The Courier-Journal from Louisville, Kentucky (2024)

i Si no l' Oil. Inl Wall Vi.ivl vrt and enaniui file each. i Market JU A i .1 II 4 ill I VOI AM COLL It: I PAINT, il or gee ra 'ii mi; i'i l.lsll i limn inl.U nt Mil' -imall inalr, K' 1 si Mill. I (nl iln lt 111 i In i'ii Um lll, Ml -1 bill: DA or re ll I I r.VIMtl in: sI I si I VXV liu'Uil, i Mb anil Spfll'S. New Mbaiiv IIOVTS MOTORS TH Ml I- Rs model sc.

mils, ili.islnaliy reiluceil RAVS P. OAT DOCK flarrorlt reek, i Olllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll II ,1,11,1 Ml ul Ml sue i. In- I'M I. tlt, Jet icrson t' on inn ex pc! inn rii, com! ei Hie llll' ef Jb iuiuiniioi serceii I I inns tAl hi, PEKINGESE imppte. li and I'awu, also older iiwt.

II 1 PEKINGESE weeks, Drchard Hill blnmllintx. Wll PFRSIAN kittens, puiwhred, whiles, blues. 1. 1, K2Htii POINTER, ema le, 21 ye a ns old; DAY wink, i dvn or i'k. SMired nu tt III tu new jiiwl hell' t'MMlurtii due to our ttui mis i eh luftRrrim If ni sAill'l 1 imm1o nienl Opi-m tunii 'or silt ftneemeh.

I Ahnvp ri -Hire inrnnii'. appojnt. i aim nm.leiii liathrtMiin btlhiuh. my hotMci expvii- wn their nuii laiinnen emislsis of toilet Willi xvllli xi Buine Equipment. 67 i complele MOTEL i thu lincsi, I court in iitea.

Id iinitn, extra 10(1 toot loi. Uvinj ntiariern. Prite i c.iiM ct small dov. pavmeiit l'i nly deluxe small motel May lake home in trade ft -31, H( II STAl.l.AltD, Realtoi lliroom r.iurt'ts lllllllllllllllPtli! atelv; 4H Inen tines SIHd sen h.n pnv lie line, 4 hour per per week, $1 per hour to -aM ti inir-tewt call JU i.f STOC kiiI. ut! lint pniittion.

pi-t-t, i net wren the ages of i to nplv Mri. Giude, Bycks, Sei male. 4 year both reiiijttcrwt and good gun dogs, all KM 7-7WU. mnm-limn teel kltclieit caiitneis 17 PACKAGE liquor store, drive in; i POINTER, reeijtlered, maie moulds old: sell or trade for rfiol it i.iithr th ftnr pd nti SKMiied K-iod wrrkty Incomer. I bve tried tn tiki few of thi heuelltH 1 hat you derive heintf conneeted with our firm.

If are inrerel Intr rented please run lad ittm Harrow company rep ciiMiUihe, at the Kenturkv State iMnpti.vment Offiee, 44! S. 2nd 1 h. on September 2m mid frum 14 pm eiw ed- 4 DAY tn clean oi ki. Krnt.iv rcwu-lar; i'leieiu'ct Si- li.o, before A or FIGURE clerk, typist, permanent; days; experienced in nem-cal of flee; ill type statements at home KM 4iv.h MOUSE ANiriG, iaumtry. -anne cooking.

4 riavs week, M' SttTrt HOUSEKEEPER, governess, cue of reliable yvutow, hour week st a re i ee nc i. rite Cl.t:'. ire rmies IRONING In my 'home. White, experienced. I KITCHEN or sandwich 1 KlNil IM PVK1MKM I Of IsVll 1.1' sa-e ro i i i -tun Il 'ler1! icrt! enci'ieerniji sale- ni.iln i-n lm i ctialk ne to rr.joj honif cat.

tntu''f ui ti I PHOI'OSM, maih and nni an a' I en" us apt It tide. Chou-e nu (( pl(ni sif aro-nnd I'HIXIMT Kngnic-i or k'tadnale ah nimrwn priK-e eqiiip'ticnt tir top tt'f tne fti'Ut'e. livrai KK( I Tl 1- Fiiihtwr. ('aduaie. TELEPHONE operator for answer-' mti erv iee.

rxperienred only, ate ip ic aluy to work any hour. .11 v. Enoi volume; great potential; will take clou pBy nient, pav balance like rent Call Mr. Waldmnn, j-nVitJ between 10.. a.m.

and 4,30 in PACKAGE wblskv, 2 locations, mi and i 1 won't last KM 8.735. MM Kealtor JU 7-74M RFSTAURANT5; 6 well enulppcd. it new equipment, all in good TYPING MMiKS PAINT FAt lllltV TO Vol: 'l Mai kcl i ce Pnrklun PAINT, outside: inside flat wall, I'ior enainet, while and eoUii, guaranlcrd. HH DISI'OI NI' 4Wn Dixie Mlh and Hilwy. PAINT, outiilde or Inside: white; SI.7S gallon Standard tltstrtbullng, -'01 20S Jefferson.

PATIO covering, while Klbergla.7 Hcdwood slained trim; 6x16 fcol, SMI. til. 4 PIANO," 625; ptnbaTi machine, Juke box, SSO; ilishwaher, cheap; good eondilion. KM g-l7M. SOIL, 66 per loud: dirt, loadT delivered.

MK 7-2611. TABLES, I and 32 chairs: as a whole $2.,0. or buy sets, tS each: itleal lor restaurant or dining room. Iiy owner. KM ()-7miS.

TAPS reenrdem USK1I C.UFtATKKT) Ampex, Webeor, Webster, Grundlr, Wollriikak, Huvere, many more, up. I2IKI feet Vvlar premium tape, $1 f. 1800 feet Mvlar pivmlinn tape. CATCHKLS AUDIO DH'T 4.11 Walnut SI. Jl) 2-JW31 TAP6 recorder; Ampex portable series, will sacrifice.

SP 4-S7S1 or TW TELEVISION, lll.iH, value, wedding and engagement rings, oo value, ring, surrounded by 4 diamonds, Tiger Kye, value $l0, 6126; TW 8-3FW3. II! general offic work; i- inexperienced per i' to Apply in own iivr age and traiiv will f. wil hand Salfltmnn Aqenti. 37 prm v.r. ad 'r Sixty Seconds Shop Kirl; lenerd.

neat, ci.mred. ami executive- t'-m lor stead work, reference JU 4-2oH i 307 Dixie 4IHI3 Criltendrn Cane Run 2705 Bun SP H-2ij(i3 after 4 POODLES," small standards;" ti weeks old; excellent pets; 45. CE POODLES.niiniature, A K.f, ivg i st retl Pood I and Boxer St ad mmvuu available; CH 5-)2i'fi. POODLES, miniature: cream, black. Hard Kennels, 3ftlft Bardstown Ril.

PUG, Id months old, male. A V. rcnistered; also puppies and chain-pnm stud service, AN 7-1342. PUPPIES;" will give away, VweeltV old, part hound puppies. CA SIAMESE cats, pair each; pedigreed.

MK 4-Otirifl. TOY Manchester s. a No Standard Manchester; reasonable. SP 2-H2KH. TROPICAL Klsh and plants, new beautiful and at sensible prices Hahers Pet Shop.

214 W. Market, West port Rd. WILD bird food, feeders, sunflower seed, suet cakes. Sanders Pet Shop. t'2 W.

Jefferson. Jl' 4-7l'7. Knai manage metit underftud.v jiio.noo other rhi' nn.cei hik oppot unii tet li lor than KMI'LtlVKPS sUtVU'K nr RK MT Suite J' Home Lite B.ilfi. Miumu, 111 'IW'h ill i. I'RS, cam ealculalois.

New and used; sold, rented, repaired. Louisville Typewriter II s. 4lh. JU 6-eJWS ADDING blue printer, all electric, wall ills-play cases, miscellaneous files, wood: metal (in; lulling lander, lor store, binders; seel inn. it luiok-enses; other items.

1,1. .:143. ADDING machine, electric late model, wide chi'iihki, for post-Ing accounts receivable ledger and statements; column capacity ell-, rect sutiliaction. Will sell lor fraction of original cosl, TW 5 BIAUTY shop equipment, dt-vers, useel in good condition; reasonable. Ldgeland, GL BLUI Pi'liit steel desks; steel files, use'd; store and oltice tiAllirea; electric witter coolers LOUIS PURLIN CO lift Bullitt St.

