Where and when will Dutch tulips bloom? Find out in our flower forecast (2024)


Welcome to the Tulip Festival Amsterdam’s flower forecast for 2024. Only a few weeks to go until the start of Tulip Festival 2024 and the many millions of tulip bulbs are ready to celebrate spring! In 2024, the Keukenhof Gardens will celebrate its 75th anniversary and it promises to be a grand celebration. We will post a Flower Forecast here every week with up-to-date photos of the flowering of the tulip fields and other spring flowers. We will also share the Flower Forecast on our Facebook, Instagram and TikTok.

Flower forecast Dutch tulip fields 2024

  • 4 April | It’s time for tulip month April!
  • Expect flowering for spring 2024
  • Check out the flowering on the Flower Map
  • Weather forecast
  • Book your visit to one or more of the tulip show gardens
  • Sightseeing tours along the tulip fields
  • 28 March | Getting ready for a colorful Easter
  • 21 March | Tulip Festival 2024 has begun!
  • 14 March | Only 1 week left until the start of the Tulip Festival
  • 7 March | More colour on the flower fields in Holland
  • 29 February | The tulips get an extra day to grow
  • 21 February | One month to the start of Tulip Festival 2024
  • 10 January 2024 | All tulip bulbs have been planted
  • 5 October 2023 | Start of planting the tulip bulbs at Keukenhof Gardens
  • How was the flowering of tulips in previous years?

4 April | It’s time for tulip month April!

Where and when will Dutch tulips bloom? Find out in our flower forecast (1)
Where and when will Dutch tulips bloom? Find out in our flower forecast (2)
Where and when will Dutch tulips bloom? Find out in our flower forecast (3)
Where and when will Dutch tulips bloom? Find out in our flower forecast (4)
Where and when will Dutch tulips bloom? Find out in our flower forecast (5)

Spring in Holland has really started now. More and more tulips in the flower fields are starting to bloom, adding their colour to the tulip month of April. The tulips at theflower attractions Keukenhof Gardens, the Tulip Experience Amsterdam, Tulip farm the Tulperij and the Tulip Barn are also blooming brilliantly. With good weather predicted for the coming week, the next week is perfect for sightseeing the flowers in the Netherlands.

Expect flowering for spring 2024

It has been mostly cloudy in the Netherlands over the past week with frequent rain. Flowers are still about 1 week ahead of the average bloom. From next Saturday, higher temperatures and more sunshine are predicted. We therefore expect a colour explosion next week in the tulip fields and at the tulip attractions.

We will keep you updated weekly.Follow us on Facebook, Instagram and TikTok for the latest updates.

FlowersAverage floweringExpected flowering 2024*
Daffodil fieldsmid-March to mid-April early March to mid-April
Hyacints fieldsend March to end Aprilmid-March to mid-April
Tulips fieldsmid-April to early May early April to early May
Tulip Experience
De Tulperij
21 March to 12 May21 March to 12 May
Tulip Barn29 March to 12 May29 March to 12 May

*We try to predict the flowering of the flowers as well as possible. However, the bloom continues to be influenced by nature. Due to weather conditions the flowering process can be different than what we expect.

The blooming of the flowers at Keukenhof Gardens and other tulip show gardens is different from the blooming of the production flower fields. The flowers at the flower gardens have been specifically chosen to ensure that blooming flowers can be seen from the opening (21 March) to the closure (12 May) of the park. Also, the tulips are not headed so the tulips can be admired much longer in Keukenhof than on the production flower fields around the park. Keep in mind that even in show gardens, weather is an important factor and no guarantees can be made about the flowers blooming.

Check out the flowering on the Flower Map

The flower map below shows what the flower fields currently look like and where they are located. We will update the Flower Map every week with current photos of the blooms in the flower fields.

Weather forecast

Below is the current weather in Holland. During the Tulip Festival, we will also provide tips on activities to suit the weather conditions.

Book your visit to one or more of the tulip show gardens

The flower fields are for the production of flower bulbs. It is therefore forbidden to take photos in the flower fields. However, there are several tulip attractions where it is possible to take great photos among the tulips. To visit a tulip attraction, you will need a ticket. Popular show gardens like the Keukenhof Gardens often sell out. We therefore recommend booking your visit in advance and buying your ticket on time!

Tulip attractions / show gardensPrice
Keukenhof Gardens€ 20.00Book your visit
Tulip Experience Amsterdam€ 11.00Book your visit
The Tulip Barn€ 8.50Book your visit
Tulip farm De Tulperij (guided tour)€ 7.95Book your visit

Sightseeing tours along the tulip fields

There are great sightseeing tours to book during the Tulip Festival. There are tours from Amsterdam and there are local tours with fun vehicles such as a Renault Twizy, Land Rover, Helicopter or the archetypal Dutch bicycle. Take note! Booking is compulsory and there is limited capacity.

