The Vs. Sonic.exe STG55544 Sprites Recreation Pack (2024)

The Vs. Sonic.exe STG55544 Sprites Recreation Pack is a collection of character assets all coming from Vs. Sonic.Exe and other related mods. While most of them were unfinished by the time the mods were canceled, they were all recreated here.

  • Xenophanes

  • Soul Tails

  • Soul Knuckles

  • Soul Robotnik

  • Lord X

  • Majin Sonic

  • Starved

  • NeedleM0use

  • Grimbo

  • EXE

  • Wechidna

  • Scorched

  • Curse

  • Satanos

  • Rosy_ALT

  • Tails_ALT

  • Grimeware

  • Boyfriend


― Sonic.EXE

Xenophanes, better known as the alias of Sonic.EXE, is the main antagonist of the creepypasta Sonic.EXE. A force hiding inside copies of Sonic the Hedgehog, he steals the souls of whoever plays his games and shoves them into the vessels of Sonic characters to torment them eternally.


EXEternal's Triple Trouble[]

Within EXEternal's version of Triple Trouble, Xenophanes is a tall blue hedgehog with beige skin. His eyes are black with red pupils, perpetually bleeding, and are starting to outgrow their sockets, revealing bone. He wears white, bloody gloves and red and white striped shoes. Purple crystals coat his spines and attire, and a large clump of them form a clot around his chest.

Final Escape[]

During Final Escape, Xenophanes starts to dial down on some of his design elements from Triple Trouble. He no longer has crystals on his clothes or chest, instead having the latter replaced with a signature "X" shaped scar, but the ones on his head still remain. Xenophanes sits in a large winged blue and gold ring, which obscures the lower half of his body.

Game Over[]

When losing to Xenophanes, he reverts to his more iconic form of Sonic.EXE. When like this, he is simply a version of Sonic with black bleeding eyes with red pupils and darker quills. His mouth may be torn apart and outstretching itself.


  • Xenophanes, in canon, is not a demon possessing Sonic, but rather using the character as a template for his own appearance.
    • Depending on the incarnation, Xenophanes is either obsessed with Sonic or knows about his status as a pop-culture icon.
  • Xenophanes is the one of three characters who have sprites not based on the original Vs. Sonic.Exe mod. He instead has his sprites based on EXEternal and the upcoming Final Escape mod, both of which were made after the original mod's cancellation.
    • He shares this detail with NeedleM0use and Wechidna.


  • EXEternal

  • Final Escape

  • Game Over

Original Art Credits: VoidEyedPanda

Static Idle

Left Pose

Down Pose

Up Pose

Right Pose

Static Left Pose

Static Down Pose

Static Up Pose

Static Right Pose


Original Art Credits: CommandoDev_

Static Idle

Left pose

Down pose

Up pose

Right pose

Static Left pose

Static Down pose

Static Up pose

Static Right pose


Original Art Credits: CherribunTBA

Soul Tails[]

Help us...
― The Souls after Knuckles' death, Sonic.exe

The Soul of Miles "Tails" Prower is one Xenophanes' many victims, and is often agreed to be the first one. What was once a dependable fox has been turned into a puppet, and serves as little more than a vessel for the vile entity.


Soul Tails is a fox with gray fur with a white chest and muzzle. His right arm has been torn off, and he wears a white glove on his remaining hand. He wears red shoes with a blue strap underneath their white cuffs. His eyes are hollowed out with a single glowing dot for a pupil, and merge together in his down pose. He has three bangs of hair on the top of his head.

In general, Soul Tails uses his scrapped Encore design.


Original Art Credits: Cherribun

Left Pose

Down Pose

Up Pose

Right Pose

The original sketches for comparison

Soul Knuckles[]

Why did you give us to him?
― The Souls after Knuckles' death, Sonic.exe

The Soul of Knuckles is Xenophanes' second victim. Once a stalwart protector of the Master Emerald, his once strong body is now just a shell for Xenophanes to use to his liking.

...That being said, he looks a bit... off here. Maybe he's just having a bad day.


Soul Knuckles is an anthropomorphic echidna with maroon skin. His eyes have been hollowed out, and both his arms are torn. A sharp metal pike is stabbed through his head, and his smile is twisted beyond recognition.