JU 4-5424 UN warmer, Vulcan" 4 drawer roll and food sviirmer on casters; A-l eondilion. GL a IIHIO. CASH registers, new, used; sold rented. Traile-m Bargains fuiia-ville Typewriter llW S. 4th DESKS, file, rnaus.

new, used Office equipment Bought. DULWOItTH CO. Market at Hth DISH carts, all sbes. deep fat fryers, ice cube makers and Makers; cash registers; ovens: LIGHT hotispwork, maid in hotel; experienced, rehired; a y. TuemUy, Wednesilai, regular.

sP 8-772H. MAID and p'ain cooking, by week; reference, SP ft-7272. MEDICAL st-cretai tnoroughly experienced, with good local references. Write ti 820. car C.I.-Times.

NURSE, nil raes. dav. nkhts; doc ilh, anil The ra ok tin a M3 Annoiv place; contact Earl Krank-hn Ainutement Iftl7 Dtxis irtl SP 8-2311. RESTAURANT opportunities, In con tum tion ith UK) unit motet, seats lti; with room tor exnan-; Kiou excellent location, adequate parking, lease or will consulcr ex- perienced manager; Don't fail to NO VPV r. Help Wanted-Womtn.

39 sinks steel linor ami tn kitchen cihinels S'l lor both: relrig-eratois n. 4 'liner apartment ste slove. nieilieine wall calnnels II; with motor and blower pine many other money saving buys; use now or lat. hu! cuine in ami save 5lr to 7(1 nil ne.v cosl. IH'B IIOMK SM.LS.

sales olfo'e lialeil miles soulh of al Dixie IIkcv I'lea-'iue lUtll'e Park, hv. miles muiIIi of Dixie Manor Snooping (enler iust soulh en, salne side Mdlnnld's Hani-bureer Maud. Hours. Ilirougll Saturday 8 6 and suiieta 1 (1. Phone WK 7 H448.

SF.PTKMIIKR SPECIALS Cedar posts. foot lilny oak flooring 87 Per hundred, i. Inch paneling Z'4-( oiling lile whites 12r foot. 8 toot knehrn cabinet Free delivery. No down payment.

Let us fiKiire your joh, we will furnish material or do complete ''CENTRAL LUMBER "''T'L 208 E. Leo. DOORS DOORS DOORS l( elect flush doois J1 5J 4xH paneling 'fj Hx7 overhead doors, Solid core reject doom 814 EASTI IIN CONSPKI CTION CO 'I Zane 7 CloHunq, fun. etc. 69 IIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllill eOHMALS, 4 mc I 2.

like new: circle underskirt, 28 yard of net. EM FUR cape, Null fa color; like newj coiuiition; nrn-'llial cul will mci 'lire for ir r'M 8 EUR scarf, marten, 4 skins; lirht gray alpaca coal, sue 12-14. JAV al, USED ('lollies, 147 and 20- girls' aics and Plion i this opportunity, Reply inn Write n-W are C.J. -Times, WAITRESS; must be 21, have bar mill Murine experience. Apply in person oniv south End Cale, 3105 Tax lor Hlvd WAITRESS, between 35 and" 40, day or niirhi work, rel ereneea.

Apply Maziuu't T.iein, 2u9 41ft, before pm WAITRESS, white; must be experienced in extra large dining room, night work. Prxor's Kentauranl, vnelbyvllle Rd TW WAITRESS, white; over 21. dining' i-iMi'ii expeneiice. no Sumla.v work ppiv I oi la so -HIi' Eastern Pkwx WAITRESSES kitchen help; nuiM he i. neat and willing to woi good job tir good worker: vacation wr'h pa.v Xpplv in peraon only tiiHii south Jr.

WAITRESSES, hitc. to houis around lunch or dinner, experienced preierred. Apply Brown Hotel peronnel office. 9 to 11 a.m. WAITRESSES, carhops; good wages.

Kmcha Hg Bov, 4H; Dixie ilgwy 527 3rd. tors' references, thoroughly expe- held strict conl i tie nee. rite rirncen M- b-44j, I I' 7-4 in rare of TOP fill din and crushed" ALUMINUM to cur helpful, full potential in i to start, $75 to $h) veek. I'lil Jt: 7-7113 for appointment VlBf escape ladders for home, tieveftnttv to hotiif ow nern, when rimed look like tt down mxtul need 2 experienced waiennen lo tienionitrate thin highly haleablc life la er to hmne ow awn, cur l.eeefc.rv, opportunity to earn ver per week A RTHl' G. E14.KR CO, E.

iMojidwMy. FOOD rou op i over mtjiiiouh, minimi, UiiUiirf to Hoik 4 hour. Wl Mop JU 4 -WW3. "llFI THAINKK A Urir mutiMl lifft inurum com-tmny seek in 2 men in the txvilln aye edueat inn I background must include at IphkI liiith whool diploma; complete com-fuinv traninic proxram pn uted. monthly dulary aiTtii((ed.

It' you a re ce king a belter poi I ion i life, tiiu could your answer. Tleate rnd data concerning age. tditntal tatu. employment record. fKtucation, and Write AM CJiie C.

J. -Time. Horses, Cattls, farm Needs. 60 PRACTICAL nurse, any cae, dm'- RESTAURANT, luvintain, "Stutli tors1 reference. HU 3 fcnd.

c.irner, near factories; well PRACTICAL iim-se, licensed; 15 establi-hed, army man's lms, your year' experience; Doctor's olf ice Biimi tilKf car. cottage or $LiOO or any vase. CH 5-5767. I down or le. JU tt.ftiflS SECRETARIAL work, at home, ex-I A II ITKKLLA, Realtor JU 7-710(1 BARN apace, large box stalls with penenred, dependable.

WO 9-7ti'H ROOMING house. income M.lN mnnlh: rent Mil. fun- gas and elee'trie: bar goods; com-plete line of tablewure and cooking utensils. POLLOCK'S 1 10! Market JU OFFICE furniture: executive dek. SECRETARY, Ugat or me-hcal office, experienced.

C.I. 2- 12H STOCK girl, general housework or (lav work, colored, experienced; references. Jl! 7.03H2. TYPING, previously experienced in general ciffice and secretarial work. Would like to work three da week.

WO 9-1822. TYPING, secretarial work, at home; JU before 4 p.m. NIGHT work, nurse aid. bahv sitter or afternoon mk college student, colored; refe-renees. JU iMMKId TK RKPLxCKMENTS Apptv now for the Avon ChtiMmas oppor lunily.

plim a business of hich income lor Pii. Will ti 4 agents tbis week Call Jl 7-733. MATURE woman to live wilh mother and school age children; mother work nights; home all day; white or colored; stay. Call after 2 WE 7 ,1477 rocn. r.M TOP "soil, fill grading.

KM A I 2. Lionel, all accessoi les; complete hobby layout; $iso. Re-Inxacisor, like new, 6 1 25. (.1, t-BikiO, call p.m. WATER pump; 3 hp.

deepwrll electrtc. romplete: slo two I8.0U0 grain Klgin water filters. HU 3 -1H33. MKTHKCAL powder. 6 ounce, 6 or' more 61 each; 3'j pounds, 2 or more.

66.26 each; NEW MKTRECAL LUM'ID. ounce, per doen 6T.H2. RKIiUI.AR MIKHMAN'8 PRICK. prick J7.ll Hceotlit with ISM 7 47 Hecolin In tH SI2.W Hreatheaw-Asthm 67. Ml SI Kmpiriu Compound H.IH 64,72 ftlibnn Capsule 6.178 $2,110 Fountain Syringe 61.

If $7.11 (ievral Capsules ts SO $1 Celusil Tablets $1 4.1 $4, lit) c.eritol 1 iquiri Tablet OS $2.8.1 Insulin (I Illy) 2 26 $1.4" Insulin (Lilly) 61.1" 61.13 Kaopectale 6 47 One-A-Day Vitamins 64 4 ti 'lg Mirehrln 64. 7H $.1 Micebrln 19 63.S0 Melamucil Pint Rubbing Alcohol .07 Sucaryl, pint $T3 63.46 Sucaryl. tahlete 62.76 $10,11 Slresscap 6K.76 secretary's desk, tables and chairs: gray; made by General Klrepi mil', log Company; bargain; If vou want to equip your office at, 'a cost of new equipment call TW 7-24 PIANO bar. with 15 new bar stools, very modern, Indirect lighting. Probus Restaurant, X1IKI Cane Bun Rd SP 81270 POOL tables, "junior regulation; poker, ping pnnr.

tables, home bars C. bTEEPLLTON CO. JU 4-656S 530 W. Main pasture for rent In Middletown, Ross Collins, Slmpsonville. Phone PArkway 2 H)12.

