of these healthy treats after a hearty sandwich meal can now be enjoyed at the comforts of your own home. So be sure to bake some extras! We’re sure that these tasty treats won't be left sitting in the cookie jar for long.


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Perfect Subway Copycat Oatmeal Raisin Cookies Recipe - (2024)


Why are my oatmeal raisin cookies so hard? ›

Overmixing develops the gluten in the flour, which can produce tough cookies. If the recipe doesn't call for an electric mixer, mix in dry ingredients using a wooden spoon. When dry ingredients like flour are "scooped" into the measuring cup directly from the container, it compresses, or becomes packed.

Does Subway have oatmeal raisin cookies? ›

If you're a fan of the big, chewy oatmeal raisin cookies they serve at Subway, then you're in luck. Our Perfect Subway Copycat Oatmeal Raisin Cookies Recipe will help you make the same cookies in your very own kitchen! Also, believe us. Making homemade oatmeal cookies is definitely better.

Why are oatmeal raisin cookies better than chocolate chip? ›

Oatmeal raisin cookies are a healthier choice in comparison to chocolate chip cookies. Chocolate chip cookies have less protein and fiber, and more fat, than oatmeal raisin cookies.

What is a fun fact about oatmeal raisin cookies? ›

Most researchers agree that Fannie Merritt Farmer wrote the first recipe for oatmeal raisin cookies in 1896. The cookies quickly became popular as they were considered a healthier alternative to other baked goods. Quaker Oats started putting oatmeal raisin cookie recipes on their oatmeal containers as early as 1900.

Should you soak raisins before baking cookies? ›

Good rule of thumb: always use room temperature eggs when using room temperature butter. Raisins: Soak your raisins in warm water for 10 minutes before using (blot very well to dry them) – this makes them nice and plump for your cookies.

What ingredient makes cookies harder? ›

Baking powder

Baking powder contains sodium bicarbonate and acidic salts. The reaction of these two ingredients results in a cookie that is soft and thick, but slightly harder.

Where do Subway buy their cookies? ›

The chewy, fresh-out-of-the-oven cookies sold at Subway are baked daily at the sandwich shop with frozen dough pucks provided by Otis Spunkmeyer.

Why are Subway cookies so chewy? ›

So, why are Subway cookies so irresistibly chewy? It's largely because they're pre-cut and flash-frozen offsite, then thawed and baked fresh in-store each day. To recreate their famously soft, buttery texture at home, this recipe uses oil in place of butter in the dough.

Does Subway sell oatmeal cookies? ›

Don't say we didn't warn you, our cookies are irresistible.

What is the healthiest cookie? ›

Oatmeal raisin probably has the best fiber/whole grain, flourless chocolate is better if you're trying to be low carb, meringues are probably lowest calorie. I'd say oatmeal raisin is a very nutritious cookie.

Is it better to use butter or margarine in chocolate chip cookies? ›

But when you're baking, butter triumphs over margarine every time. For cakes, cookies, and pastries, butter (unsalted, that is) provides richer flavor. (It begins as cream, after all, and margarine is made from vegetable oil.) Butter's high fat content is also what gives baked goods their texture.

Why do my oatmeal raisin cookies spread? ›

An oven that hasn't reached the correct baking temperature causes the fat in the dough to melt before the cookie bakes through. As a result, cookies spread too much. Heat the oven for at least 10 minutes. A good rule of thumb is to turn the oven on just before you begin measuring ingredients.

Is it OK to eat oatmeal cookies everyday? ›

Consume With Caution

Even with healthy additions, an oatmeal cookie is still a cookie. Enjoying one occasionally is OK. They may contain more nutrients than other cookies, but they still contain large amounts of fat and sugar, which aren't so healthy and may be detrimental to your waistline.

Who made the first oatmeal raisin cookie? ›

Most research found that the first recorded oatmeal raisin cookie recipe was written by Fannie Merritt Farmer in 1896. Considered a health food, the cookies quickly became popular. By the early 1900s, a recipe for the delicious treats appeared on containers of Quaker Oats.

What percentage of Americans like oatmeal raisin cookies? ›

52% of Americans prefer chocolate chip cookies over any other type of cookie. Oreo cookies are the number one selling cookie brand in the world. 19% of Americans say that oatmeal raisin is their favorite cookie flavor. Peanut Butter is the preferred cookie flavor by 18% of Americans.

How do you keep oatmeal cookies from getting hard? ›

The bread/apple trick

Here's a baker's trick you'll find in our new Monster Cookies recipe: Adding a piece of fresh white bread to the storage container will keep cookies from becoming hard or stale.

How do you soften hard oatmeal raisin cookies? ›

Simply lay the bread at the bottom of the container and pile your cookies on top of it, seal the lid, and wait a few hours. The cookies will soak up all the moisture from the bread and by the next morning, they will taste as good as the day they came out of the oven gooey.

How do you fix hard oatmeal cookies? ›

There are a few common methods for softening cookies, including microwaving them, heating them in the oven, and placing them in an airtight container with a slice of bread.

How do I keep my oatmeal cookies soft? ›

Keep Them Sealed

The key to keeping cookies fresh and soft is to seal them in an airtight container, like a resealable freezer bag. And here's a nifty little trick: add a piece of bread to the bag. You might think that the bread trick works because the cookies absorb moisture from the bread.


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