In general, he takes his appearance from the earliest rendition of Triple Trouble.


Original Art Credits: RightBurst_U

Soul Robotnik[]

Run away, before he gets you too...
― The Souls after Knuckles' death, Sonic.exe

The Soul of Dr. Ivo Robotnik is the last of Xenophanes' original victims. Once the hedgehog's nemesis, his intellect was outmatched by the power of the self-proclaimed god, and his empire fell.

Wait, he seems to be having a bad day as well. Guess he and Knuckles have that in common.


Robotnik is a human with a notably rotund appearance, wearing a red shirt, black pants, and a yellow cape. His skin has become pale, his lower jaw has been snapped off, and his head appears to be bashed in.

In general, his appearance is based off of the original iteration of Triple Trouble.


Original Art Credits: RightBurst_U


Majin Sonic[]

たのしさ∞ セガ・エンタープライゼス まぢん画[2]
Masato Nishimura, Sonic CD

Majin Sonic is an easter egg character found by inputting "42, 12, 15" into the Sound Test menu within Sonic CD. An alleged outlier of a species known as the Mazins, he's here to have a fun little challenge with Boyfriend.


Majin Sonic resembles a typical mobian hedgehog, though with a much more humanoid face plastered onto where a regular face should go, to the point where it more resembles a mask. His face becomes hidden in shadows in his left and right poses.

Overall, his appearance here is based on the scrapped redesign for Majin in Endless OG.


Original Art Credits: Cherribun

Static Idle

Left Pose

Down Pose

Up Pose

Right Pose

Static Left Pose

Static Down Pose

Static Up Pose

Static Right Pose


The original inspiration for the sprite


i love that hedgehog
― Starved, Original Picture

Starved is a crazed, Mobian-eating version of Dr. Robotnik. An alternate universe version of the mad doctor who ate a burnt Flicky after his first defeat, Starved had taken over the world not out of theatrics or ego, but to consume everything.


Starved is a bald rotund human with sickly red skin. His shirt is red, and his cape is yellow. His eyes are sunken in and small, and a lot of his body is obscured in shadows.

Generally, Starved's appearance here is based off of the scrapped redesign of Starved given to Jack Gore.


  • Starved is not a cannibal.
  • The redesign's face is intentionally made so Starved's expression is left vague.
  • Starved was based off of a different EXE named Genesys. Ironically enough, the two would gain each other's owners at two separate points in time.


Original Art Credits: Jack Gore, RandomEhPerson (idle)

Left Pose

Down Pose

Up Pose

Right Pose

The original sprites for comparison


― Sarah to Luther, Confronting

Sarah Henderson, better known as Needlemouse Sonic, is the soul of a young girl who was killed in a bar fight. Buried under a lake for years, SEGA of America eventually built their location on top of where she was buried, leading to her soul drifting onto a disc where she would take her vengeance on her former friends.


Phase 2[]

NeedleM0use is an anthropomorphic hedgehog with purple fur and a white chest and muzzle. She wears yellow gloves and red and yellow striped shoes. A simple cross-shape is attached to her chest. In her down pose, her face becomes red, while in her up pose, it appears as if something is trying to claw their way out of her body. In her right pose, she inexplicably gains claws, and in her left and idle, black particles emit from her head.

Sarah is a lanky woman with pale skin and yellow and red eyes. She wears a purple sweater with a magenta stripe, and her arms are covered in a gooey black substance that forms claws. Her teeth are razor sharp, her hair is messy, and she can levitate.

In general, these sprites were based off of unused ones for an unnamed scrapped second song against NeedleM0use, commonly known by the conjectural name of Relax.




  • NeedleM0use is one of three characters who have a spritesheet not based on the original Vs. Sonic.Exe mod, being her Shantae look, which was never going to be in a mod in the first place.
    • She shares this trait with Xenophanes and Wechidna.
    • Of them, she is the only one of the three who also have sprites based on the original mod, those being her Phase 2 sprites.