BOX stalls and paslure7or rent; Indoor riding facilities, sham- rock Stable. I i BROOD Marcs, i tilorobreds, very" rea.on.ible. Charles P. CUik, bajn number 11, Miles Park. BULL, reentered: Polled Hereford l.s months old; wiling U(k pouiuU of charnpionsttlp bliNMllttiea at sacri.

fire price.TV BULLS, 2 registered Angus, 30 months AN CHAIN sawn, new up, aim used; chains, bans, eprockets for most make: also garden tillers, power mowers; some territory open Indiana and Kentucky. MATHFR HDW. It SUPPLY CO. 4M Park Blvd. 1-ouuvlHe 9 Ky COMBINES, fc.W and up: ISA and 25 Oeere with power take-off, Mccormick Deerlng wnh motor: corn pickers, pull type and mounted; terms.

McHAMKI. TRACTOR CO INC. J'M K. Jefferson JU 4-41IS CORN pickers, 3 Alhs Chalmers; 2 row mounted, fits W. I.

and W. C. tractors; 1 Allis Chalmers numher HO Combine: good buvs. (.1. Instruct loo Cool, Firelnqs, Kindling.

70 iiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii cliff. Ml-: 4J WKI1MKH KKAI.TY EM 3-4101 ROOMING hnuke, 507 W. Oak: 14 rniinn. lunmhed. Call MK 4-HOH7.

SERVICE stationa for leafte; major oil iiitoimuin invest-meiiN, training pronram, JU or TW SERVICE 2 bayj' 623 Kctmirky. all Jlf SHOE attractive, rent, ideal local, on. rioin, aliout Ho.o.i: will how bnoks, ideal for chain or a man who ha or more ulll belter than pay for Itself 1st year; Inventory can be bought richt Owner ha. other Interest appointment onlv. Write 4io.

in care of C.J. TAVERN, downtown location, ooj buslne-s. priced for quick sale. Jl TAVERN, dountownTocriim, Rood business, priced tor quick sale. Jf 4-ANiNi, JU 7 it7(l.

USED car lot centrally located, "or niav shaie. Jt' 3-JS79 VENDING machines; cigarette and candy; ctgaietle all types and sizes: '2oc and mechani.sins: new and used; guaranteed; evel'ent eondilion Dealer. Mastlen l' Js'KKI. WRECKING yard and Parll bus. ness; eimkI E'llllS bll.incsjt; well Call WO 9-7t.

fMKI-: Molel and trailer court, 9 RESTAURANT equipment. IiKllI I nsisvuj (ail condition, everything you need to Salesladies, Aoenti 40 tiiitiiHiitiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiittimiintt AtiKNIS. Cash is on the big fall and Christmas selling season as a Luter cosmetic consultant, we train you to earn, car unnecessary. Call JU 311K7 (or appointment ai.ksm v.s 3 WKN OK GOt)I AI.IBKR 'htt are lemtnded inrt entire itate of Kentucky muM be added to our alaff. We prefer men ho have houning or r'l entat hark ground, although we itl conaider any man Interested In the reward! ot aelltng, fur company la lop rated, we offer 1np communion! and liberal prnlit harinf hontiftex; we alM otffr the man with hark ground an opportunity to (tt Into the managfmrnt picture.

are the nationally known Central Development Corp fiihu'oui Honda properties. Including Port Charlotte. Kla under the Mackle Plan of down and month. Mai Jl J-was and a.k for Krank Win ford who will detail our out-landing program MICH 'MX fiKA CO INC. t20 S.

6th. Realtor. JV 3M2. Musical, Dancinq, Dramatic. 44 IHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIflllMltttltiHliniillll GUITAR lrun; rUsicl, fUniMi-co.

ChII B. i-Wi, MUSIC l-nn: all lnfttmmntM; private and (jroup: arranK- for i-cial Cnil Mumo Cpntfr 53i S. Slh. JU 0551. PIANO private.

only In my home; Mil. Dttirh; SP 2 0T91. PIANO Audubon arra; Mi. Hoberl Mathe, MK 7-2234. SIN0INC, Virk VwirsttirfioiriiW Harritov.n liti.

at Kavtrrn f'kvw, over ltown Theatre: rate, to hih whool lit. Employment Aqonciei 40-A lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllinillllllllllllllllli lit HVIt HI Kt At; Suite Km Ky. Home I. He Rlil(. get started in the business; will sacrifice.

JU 4-9I7B. SHOE repair machinery, T.andis: complete and ill 1st cine, shape; also small stock of supplies; rea-sonable. Can tie seen 10 a m. to 5 302 w. Walnut.

SHOS repairing equipment: in good condition. Call at 442 Jefferson st IV 7 SHOW cases:" wall type," ti Teef standard mahogany wnh lighted cornice to match; perfect condition; also two 6 foot gondolas, one 6 foot wrap counter; one 4 foot alt KINDLING wood, ee for hauling. LAYMAN BHDS V. Ill I KING CO. 4 i "i in-'ll Jefferson.

I Needs. 71 and legs, all sies, lieuulilul woods for any purpose, for fahles, Citltmets, also ply wiiod, formica, piano benrhes, mils', ulle, hiTices. pulls. S'tikl. nanel-; ing, many oilier It, ins.

Pippin's super Market, out 7ih St. cms Hem Wvd. 60 il-Kt feet, you'll see It. ROOK KS for level, 6.1 On illard tablets Hiiechpl Farm kmilnoirnt. 108 Si .00 Clinltest tablets .79 Revnnlds 1 ane.

OL 4-4IM7. I HABV MII.KS 24 to easel Bakers. CORN picker. 2 row. number jT; I i SNU- -4: similac.

$4 40. will fit any or M. International The mounting costs of prescript tractor; good shape; cheap Arsvm I ions has worked hardship (or MKDICAI, Tirhnl( ian; rpitercl or dt'Kree in chemistry -SMRKTARV: for the nerrewry ho likea a off ire, dovwitown liK'ation. hour, tn t.UK) STKNOfiRAIMIKR: mature (irl to families. Ml.

YVaanillglOll. Nt quale medication becomes impo 41177 glass ngnted showcase, Wacue I fti or Central, I unl inislu-tl. .11. Desks Junior or living quarters, lfl Pharmacy, 4th and anult si'cs. kiis or cntl, en, ui" CORN 1 row nullT I 1 row pull New Idea, 2 row mounted 2M.

Ciawler tra.tor with loader, JOHN SI' MITT. INC. 1 V'lnvri VI nnisvilln Ifv nil ire to iiiiiiiiiiiihiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiihiiiiiiiihi' trailer rapacity. M. Sitting on Office: 1 irl office: Ac- Inttructiont G.neral.

4S I 3 -ren. may take hou-e for dovn rhK' iNiiiiiiiiniiiniii KJSKi' 'CA, finished. We Ions, legs and ilrawer se, lions seoaialch THE It It Moid PLUMBING fixtures, sinks, watef healets. ptiiniss. tepan- parts, a I kinds of pipes and Mlingv, ner CORN picker, 1 row.

"number 3V tauriinis, lovely modern home SKt RKTARY.Rece,st,onist A It rap- i or group. CI, 1-2372. and UM'd best prices; you huv ex TYPEWRITER, Remington, office st7e, 14 Inch cariiuge; pica type: 147 model: excellent condition; 7 GL 1-7475 (il. TYPEWRITERS," adding' " Old, rented, ressalred: al) make, OFF1CB EQUIPMENT CO 117-125 4lh St JU A VIT Typewriters, adding Sell, rent, repair. JU 6-JW5.

DcJARNETTF. 6.12 Jefferson TYPEWRITERS, rent 65 month, adding machines, 65 up. Ailia v-naimer. iikc new; ihckj. J.