Sightseeing toursStart location from Price
Sightseeing ToursAmsterdam€ 42.50See all tours
Rental bike KeukenhofKeukenhof€11.00Book now
Guided bike tourNear Keukenhof€45.00Book now
Helicopter tourNear Keukenhof€ 159.00Book now
Renault Twizy tourNear Keukenhof€ 127.00Book now
Land Rover Tulip SafariNear Keukenhof€ 65.00Book now
Electric scooter tourNear Keukenhof€ 39.00Book now
Boat trip at KeukenhofKeukenhof€ 10.00Tickets near mill in Keukenhof

28 March | Getting ready for a colorful Easter

Where and when will Dutch tulips bloom? Find out in our flower forecast (6)
Where and when will Dutch tulips bloom? Find out in our flower forecast (7)
Where and when will Dutch tulips bloom? Find out in our flower forecast (8)
Where and when will Dutch tulips bloom? Find out in our flower forecast (9)
Where and when will Dutch tulips bloom? Find out in our flower forecast (10)

The flower fields in the Bollenstreek (Dutch flower region) show a beautiful palette of colours. Daffodil fields, Hyacinth fields and early tulips are in bloom. The flower attractions such as Keukenhof Gardens, Tulip Experience Amsterdam, TulipFarm De Tulperij and The Tulip Barn already have a wide range of blooming flowers including more and more tulips. Perfect for a colourful Easter!

The past few days have been a bit colder and less sunny. As a result, flowering has slowed down slightly. Flowering is about 1 week ahead of average flowering. Weather forecasts indicate that we will get around average temperatures in the coming week. This would be positive for tulip flowering during this tulip season.

21 March | Tulip Festival 2024 has begun!

Where and when will Dutch tulips bloom? Find out in our flower forecast (11)
Where and when will Dutch tulips bloom? Find out in our flower forecast (12)
Where and when will Dutch tulips bloom? Find out in our flower forecast (13)
Where and when will Dutch tulips bloom? Find out in our flower forecast (14)
Where and when will Dutch tulips bloom? Find out in our flower forecast (15)
Where and when will Dutch tulips bloom? Find out in our flower forecast (16)
Where and when will Dutch tulips bloom? Find out in our flower forecast (17)
Where and when will Dutch tulips bloom? Find out in our flower forecast (18)

The start of the Tulip Festival could not have been better. From today (21 March), most tulip attractions are open and many spring flowers are already blooming. The crocuses, daffodils, hyacinths and early tulips are already giving a brilliant palette of colours right at the start of the season. Even the production flower fields are already very colourful. Of course, many tulips have yet to start flowering but we are very happy with this colourful start. This also means that the Easter weekend (which this year is already at the end of March) will be full of colour.

The flower attraction Keukenhof Gardens currently has the most blooming flowers and tulips. Besides the outdoor gardens, there are also several indoor flower shows there, including a tulip show with more than 500 flowering tulip varieties.

Flowering is about 1 to 1.5 weeks ahead of average flowering. More and more tulip fields with early tulip varieties start flowering. Weather forecasts indicate that the weather will become slightly cooler. As a result, we expect most tulips in the production fields to start flowering in early April and late tulips even a little later. So the early start of flowering does not necessarily mean that the flowers will finish flowering earlier. The condition is that the weather in April and early May will not get much warmer than average.

14 March | Only 1 week left until the start of the Tulip Festival

With daffodils and hyacinths in bloom, Holland is ready for the start of the Tulip Festival. On Thursday 21 March, the various show gardens open their gates to visitors and sightseeing tours start along the flower fields in the Bollenstreek (flower region). Because the first hyacinths are now also in bloom, we already have a rich palette of colours in the flower fields right from the start. Some first early tulips have also been spotted.

Currently, flowers are about 1 to 1.5 weeks ahead of the average bloom. This ensures that when we start on 21 March, we can already see many spring colours in the flower fields and show gardens. In the show gardens, more and more early tulips will bloom and in the production fields, too, we can already see the first flowering tulips. During the Easter weekend, we expect many crocuses, daffodils, hyacinths and early tulips to be in bloom.

7 March | More colour on the flower fields in Holland

Where and when will Dutch tulips bloom? Find out in our flower forecast (26)
Where and when will Dutch tulips bloom? Find out in our flower forecast (27)
Where and when will Dutch tulips bloom? Find out in our flower forecast (28)
Where and when will Dutch tulips bloom? Find out in our flower forecast (29)
Where and when will Dutch tulips bloom? Find out in our flower forecast (30)
Where and when will Dutch tulips bloom? Find out in our flower forecast (31)

The start of spring in Holland is early this year. This week, in addition to the first fields of daffodils, the first fields of hyacinths also show colour. This makes the landscape look increasingly colourful. The tulip fields are also looking forward to spring but they still need some time to bloom.