  • Phase 2 (NeedleM0use)

  • Phase 2 (Sarah)

  • Shantae

Original Art Credits: ShutUpJoJo, ErickAnimations

Static Idle

Left Pose

Down Pose

Up Pose

Right Pose

Static Left Pose

Static Down Pose

Static Up Pose

Static Right Pose


Original animations for comparison

Original Art Credits: ShutUpJoJo

Static Idle

Left Pose

Down Pose

Up Pose

Right Pose

Static Left Pose

Static Down Pose

Static Up Pose

Static Right Pose


Original art for comparison



― Grimbo, Grimbo's official Twitter

Grimbo is the brainchild of artist Cherribun. A version of Sonic.EXE, Grimbo has been proclaimed as the variant that appears whenever Cherribun draws him. Just remember, if you call him anything else, you are actively wrong.


Grimbo is much smaller than his other counterparts, being much more similar to Classic Sonic than the others. Grimbo lacks the bleeding eyes of most variants.


  • His variant of Tails is named Timothy. Allegedly, he was sucked into the game one day and just decided to stay there. Their friendship is... rocky.
  • Grimbo used to have his own Twitter account. It has since been deleted.


Original Art Credits: Cherribun

Static Idle

Left Pose

Down Pose

Up Pose

Right Pose

Static Left Pose

Static Down Pose

Static Up Pose

Static Right Pose



― EXE, Faker

EXE is the spawn of the original Sonic.EXE made as an attempt to create life, only for it to rebel. Sent out into a new dimension called Earth, EXE is slowly gaining power to take over his position from his former master and destroy everything. However, today it seems as though he's content with celebrating earthly holiday traditions in his own twisted way.


EXE is a lanky anthropomorphic blue hedgehog with pale gray skin, sharp white teeth, hollowed out eyes, and gloves and shoes that melt into his body. Here, he tries to wear the garb of the mythical Krampus, wearing a black cloak, dark gray pants, and a bloody horned headpice, as well as carrying a red bucket on his back. Blood is seen all throughout his body, and a visible gash can be seen on his right eye.

Overall, these sprites are recreations of his scrapped appearance in Slaybells, which was cancelled in the original mod due to both controversy with Revie as well as the update generally not being completed on time for Christmas.


  • EXE's eyes melt inwards, explaining why his eyes are holes.
  • EXE is mostly incapable of truly coherent human speech. He is able to speak, just under very specific circ*mstances.


Original Art Credits: Cherribun

Static Idle

Left Pose

Down Pose

Up Pose

Right Pose

Static Left Pose

Static Down Pose

Static Up Pose

Static Right Pose


The actual planned sprites for comparison


Wechidna is an ever-adapting alien entity hiding inside a copy of Knuckles' Chaotix. Wishing to reshape the world into his own image, Wechidna starts to slowly corrupt the game and its inhabitants to achieve his goals.


Wechidna is an alien resembling an anthropomorphic echidna, particularly resembling Knuckles. He has dark red fur, yellow gloves, and red shoes with gold highlights. The right side of his eye is scarred, and a single crescent-shaped marking is on his chest.


  • Wechidna gets his name from the ********** glitch, commonly referred to as "Wechnia" by fans.
  • Although Wechidna has another form, it wasn't included in this mod because Sr_Genesis (the creator of the original sprites) didn't make them by the time that Parallax got cancelled.
  • At one point, STG5544's sprites were leaked and were confused with official sprites for Wechidna, causing a low quality version of the sprite sheet to be added to the pages of Vs. Sonic.Exe and Friday Night Funkin: Parallax.[11] The issue has since been resolved.
    • According to STG5544, the sprites were originally posted on Slingmingo's Discord server, and the people within thought they were official.[12]
  • Wechidna's faker form has no separate fingers, instead just having gloves.[13]
  • Originally, Wechidna's icons were made by Dupanims, but have since been replaced with original icons.
  • Wechidna was the first of the recreations to be released, having his own stand-alone skin pack before becoming part of the entire package.
  • Wechidna is one of three characters to have sprites not based on the original Vs. Sonic.Exe mod. His false form is from Parallax, while his beast form is from ILLEGAL INSTRUCTION.
    • He shares this trait with Xenophanes and NeedleM0use.