A. BENNETT JU 3-11S3. Taylorsvllle. GR 7-22 lL. CORN picker, used.

1 and 2 row, PARRLslI BROS. IMP. CO. o5Fehr JU 4-3 COWS, beef, heavy with calf. GL 1-2403.

MODELING, charm rldse; all ages, register now for new claitses. te-tober 17th and IMh. Aiix Adams Agency, 4(14 Speed Bide. JU "LEARN TO imlVE Seven hours individual driving Irs-soni, 630l Call us JU 7-6796. 311 8.

(Ith. A. A. Driving School. sihle.

If you. too, have found prescription expense an increasing burden, we are able to serve you tn advantage. Let us quote vou without obligation, on the high priced new drugs, hormonea and antibotics. Fever thermometer given with each new prescription while thut advertisem*nt appears. SHERMAN'S DRUGS 1.lh and Market.

JU 7 6411 OUT nf pawn typewrlterg TV's aew-ing machines. Jewelry, clothing, accordions. Save up to SOrfe, Caab or easy credit. ABES PAWM SHOP fie) Preston JU 230 STFELihelvingrux37l mchei; 6 sheiveai, brand new; 66 44; otha slice avatlabie. CI.EVrXAN'J WRBCKI.NO CO "13 Main St JU 5-Vt CHROME Juvenile set, table and 1 tive girl over 2.V Some shorthand, electric typewriter; St.

Matthews to 6(00 SWITCHBOARD Receptionist: Attractive girl with Average typing abilitv Downtown. STKNOflRAPHKH; Rood typist, light dictation, ue dictaphone; capable of handling people by telephone and public ctntact; downtown $2(i0 nVI. nrri- nf Hul les actly wltat you tuHMt. we nave uit know-how DRIVE IN PARKING Bertey's. near Htnck.

1 7ii 1 1 1 ui in ui 1 1 Yi 3 i i 1 1 mi i ii i rn ms Good Things To Eat. 72 SACHS. 136 h. 3rd. JU S-5047 Schools and Colleges.

46 SCOTSMAN lis. Machines. tuckiana distributor ikiles and for responsible Rirl Friday; take stuck lake, 14 acres to go: heauti-ful place, has excellent business; priced to sell. WH CLARK SCOTT REAL ESTATE 135 E. Mam.

New Albanly. Ind. SI Oil Co has available 2 stations, in Louisville, 1 located on Crittenden Dr. and another on Bardstown Rd. at Beargrass; investment of approximately 65.0(g) required: no experience necessary as we will train you: be your own hnsa with an unlimited future.

Please call for further Information. Sun Oil Bramers Lane, l.oul.vllle. Kv J. M. Dryadale.

TRACTOR owner-drivers wanted: permanent lease: good pay; long runs, ciass A carrier; age 25 to 45; must have 5 years highway driving experience; must be sober, hnnest. reiiahie Applv In person, Ti Freight Lines. Inr 44.1 ist see W. S'epcklllS A PPL 6 5, Hc.i an-1 le mw Crnies, Jonathan, Jon.y grones: aoule cider: tomatoes, AGENT; Hun a apsre-ume greeting card nd gtft nhop at home Show I friend samples of our new 19t0 Christmas and aU-occaaton greeting card and Rifv tslte thetr order 1 and earn profit; no expert-! enc necessary; costs nothing to I try. Write today for sample! on I approval.

Regal Greetings, Oept. Ferud.ile. Mirhigan AGENTS wonderful earning opportunity now available, pleasant I work, does not interfere wnh home 1 duties, good income, permanent, we ttain. all JU Z-tA for inter i icw. AG NTS, hoti-e territories open; Home of St uarl I osmetira Ruby (irunf)v, MK 4-JS2.

ASSISTANT Bookkeeper: wt-trt end maiiulai iurcr needa hook keeper to post accounts rcceiv atiie on national cash rcfcjister machine, figure rnitimi-iums, and make nalcs analy-5 day week, vacation and pen--ion plJtn, for interview call Miss Nainfoilh 4 a7.S. AB Mtt'ei "light housekeeping, white, sta. per Call Mt. Ralph Anderson, SP 2-litid he- BANK teller, petition available fr experienced paying and receiving: teller; permanent; excellent working conditions; 5 day week Write 4i7 care C.J. -Time BOOKKEEPER, life Insurance company pension plan, major medical, group ho-4piiatiation.

or ap iwnniment call JU BOOKKEEPER, experienced; Miarv open; pleasant working con-riit ions. Mjix Stew ai t's Cretiit CV'hmr Vfip. 2'f S. 4th aOOKKECPI i excellent working conditions, call for appointment. KM CANVASSERS; experienced.

1 or woik directly ith owner home improvement buutcs Call JU 7-7H3 for appointment. CAM for child, 3 month old; mid-die age lady, white, in need of home, no hoiifce work, private room, ty. -H week. KM -M0. cams tor 2 children, 1 srhool acr.

Jeftersnnville: stay. Call HU 2-1776. CASHIER and clerk, white, experience not necessary, must be neat and attractive and able to meet the public, age IB. (ft. permanent position and chanc of advancement to the right girl.

In answer give full particulars concerning self. Writ 5J5, cat C. -Times. CASHIER "With roam et ic Xpert-" ence; salary based on ability and experience, references required. Apply in person Monen lrugs, 4 Rrownboro Rd.

CASHIER and simple re-o rdk eep. ing, lull time; experience helpful but tiol mceMur many company benef Ms Aply to Hobert Halt Clothes. 1(4 Berry Bld. CLERK, dry cleaning store; permanent ptk-ittioiK excellem oppor-tunity Apply in penson, Puritan Cleaners, 20HW, Breckinridge. COMPANION to stay with lady; morning hours, in exchange for room and hoard: will accept lady with 1 child.

ME S-3K12. housekeeper, 2 adults; stay; private front room; quiet, convenient; no scrubbing, laundry; privileges. Write 332 care C.J. -Times. COMPANION for 2 elderly ladietT nights per week $25.

9 p.m. to 7 a m. Write 9.8 car C.J. -Times. DANCERS for floor show; also hnotetxe; no experience necessary, will train; excellent opportunity.

Apply Trianon Night Club, 7th and Arcade. i DICTAPHONE operator; ag 20 to 40; experienced, excellent opportunity, good earnings, 5 day week, (town tow n. air conditioned office with Muzak. Phono Mr. Hoeck after Sam week days JU3 DIETICIAN, A.

A. member, sick leave, vacation and retirement benefits. Haielwood TB Hospital, Bluegra saA ve t. M3-2ft43; DENTAL Assistant; white, experienced preferred: South End. Write 742 rare C.

FILE "clerk; a9 25 to 35; hieK sctioM salary 0 per niinth; a nay week, downtown air. condi turned office with a k. Phone Mr. Ilttck after 9 a.m. week- riaxs, Jt 3-JM14.

GENERAL office work, near Pe wee Vaiiey; must have own trans 5 lu; 3 o0 permanent. CH 1-S4il. GRILL girls and waitresses, good salary and tips. Apply in person only. Cooksev's Drive In Restaurant.

iMh and Hill Sts. HOUSEKEEPER, assist wtthchl1. dren, white, under 40, stay. 5la days; private room; $2t per week. WO 9-014B HOUSEKEEPER, care children: stay- exponent not necessary.

EM LABORATORV-assistant; local food processing plant; minimum requirements, high school chemistry; must be in position to accept seasonable and part time night work; service, from 50 pounds to pounds dailv; compleie fixtures M.Ilers 6 and equipment for restaurants, miii'g charge of office whils boss is comptometer School; short in-away; downtown 1275 I expetwivt diploma eourei Comp- VOUNCb Stenoiirapher; sharp, alert tnmeter. I B.M., Krpunch: life-Utrl for enmneerinjc department of I time plactemetit servtco included, excellent firm; ood ahorth.ind i E. Broadway JU 4-7178. institutions; Hun 11.1. 7 -1 BR taverns.

drlve-lns. planning layouts. Installations, i APPLES, led. Golden, DAIRY Equipment: Chore-buy; pipe llnea and Herringbone ivgtema; Dart Koot coolers. St4xk.vardi Farm and Dairy Supply.

124 8 Johnson JU 3-0704 EWES; 50 pure bred Dorset ewes. Call CA GARDEN tractor and implements; David Bradley: will sell Call EM after 4 p.m. GARDEN tractor. Gravely, used, rotary mower attachment. 6150.