Due to the mild winter and early spring, we see that flowering is about 1 to 2 weeks ahead of average flowering. This ensures that a lot of colour can already be seen at the opening of the Tulip Festival on 21 March. We expect many crocuses, daffodils, hyacinths and early tulips to be in bloom by then. Expectations are also positive for the Easter weekend (late March).

29 February | The tulips get an extra day to grow

Where and when will Dutch tulips bloom? Find out in our flower forecast (32)
Where and when will Dutch tulips bloom? Find out in our flower forecast (33)
Where and when will Dutch tulips bloom? Find out in our flower forecast (34)
Where and when will Dutch tulips bloom? Find out in our flower forecast (35)
Where and when will Dutch tulips bloom? Find out in our flower forecast (36)

Spring is starting to make its presence felt in the Netherlands. The sun is showing itself more frequently, and the daytime temperatures are increasingly spring-like, although it remains cold at night. On more and more flower fields, we are seeing the yellow color of the first daffodils. The hyacinth fields are still green, but even there, we cautiously see the flower already starting to emerge among the greenery. The tulip fields are also eager for spring. The first tulips are already cautiously poking above the ground.

Since 2024 is a leap year, the spring flowers have an extra day to grow before the tulip season starts in three weeks. We expect that many crocuses, daffodils, and hyacinths will already be in bloom at the opening. We even think that the first early tulips will already be in bloom. The blooming is heavily dependent on the weather over the next three weeks. The forecast promises a sunny week with occasional rain and a temperature slightly above average. Perfect for the bloom of the spring flowers. Follow us on our Facebook, Instagram and TikTok.

Due to the higher than average temperature in February, the flowering of the flower fields is about 1 to 2 weeks ahead of the average flowering. This means we are expecting a colourful start to Tulip Festival 2024. Of course, the weather over the next 3 weeks will determine the speed of flowering. Higher than average temperatures have again been predicted for next week.

21 February | One month to the start of Tulip Festival 2024

Where and when will Dutch tulips bloom? Find out in our flower forecast (37)
Where and when will Dutch tulips bloom? Find out in our flower forecast (38)
Where and when will Dutch tulips bloom? Find out in our flower forecast (39)
Where and when will Dutch tulips bloom? Find out in our flower forecast (40)
Where and when will Dutch tulips bloom? Find out in our flower forecast (41)

The mild winter in the Netherlands means that flower bulbs are already looking forward to spring. In several flower fields, we can already see the first green stems cautiously appearing. There are even some early daffodil fields and crocuses already in bloom. These daffodil fields were planted very early with a daffodil variety known for its early flowering. So this does not say much about the rest of the flower fields yet. If the mild weather continues for the next four weeks, we expect a colourful start of Tulip Festival 2024. From next week, we will start our weekly update and will also update the Flower Map weekly. We will provide an update on the blooms on 29 February. Follow us on our Facebook, Instagram and TikTok.

10 January 2024 | All tulip bulbs have been planted

Where and when will Dutch tulips bloom? Find out in our flower forecast (42)

10 January 2024 | Many millions of flower bulbs have been planted and are now hibernating. The flower bulbs in the flower fields are protected from possible frosts by a layer of straw. The past three months have seen a lot of rain in the Netherlands but we do not expect this to cause many problems for the flowers in spring. Many flower fields around Keukenhof have a sandy soil, making it easier for the water to drain away. We will give an update on flowering at the end of January. Follow us on our Facebook, Instagram and TikTok.

5 October 2023 | Start of planting the tulip bulbs at Keukenhof Gardens

Where and when will Dutch tulips bloom? Find out in our flower forecast (43)

5 October 2023 | An important day. This is because from that day, planting of the millions of bulbs for the 2024 tulip season began. Until the end of the year, dozens of gardeners in Keukenhof Gardens and tulip growers are busy planting tulip bulbs and other spring flowers for a colourful spring. We can’t wait to admire the colourful landscape during Tulip Festival 2024.

How was the flowering of tulips in previous years?

Although every flowering season is different, it can sometimes help to look at spring years to see when which flowers were in bloom in Holland. To do this, check out our archive of previous years’ bloom reports.