Original Art Credits: Sr_Genesis

  • Faker

  • Faker (Old)

  • Other

Static Idle

Left Pose

Down Pose

Up Pose

Right Pose

Static Left Pose

Static Down Pose

Static Up Pose

Static Right Pose

Normal Icon

Losing Icon

Sprite Sheet

Old Left Pose

Old Down Pose

Old Up Pose

Old Right Pose

Static Left Pose

Static Down Pose

Static Up Pose

Static Right Pose

Old Normal Icon

Old Losing Icon

Old Sprite Sheet

GameBanana Banner

GameBanana Banner (2)

Wechidna's official idle and up pose (for comparison)

One of Wechidna's official poses (used as the right pose here) (for comparison)

Official artwork for Wechidna


You can't get rid of me. You can't erase me. I WON'T LET YOU. I WILL NOT BE REPLACED!
― Scorched

Scorched is the result of an illegal add-on being used on a cartridge of Sonic 3 known as the Switch 'n Play. Once a version of Sonic himself, his entire world was wiped out to make way for a new game known as Hog the Tenrec. Enraged at being the sole survivor, Scorched made it his mission to wipe out the land of this "impostor" and bring back his own by any means necessary.



In general, Scorched's appearance is based off his old appearance, as well as old concept art for the mod.


Original Art Credits: Jack Gore


Something's wrong... you won't hide it from me!
― Curse, Malediction

Curse is a variant of Sonic that is, as the name suggests, cursed to endure tragedy after tragedy. A ticking time-bomb to anyone he gets close to, Curse has turned his hex into a job of killing off those who inflict suffering.


Phase 2[]

Curse is a lanky blue hedgehog with a beige chest and muzzle, as well as messy quills. His eyes are black with red flaming pupils, and are constantly dripping with a black substance known as Mobitar. He wears brown boots, concealing bandages around his legs. Curse has barbed wires around his arms and wears fingerless gloves. Curse has visible mastectomy scars on his chest, and wears a golden earpiece on his right ear.

Generally, his appearance is a mixture of his original design and his redesign when he was owned by Mad Man Halloween.


The "Grimbo" reskin (unrelated to the actual Grimbo) uses Curse's normal design, albeit smaller and more compact.


  • Strangely, Curse's phase 2 sprites are called "Curiosity". Curse has never had any songs under this name, and the only known second song for him in any mod is known as "Extricate Hex".
  • Curse physically cannot frown nor run anymore.


  • Phase 2

  • Grimbo

Original Art Credits: x_guttedangel

Static Idle

Left Pose

Down Pose

Up Pose

Right Pose

Static Left Pose

Static Down Pose

Static Up Pose

Static Right Pose


Original Art Credits: Cherribun


― Satanos, DareDevil Funkin'

Satanos is the result of tampering with a copy of a Sonic game by a cult known as DareDevil Inc. The digital representation of Satan himself, Satanos roams from cartridge to cartridge in order to spread fear for him to harvest.


Satanos is a short anthropomorphic hedgehog with a pentagram etched into his chest. His eyes are black with red slit pupils, akin to those of a goat. His quills are messy and pale blue, and he holds his left arm out. His right arm has his skin split off to reveal a goat's hoof.

These sprites are recreations of what he actually would have looked like in Perdition.


  • Contrary to popular belief, Satanos' sprites for Perdition were never finished. The only available sprites for him were made for his first song Trickery.


Original Art Credits: Erick Animations

Static Idle

Left Pose

Down Pose

Up Pose

Right Pose

Static Left Pose

Static Down Pose

Static Up Pose

Static Right Pose


Satanos' second phase in the original Vs. Sonic.Exe mod




Boyfriend is the main protagonist of Friday Night Funkin', as well as most of the mods it has. A co*cky rapper only looking to be with the love of his life, he keeps having run-ins with all sorts of strange creatures. In this mod pack, he has two sprite sheets available.

The Vs. Sonic.exe STG55544 Sprites Recreation Pack (2024)


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Name: Tuan Roob DDS

Birthday: 1999-11-20

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Introduction: My name is Tuan Roob DDS, I am a friendly, good, energetic, faithful, fantastic, gentle, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.