JACK DAYTON A SONS 743 Mam. JU 3-0-'2. Louisville HARVESTERS, Gchl. with corn and' hay pick-up. Case, with corn and hav nick.UD.

Deere with hav nick. aJi, Irane or terms ncceary: near town $1'7S AC.rsCV SITKRVISOR An abtihed Branch (uue )9y) reprewenting a 01-year-old Life in-urance Company, need a man to au tn recruiting and ti inmg. Thit Branch elln five million tn Ordinary annually among ten genu. We would like to talk with men currently in Uie Life Insurance Dunne who would like to enter management, a well an men who are currently In management. The branch cannot expand further without an Aliant Manager, therefore thia position has been ereated.

We can offer an above-average salary arrangement and fringe benefit! Alt repliee are treated confidentially. Write 317. rare C.J.-Time. SAI.KS MANAfiFR ne who can hire and train men In the field, Man with experience In direct Mien, sewing machine, vacuum, education, etc. Man hi the $10,000 year, and up bracket.

We will help you huild your own with a good weekly guar antee, expense account In the form a training fee, over ride, and tionus. Muat have your phone number, age and part experience In first letter. 26 to 45 years of age. Mut have car. Take two Verka training in regional office with pay, to learn our program.

Writ or rail, Michael J. O'Neill, Wrlake Hotel, Rocky River, Ohio. rwu ix r. Ka.em's On hard. 1 Lane COMPTOMKTKR Operator: to 3 idem tv 1 in as, llllllimilllllllllllllllllllliillllllHHIHllil It chairs, special, Kornuca RAILROAD SALVAGE STOKE .317 Jefferson.

JU 4-7IW5. 'ARMY Surplus Jackets 64.65. boots" IT f5. pa'llt 61 gallon. Spoils Cenlpr.

7th and Broadwav 'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimniiiiMi Swopi, 64-A years experience. Wetl known lirm with mod advancement H'-l KMPLOVKRS hKHVICK 1HHKXU Suit Kv Home life Bid. A i A Free Parking I Houiehold Gootti 7J A ITFNTION churches." seliools. restaurants: UT sale all ninuiifiridl AIR-l liNDI'i'lONf MS fli sSes; 2 deep fryers, 1 eimi'tr. 1 We still have new aii-cnivlltlone-.

gas; potato peeler; 1 gas griddle; without the excise tax Also sons other items: priced right; all tier Wonted, Bulineti Opp'l. 49-A Deere and Gchl blowers, eleva. ,,7, tors for hay and coin: easy term CABIN tool inooard, McDANIKL TRACTOR CO INC. HOWARD nUSlNKSS SCHOOL, 1417 S. Hth: 25 sears Khnnl experience: artive placement service.

BRYANT A STR ATTON Bl'SlNKss COl.LFGB Da and nisht 9(t year of wrvire: founded tfM4. Gregg shorthand, typing. Dookxeeplng, account-tng office machines: all business subjects; CI approved: AIH CONDI TIONFD, 216 Sneed th and Guthrie JU SPENCtKIAN COI l.FC.K hay and night classes now forming: tireeg shorthand, typewriting, bookkeeping, advanced accounting. Income tax business Knrlish. ofi'lce machines- penmanship, spelling, filing; air-conditioned; fi.I.

approved. Theatre Bldg mevt to Loew'sl S. Fourth St. JU 4 71(15, feet condition, (all AN 7-5Vi2. 9 linilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Building Materioli, 63 iiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiinmiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii or trade for what have you.

F. VI 6-1377 DOGS, French poodles, ttandard ne; cell or swap for equal value. CH 68541 KR1.LV KARAVAV Will he tn MeMahan Shopping Cen-ter. Hikes Point. Friday September from 10 to 4 o'rlock.

If voti are an experienced oil tee worker drop in and bs tested and sign up for temporary or permanent office jobs; typists, stenographers, bookkeepers. Dictaphone. Key Punch and Comptometer operators urgently needed, good pay. no fee of any kind, look for the Kelly Girl Trailer in the parking lot KELLY (URL SKHVICE used Mitchell's for onlv oiher name brands at Kood loe pr ies Inc ude RCA Hole poml, fetter'a, Gibson, E'neraon, and Admiral. You're come in today, St TV 716 E.

Broadwa used. 1 10 volt. covering; must sell now, $., Call EVI 8 711.10. ANTIQUES; cheiry Dutch cup." hoard; nel, back to seatt walnut spool day cheery bureaui niiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii INSURANCE agency, general: large or small; cash or workout. Replies held in strict confidence.

Write S7. care -Tmies. HAE buyers wailing: special ie in taverns, whisky stores, moteis, trailer courts, call us, no obligation. Nights EM 6-2356. I.

NORHIs CO REALTORS EM 8-fW 211 VVoodlawn NEHl YOUR BUSINESS SOI.1)'-RFST MR ANTS. Taverns a specialty: cash liuvers alwavs for BATH otitfiti, 6-plee-e, lew. f9: some slightly damaged fiViures at much lower prices; nastns, sinks, toileta. new and used, see and compare. Youngstown kitchens.

i Sporting Good, 65 lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllh i AMMUNITION sis) SHOTGUNS. MANOt.LNs water beaters 1 coair. Wll water pumps, hot 223 E. Jefferson JU 4-1115 HEIFERS, 2: black Angua bull, all 3 for 61115. TW 8-4257.

MARE, Palomino in foal In registered Palomino, 6275. CH 1-80)0 MOWERS and choppers, excellent eondilion: tractors and corn pick-era, all makes. CASEY MACHINE CO, 1037 E. Market St. PONY, 2 years old.

gentle; 8150. Call TW 6-1548. PONIES, 2 large black mares, gentle, broken to cart, harnesa for each, also 1 carls, western covered wagon and surrey with fringe on top, capacity each 12 children, used 3 months, aell individually or make deal aa package. CH i -8024 sffer QUARTER horses for sale; also at special prices, JACK FLEISCHER, HARDWARE 717 W. Market JU 6-5594 1 buvs.

Sales, Rentals. Management. NO FFE New Jobs daily for experienced office workers, apply at once for a good permanent or temporary job. KELLY GIRL SERVICE 653 S. 2nd, George Marr Bid.

Rifles at discount prices, new and ued. I.axaway. alt gu-vs guaranteed. Holsters, belta. all type BUY I HADE.

EASY TbH.MS DAVIS CO. 101 W. Market JU 6-6721 AMMUNITION AND GUNS isit our selection of 500 new and used shotguns, rifles, and revolvers: foreign ammunition, clips, and grips, rifie scopes and reloading uppl 'es WE BUY, SEU, OR TRADE SENG REAL ESTATE JU 2 2614. SALES KNOW HOW 21 years selling business prove ability, Ruyers waiting. JU 5 4723 Business sales specialist MOTTl I ihons BATHTUBS, sinks.

totlrU. door, and windows; flooring, sheathing, dimensional framing; brick. Blue-grass reckerm, 8.13 E. Jeffcrsun, JU 4.5790. llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll ANTIQUES, heds.

chests dressers. tallies, pi, ture ttamcs. decoi adoiis; Dealer. 820 S. 7lll.

evenings. ANTIQUES. 2nd I'tea irket Sale" all day Saturday. I.vil story. Building hutcing with b.riiaiii.

ANTIQUES, Coca Cola chairs goodf coiutition, llc.iler, I.M 8 APPLIANCE SALE BLACK'S 8.5(i HACK DOOR ap-pliaine saie. follow the arrows aot SA'E televisions, stereos, Hi-ri's. refrircraiors, stitves, fieeer waheis and ilrvers. Save Imlay Black Electric ('. P.aulslowis ltd (.1, I Open eseiiinss APPLIANCES, new.

used, low, prices; rel r.l'et ators. vas rang! Wiis'iers. furniture. TV. terms FAR RIO VOVFY fR A FTl(i PROl- KSSION Many Architects.

Kngineers, and Construction Superintendents started as Draftsmen earn big incomes Simple practical course prepares in fractional time and expense for an early start and advancement in this lucrative profession. New Classes start soon. Early reservation advisable. Day, aight. Call or wxlfe, DRAUCHON'S COLLEGE OF 1R FTISG Market si J-6566.