Bloom reports from previous years

Popular links

Are you planning to visit the best (flower) activities in Holland? Make sure to check out the most populair activities:

  • Everything you want to know aboutKeukenhof Gardens
  • Check out our information about theFlower Paradein Holland
  • Our top sightseeing tours for exploring the flower fields
  • Buy Keukenhof quality tulip bulbs online and create your own tulip garden
  • Check out our hotel tips for visiting Keukenhof and the tulip fields
  • Stay informed about the blooming of the flowers in Holland with our freeFlower Forecast
  • Want to experience the real thing? Visit atulip farmin Holland
  • See the best flower events during your visit to Holland? Check it out in ourevents calendar
  • Our tips forthe most populair tours in Amsterdamduring your stay in Holland
  • Get the most out of your visit with ourtips for visiting Amsterdam
  • Read more about the Tulip Festival Card



Where and when will Dutch tulips bloom? Find out in our flower forecast (2024)


Where and when will Dutch tulips bloom? Find out in our flower forecast? ›

The season begins from mid-March, but tulips usually are in full bloom only halfway through April. Quite easily the peak of the spring season, the days are bright and sunny and are perfect for enjoying the blooming tulips.

Are Amsterdam tulips in bloom now? ›

The season begins from mid-March, but tulips usually are in full bloom only halfway through April. Quite easily the peak of the spring season, the days are bright and sunny and are perfect for enjoying the blooming tulips.

Why didn't my tulips bloom this spring? ›

Tulip and daffodil bulbs might suffer from poor drainage or not enough nutrients in the soil. That can mean the bulbs won't flower in spring.

Are the tulips out in May? ›

Mid-season tulips (April/May)

Many tulips fall into this category, including Darwin Hybrids, Fringed, Greigii, Fosteriana, Lily-flowered, Parrots, Triumph, Viridifloras and some species.

Where are the Dutch tulips? ›

Most tulip farms in The Netherlands are located in the Noordoostpolder in the province of Flevoland. If you are looking for the largest contiguous area of flower bulbs in the world, you should head out to Kop van Noord-Holland, located on a stretch of land between the North Sea and the IJsselmeer Lake.

When can you see tulips in Amsterdam in 2024? ›

It is the most well-known tulip festival and garden in the world, located around 35 km south of Amsterdam in the small town of Lisse. When is the Tulip Festival being held at Tulip Garden Keukenhof? The Tulip Festival at Tulip Garden Keukenhof will be taking place from 21st March 2024 to 12th May 2024.

Are tulips in season right now? ›

Tulips season runs from the end of March until mid-May.

Where to see tulips in May? ›

The world famous tulip fields in Holland are showing there spectaculair colors during Tulip Festival. Every spring people from all over the world enjoy the beautiful landscape just outside the city centre of Amsterdam.

Are there late blooming tulips? ›

Many people don't realize there are more than a dozen different types of tulips. The earliest ones open just after the crocuses; the late ones flower right before the peonies; and many others bloom in between.

How many times a year will tulips bloom? ›

If left in the ground, modern tulip hybrids will send up a small bloom or two the next year if the growing conditions are right—tulips grow best is soil that is dry in summer, the bulbs will rot in moist soil and irrigated garden beds.

Where is the best place to see Dutch tulip fields? ›

Best overall: Keukenhof

Keukenhof Gardens – celebrating its 75th anniversary in 2024 – is undoubtedly the most popular tulip experience in the Netherlands, its lushly landscaped "inspirational" tulip gardens and windmills drawing over a million visitors each year during its eight-week season.

Why did the Dutch go crazy for tulips? ›

Newly independent from Spain, Dutch merchants grew rich on trade through the Dutch East India Company. With money to spend, art and exotica became fashionable collectors items. That's how the Dutch became fascinated with rare “broken” tulips, bulbs that produced striped and speckled flowers.

What is the tulip capital of the world? ›

Why the Netherlands is the tulip capital of the world.

What months can you see the tulips in Amsterdam? ›

In a normal year, Mid April till the beginning of May is the best period to see the tulip fields.

Are the tulips out at Keukenhof? ›

The blooming of the flowers at Keukenhof Gardens and other tulip show gardens is different from the blooming of the production flower fields. The flowers at the flower gardens have been specifically chosen to ensure that blooming flowers can be seen from the opening (20 March) to the closure (11 May) of the park.

When to buy tulips in Amsterdam? ›

From the end of January until the end of April, tulips can be bought on markets and flower stalls. You can buy them at the flower market in Amsterdam if you are prepared to pay the high tourist price. Otherwise just buy them at a regular market or a flower stall next to the tulip fields.

How long is tulip time in Holland? ›

While it is too early to predict peak bloom, our tulips generally begin blooming in late April and last through mid-May. We have a variety of tulips so they cascade into color rather than all blooming at once. You can take a look at the City of Holland's Tulip Tracker HERE to see the progress of tulips around town!


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Name: Dong Thiel

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