AIR CONDITIONF.D inveiimemg. Stocks, Bonds, il horses hoarded; ideal riding facil lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllimi hies: vY 4 -HW1. DAVIS A SON Jt! 7-ikrj TRACTOR. WD Allis Chalmers, SAVE or invest your money with corner Preslon at Jeflerson BRICKS, used. 6U per" thousand, clean, immediaie delivery; framing, lumber of alt kineis.

CONSOLIDATED WRECKERS 77 l.Mh JU all kinds at big to vou; new and ussmI lumber, p.umbtng, doors, sash, pipe, roil roi'l'ln shingles, siding, concrete blocks, model with plow and sub-soilei RE VOL VERS," imported 22's," 3-0716. PI OH CALIBRf- men to SW.L national advertned products on the following bun; SKl-U by appoint-ment, SEIX with dignity, sell with confidence. SKIX Uirouffh satlnfied tivers, SKIX with high eomrmsxion, 8K1X In Kails City area. Tht position bears careful investigation by salesmen with view to th future, for confidential interview call BU t-ms between 10 A to M. nly.

AGCt RS8I 1Kand energei ic you ng man for posit ion with old eta h-lthed l-ouirvaie d4Xributor; liberal draw toward com mi Kin all ex-peneai paid; tmit he willing to spend or 3 night out each week: xcellent opportunity for right man With a company that srtrinm hires ales personnel from without the organuatiofi. Reply giving age. edu-eatmn and buine experience. JVi iieG two rare imes. AGES 21 TO 5f will employ neveral sales minded people immediately.

Opportunity to get in high earning bracket at once, no experience neceftnary. ratuportat inn furnished, many fringe benefits). Call Mr. WiImmi JU 3-4M1. 10 a.m.

to 1 m. fr eoinifine who iiiiiiui; mi up, istrtnn aim wesson and Kugcr. Insured Safety In Kentucky's Largest GREATER LOUISVILLE FIRsT FEDFRAI. sivivr.e. A-l condition.

ME 7-1678 new and used: new 25 automatic pistols, 6-4 large selection Der Convenient Offices To Serve Yofl bnek. hardware; call on us for I I kti-lie's TRACTOR, Avery. plow, rulltvator, ncwlv overhauled. 22.1 Carr Lane. EM Fall Clearanre Sale Fox Harvester new: prleeej to move, equipped with Row Crop, More EM .1 4 snv of your needs; plen(y n- ringers.

J22 50 up British Enfield 3 revolvers, excellent home protection, 95 BLY, TRx.DE. EASY TKKM5 DAVIS CO in, I Small loan licensees. 53 'OR. FCTL'Tir new esales otflce. APPLIANCE, guara iteed; r-frn.

CLEV El.AND RECKING CO i ralo s. washers, ranges: terms. 1T.S Main St JU S-MSlt i ri-1 dorfcr s. 3 stores. Baxter.

101 W. Market Jt! 5-5721 ItH.l.r.H LOANS i and pickup; Case 130 Baler, recon SWISHER PERSONNEL SKRVTcTs" S52 Francis Bldg. 4th. Chestnut Temporary and permanent office joba for women. No fees charged to applicant.

FALLS CITY' EMPLOYMENT 7.W St arks Rldr. 4'h, ttalmit. See Miss Dorothy, only Certified Employment Consultant in Kentucky. No advance fee. JU 4-4R7.

OFFICE PERSONNEL SLR VICE Top off ire jobs Top salaries 9:4 Commonwealth P's. NoAdvance F-e, JU 3-3342. HAYES FMPiOYMKNT Speed Rldg, 4th and Guthrie Near J. C. Pennev.

No Advance fee GATEWAY EMPLOY MKNT Starks Bldg. Jl I 4-73 Many Open in eh. No Advunt-e Fee. LOUISVILLE PLACEMENT 333 Commonwealth Hldn JU S-3129 No Advance Fee "CAREER PERSONNEL 3M Starki Bldg. JU 7-T1.

JVtany Openings. No Advance ee EMPLOYERS OVERLOAD Temporary Offic llelp No Feet 316 Speed Bldg. JU 3-8S1H. SMITH EMPlOVMENT find Republic 5th and Walnut VI No advance fee FOR TODAY'S GREATER NEEDS ditioned; IIIC power take off; baler, RIFLES MILITARY SURPLUS. 9 and 4.7 Lro.HLva' BUIL0IN0 materials, used, dim UP TO 12ISI0 Model 3 7 51 Spanish Mauser reronditlnncd; rerguson 35.

new sional lumber up to 2i toot long, Prepare for an interesting Job as clerk typist In only 6 to 8 weeks; PRX receptionist course 4 to weeks; office machine. 6 to 8 weeks: comptometer operator 4 tn 6 weeks; secretarial, bookkeeping or ABC shorthand 3 to 5 mon'hs; dav, night, day. Low tuition fee. Call now DRAUCHON'S BUSINESS COLLEGE 411 W. Market St.

JU J-85f AIR CONDITIONED rear rubher completely reconditioned; IHC grain and fertilizer drill; IHC with live power takeoff; new wagon running gears, 8115. Ill 'NT TR ACTOR A-EQUIPMENT INC. 1006 E. Market JU 4-5234 NEW TRACTOR CLEARANCE SALE Farmall, 240 and Farmall 340 International 330 and 4o0 DIESEL Savings up to 81,000 on some models, J. A BENNrTT JU 3 1153 Taylorville GR 7-2211 AWNINCV a.umiuuin: aiunnnuni storni aiuo'inum stonn dtMvrs 10 ta" off on far'orv stlrpua eKld atoik, Fe'ter Bros.

Alum. num. Mfg IIA Spnili. 2 4LS41 BEDROOM suites, 2-i hiih prlrei' suiles lo from. cherrs, remit I'roviivial, also anliqu white, cherry in Early American, and Co'oiual.

all kinds of modern suites in mahok.iny and wainu'l all very reasonable, $'10. up; liv. lug riMitn all new, that 1 price, ('15 up: rugs y.29 "5 up; '00 new dinette sets at leallv a UP; mat-tresses twin or regular, less In half prire: used re- Surprisingly low monthly payments with up to 30 months to repay compare Household's low payment rates See the convenient repayment plans on sample loans in table below Tell us how much you need. Every day Household make, loans for purchases, home improvementa, to consolidate unpaid billa and reduce monthly payments. Loans are also made to purchase pars, for down payment on real estate.

Just tell us your needa, and we MiU work out a plan. JVickrd by 81 years' experience. Household Is qualified and equipped to provide prompt, understanding service. Phone, write or come In MONTHLY PAYMENT PLANS Snorter. 628 95.

U. S. Model Enfield, S29D5. I'. S.

1903 Springfield High number, all milled parts. 644 5. Johnson 30-IIR semi-automatic rifle 66.l5. U. S.

M-l Garand semi-automatic, We carry a complete stock of foreign and American military and sporting ammunition WE BUY. SELL OR TRADE DAVIS SON JU 7-6811. Corner Preston at Jeffersom SHOTGUN, Remington, model II automatic with Cutis compensator; 61,0. EM 3-s87 after12 noon. OUT of Pawn, ahotguns, rifles, hand guns save to 5(r cash or easy credit.

GAMES PAWN SHOP Son Preslon JU fl(oring and sheathing, laige sup-pile- of used doors, windows, plumbing, bruk, atcel. Free delivery, best prices LAYMAN BROS. WRECKING JU 4-1129 JU 3'X76 I02O Jefferssin. Yards 10-H Fehr. BUILDINGS! Surplus Governnviit felt "All Punnnie" (no flisnr, open at on end) all framing 16 inchi-s on center.

Double wall construction, double hung windows, excellent for garages, farm buildings, storage eir utility buildings, etc. Iaaded on your truck in eas-v -to-erect 8 foot marked prc-fab panels' 12 f(Mt flat bed truck can carry! Can be ceded in Just one dav! Limited number available on Dovr Ml-i THIS' ror onlv '75 FOB ACT NOW AND SAVE' HUB HOME SPEED WHITING SCHOOL LEARN ahurthand In 6 weeks: no symbols, no machines, uses ABC's. Easy to learn, hard to forget, reasonable rates, lifetime placement iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMi Help Wanted Men and Women. 41 iinntiiiiMHiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiii: ik-. w'ZZ: nZ TRACTORS, new and used Ford tractors, one 9 Ford Ferguson One IK!) 8 tractor.

One m.i Model Ml Ford. I single 16 inch solid mould-board Ford plow. I used Ford rotary cutter, used mow. ers hayrakes, dle harrows. See on asn Bldg.

(Next tn Loew'sl. You Get 30 24 17 II SPEEDWHITING SCHOOL 62914 s. Fourth St. JU 4-7106. .64.46 SOflO Boats and Accessories.

66 58 14 108 77 1 display, the new Ford semi-mounted 6: ws) vwo 48 19 60 27 72 135 901 corn picker For your best deal on IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII COLLECTOR, small verified monthly installment accounts, full or part time: no selling; must have car and be hnndabte; local work. Apply 404 Hoffman Building. STYLIST for downtown Beauty Salon; excellent earning opportunity, for operator with stvle room experience. Write 131 Care I T.mes SALES. 6MMI Dixie ll-ghwav south of Dixie Manor Shopping I Center).

Phone 7 844 I rXSfVICE MAM hava an opening for an ex-sere. Ice man who can and will iwumr responihllities with local concern In Jeffersonvllle, Ind. Person accepted must be able to atari work Immediately; will grade the man on qualities such as neatneis and personality: muK have at least high school education. For Interview, call BU 2-5257 between 0 and 1. "TWO men needed to learn how to conduct business sale inter Views.

Mut have neat appearance, high school education. IS to 2ft, pleasing personality and desire to get ahead in large company; potential earnings start at $100 werkly- for appointment call JU t-aroi i to g-K VOl'Ntl MAN Ag 19 to 27, we hav position open for young msn with high arhool education who likes to work on his own, um own initiative and travel locally on occasion; all overtime desired If qualified. For appointment call JU 9 to 01 21 lOJ.l.'l" iiasior or rail iui, AIR liOliNS. powerlul St PRX RFCFPTTON1ST COURSE Pr.nSM in nnlu 82WO so tej INl iU: vuiibii. Marine, also Buell compressor.

WH i and very encn. some lieeers across top; ait olher 111 Mire about wholesale! (ash or teinix. no payment. talks ru-nitir anii Ware-. hoti-r.

20.1 w. Broadway. sP REDP0OM suite; chest, doubts' (Ires el book case bed. Sunset fawn fini-n. regular S.i'ils, av-; clo-a-out Teiins.

I MlNII ARDT'S I R1 HOI SE SHOW ROOM I ME 4 1 276 BEDROOM ItlT'flssESSl t). like new, S49.I.,: no Mown pavtnenU h's i HOUSFHOl.ll LOAN Jt, tWF.ST. MEMS HFR A NN 4-f77 after 7 p.m. Dav. night.

Call NOW for next 1 LL.NT COMPANY OF LOUISVILLE TRACTOR AND IMPLEMENT CO class i 'h Floor Stark, Cor. 4th f. 114 Baxter Ave. JU 3-4827 DRAUGfTON'S BUSWF.SS st Louisville. Kentucky COLLEGE llllllllllllllllllllinillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll I 412 Marke' st Jtj 1 Automohil.

lama Si Sifunllons Tnnloil livestock Miscellaneous. 62 AIR CONDITIONED lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll I Situottons Wanted Men, 42 1 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIII BOAT, repairs on wood or fiber-glas. all makes. Cm be financed. BAKER SPORTING GOODS 6918 Soiilhside Dr.

EM 3 5114. BOAT and trailer, 14 foot, with 15 hp. motor, 8225. SP 8-7414. BOATS, Now 1961 Thompson 22 foot Sea Lane on display.

Some 19o0 model Thompsons at clossvout prices. All fiberglass boa la reduced. Water akss, cushions. Jackass and most aecesanrtes 25H reduction. All 19M Evinrude motors EDUCED THE CUV SHOP Shethyvllle Hd.

TW 6-OoSL BOATS, 14 foot aluminum, 10 p. motor, trailer, fisherman's dream. CITIZENS FIDELITY QUAIL, wild turkeya. and Golden LOW BANK RATE nd Amherst and ring neck New and Used Automobile Loans I Pheasants AN 7-(W59 are life-insured at no additional 215. cost.

Whether It a new oar you Wonted-livestock, farm Needs 63 want or a used car. Rank Loans CEILING TILE. 12x12 plain white, 12c per block, 2xt's, 8 fool economy fir 40c each. 2x4's 6 foot knoi'y pine paneling 6'7 25 per hundred; fiherglas insulation 2 niche thick. 6c a seiuare font.

Free use of stapler and free staples with ceiling tile and Insulation orders. Free delivery, no down payment, 36 months to pay LUMBER CO, 775 E. Jefferson. JU 6-7801 DOORS. WINDOW'S Government Surplus doors I5sii No.

1 5IIII hung in frames. a4 inches to 32 inches wide, inside and outside doors 62 up. Aluminum screen windows auel dnora 81.50 up. KH) double hung windows in frame complete with full aluminum screens. si7es' 22x 36 Inches 63.: 33x57 inches 68 5ii.

two double hung windows in one complete frame ie 68x57 inches, 615. ACT NOW. AND SAVE whl they last HUH lieAli SAI Es S8i Dixie Hirhwav. Just South of cDonalds Hamburger Stand. Tel 7-8448 DOORS, aluminum combination Uit snTYotSx; mSn.

Are Belter Loans. You can aUso See this bargain: Easy terms. Abe s.ilas. 345 E. Market.

JU 4:5 BEDROOM furniture new siithtiy damaged; by the piece or carload. 8'7 MaiivGHEEN CO JU 6.WPL, BEDROOM suite, so'id cherry, dres-er. chest, bed, siilfl. HO Dl It yip 8-09 6, BEDS, bunk berte, "so.ld niali, rompiete pw 95, if this adverUsss-ment mentioned $'0 90 off LlaOYirs FURNITURE CO. Yjo ine Run H1 sP 66'9 BED, trundle bv Inglalifler, 36 Inch gas stove dinette table and 4, dotilne he'd and dresser; good working conditions- on bus Iftie Write A 415, care C.J.

-Times. LABORATORY technician: cheml-cal biology research- U. of U. medical school, Dr. LeKevre, JU 4-0734.

LAUNDRY press operators for preying wearing apparel; must be experienced; none other need apply md rk i co i i mi and opportunity Cherokee Laundry and Cleaners. ll'M Bardstown Rd. MAID, colored for "stiburban home to stay on place, household duties with cooking, excellent pay wilh Thursday and every other Sunday olf; private room and bath: transportation furnished. Apply Personnel Office, no phone calls. bPAl MING LAUNDRY A DRY CLEANING COMPANY Breckinridge.

MEDICAL technologists, registered A S. 3 full time, salary dependent on experience. Call between lam. and 4:30 p.m.. JU 3-VtOl, extenmon OiiO.

NURSE, H. N.V'asstst'ant house supervisor, 11-7: progressive bed non profit private hospital; 2 years head nurse or supervisory experience required. Salary commensurate with experience and preparation, attractive frimce benefit Write or call Mrs. Elinore Hammond. Director of Nursing.

Norton Infirmary. Louisville, Ky. JU 3-5371. NURSES aides, white: only thoe experienced and willing to work need apply; see not over sfl. Apply Anne Lynne Manor Nursing Home, Itfl Lyndon Lane, Lyndon, Ky.

See Mrs. Bcwiie Jennings, Nursing bu-perviMor. between a m. and, 12 noon. No phone calls, plca-e.

PACKER for warehouse, white IB-12: 91.10 per hour. Apply in person. If23 aist. RECEPTIONIST waicxfTyoimg Attractive woman between the ace of 25 and most lik people; here's a job that can ho great fun. Apply an person.

Arthur Murray Studio, 4o0 3rd 1 to DOG, fawn Boxer, 1 or 2 years old: thoroughbred, no papers nee earv. TW 6 4701 IBM TRAINING I M. key punching, I data processing. We specialajia In I M. training only LOUISVILLE TArtfLATTNO SERVICE BUREAU 118 S.

5th St. JU 3-5518. I M. Key Punch Training: day and evening clanses. Phone JU 4-7105.

SPENCFRIAN COI.I.FX1E 2'a S. Ith Street Hff.t1 "us riemahdfor beauticians; special terms. HEI.I.EM'S BEAUTY SCHOOL I sacrifice. 82.VI; 13 foot Runabout 40 p. ilercury.

trailer. 6425. 627 Baxter Morchandisp For Salt? REFINANCE YOUR PRESENT CAR and possibly reduce your present monthly payments. Call or aee us for fast, convenient service and the monthly payment plan that suite you best! CITIZENS FIDELITY BANK TRUST COMPANY Time Credit Department JU 7-1161 P.TTtOPOLlTANTRUST ZT! CRUISER 22 foot Owens. mod-, el.

with 220 P. engine, fully 66 i eutllnned. exce'lent condition, ti rtoj For Sale Miscellaneous. tft-M, white, single, free to travel with large. Southern circulation ales company; transportation fur tiiahod; high earing" to start.

Apply Mr. Morgan, Colonial Hotel, 423 W. Chestnut, 1 to I p.m. No phone calls please. SALKS OPPORTUNITY" Major pharmaceutical firm has Bales opening for aggressive hardworking college graduate who wants to earn from to Ctnu per year: salary, ptui commission; expenses and car furnished.

Write K7care -Times. MF.N "TRAVEL Ag 11-24 circulation sales work; free to travel, no experience necessary; high weekly earnings durina training. See Mr Tlner. Hotel Varle 10 am -3 p.m. ThurstUy, AHINE SALES as SERVICE, INC.

1330 River Rd. JU 4-82H6. Near Municipal Boat Harbor BAND saw. 12 inch. 615: wood lathe M.I Chestnut St JU 4 Bank rate loans, get 8' re-pay Iiovs' 21 inch ssiiwinu bicycle.

(.1 4-no 1. I BOOKCASE, television 21 inch, gas' ramie, wiincei- washer; good con- (ti sp CARPE7, name brands, guaranteed, I 50 than retail, bedroom car 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111' 648.18 monthly for 24 months Open CRUISER, see the SENSATIONAT Inch, 8.19.95. Steel 7 section over. 47 1 dally 6 days, to 5 Vocational fraintna llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll BARTENDER, 12 year extienence, mixed drinks: referem-ee. BU 2-(i235.

CARETAKER, apartment or manager, club, with unfurnished living quarters; experienced, wht'e; single: good references. JU 4-wi23, leave message. CLEANING of flees. ni ghts," regular; experienced; reliable colored: references JU 29212 after a CLERICAL work, office management. Investigation work; experience; don't druik, have car.

EM B-3IW3. "HANDYMAN, while, good refef enres. Call. 7 2201, 5 to I p.m. JANITOR or night watchman, reg-" ular; colored, dependable; references.

JU 3O704. MECHANIC, married, veteran, age 25, desires work of any kind. Call anytime. AN 7-1924 PORTER or work of any "kind, steady job; colored; references. Call SP 5 8342 TRUCK driver or sum type tales work, preferably automobile: white.

SP WELDER, arc or acetylene, truck driver, dump or any other; construction laborer, warehouse work; also maintenance; experienced; steady, qualified good work record from previous job. SP 8-2333. VETERAN. 27 single, high school snd 1W years business college. 51ili-tary electronic experience and service station experience.

Desire full-time work; wili consider anything. EM 3-05M. HITE "man single, age 40. loraT reference: sober: woik of any type; handy wilh tools; room. inch bed, complete with and motor, $85: outboard motor, 3 h.p., automatic washer, 625.

2I39 Bank. BEDS, hospital and wheel ehjirs. new and used: buy and sell, JU 5-5787. Mr. White.

BICYCLES, reconditioned trade-Ins; boy or girl: 814 95 up. JU 2-1876. CITY CYCLE 2)8 W. Market BICYCLES, tricvcles; nice sclectionr order, taken to build your bike: repairs, painting, trade ins, lay-away. 2229 Preston." lAi, intsl J55 8. 3rd St. JU 7-73B1. Ask for Chsrlea Wells AUTOMOBILE and personal TtMUie THE ROYAL BANK made In a hurry at bank rate Corner 4th 4 Market Su JUi-0S41 AUTOMOBILE loans at" bank rates BANK OF LOUISVILLE 2T Market St JU DIESEL MECHANICS AUTOMOTIVE MECHANICS New classes September 28th, now open: automatic transmission and tuneup classes now forming. Welding, new classes each week.

Learn a trade that pays DIESEL ENGINE SCHOOL 506 Barret Ave. JU 7-6802 Hahamas Seacralt at Kentuckiana Yacht Sales. Inc. Jeftersonville. Ind.

BU 2-5454 CRUISERS. two 20 foot convertible;" sleeps lights, horn, steering. One 17 foot convertible. W'O 9 2203. MOTORS, Mercury," 1961 outboa'rds.

now on display, Arnold's 3916 Upper River Bd. RUNABOUT 1959 Fibreiilas 14 foot," with 35 p. Evinrude Lark motor; trailer; radio, air horns; Just like new; reduced to $1,295 GlHDI.F.ft MOTORS 2410 Bardstown GL 4-4B63 rrlqay only lllllllllllllllllllllllillllllilllillllllllllllllllllllllllll! p.m. TELEVISION servicing; f.C.C. 11-cense preparation; industrial eleo Lronics; morning or evening.

LOUISVILLE RADIO SCHOOL '701 S. 3rd ME CAMERAS, POLAROID VALUES Two model ROA Polaroids with flash. 639 50: 850 with Hash 649 50: 8(g) with flash and leather carrying case, 875. UNCLE MILTIE'S Pawn Shoo 1980 MODELS GLASTRON 16 foot runabout. 40 HP Scott electric with generator.

Real Estate loans, Mortgages. 56 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniNiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii GREATER LoulsvUle First Federal Home loan ax economical. 417 Market lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllliillllllllllllllllllllll Wonted lo Buy Mortgages. 56-A will pay up 75' for your 2nd mortgage. Contact us first: closings tn 24 hours.

BIIJ.Y SIMON REAL ESTATE SP SP 8-1886 I innncliil 3 a. ME 7 7803 running lights. Motoreraft Business Opportunities. 49 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHINIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII trailer 81.495 CONVERSION i GLASTRON 15 foot with same oil, 820 up; floor furnaces, $30; equipment 61.335 blowers and Used heaters. I GLASTRON 14 foot, same equip- EUWARDS CO.

1813 Bardstown Rd. 'ment $1,2.15 DIRT; bring your truck: will load' GLASTRON 18 foot Crusette with at no charge. 1418 W. Market. BOfl hardtop, 60 IIP Flying Scott, elec cubic vards i tnc starting, generator, controls.

Consolidated Wreckers. JU 4-6286. 1 running lights trailer $2,445 thorougbiy expdri-ewed in braiasie-ree and girdievt; good starting aalnry plus interest-in commiwion aorangement. Call for apiHiintment. Mr.

fexteUnan, Meischer's. JU 4-3179. SALESLADY, experienced; capable of handling personnel in suhuiban sportswear shop. Write care 1 me. SALESLADY; experiences) 1 Apply in person, HyU ken's.

Shelbyvllie Rd. Plara SALESLADIES, experienced In ready-to-wear and accessories, age 22-40. well groomed appearance, and keen interest In fashion selling is most essential; full time and part time. Apply In person only, 10-11 A.M. or 2 30-4 P.M.

personnel office. H. P. Selman 4V Co. stts oepoi, nagery.

restaurant, doing sbout 7(g) per we-ek; will coneider erlling w-ilhout bakery; board, small salary. Write, care C.J. I VETERAN, desirea full time work: no le than 845 heat. 8 7 885: triple track Sturm Windows reduced, STORY AVENUE SUPPLY 1580 Story AveL JU 4 S.WJ. DOORS, mahoganv.

flush interior. 24. 26 and 30 inch by 6 foot, 6 inches, ail $5 each. sV DISTRIBUTING CO 844 B. Jefferson, JU3JaTB4.

FURNACES, c0.1l, 20 inch, nr7 $195, Williamson, eoal, oil, gas; pipe, fittings; re-gratcrs- sheet metaj made to order, install yourself or will inatatl. Buddeke Equipment To JU 4-5Ji3 HOT water heaters, glass lined, tint, 30 gallon, fully autoln.ille, $49 50, aV DISTRIBUTING CO. 644 E. Jefferson. JU 3 8i4 I BEAMS, angle Iron: new and uacd.

Klempner Supply 13,1 I-exInston Rd. JU Plywood flush noons Wholesale prices to huiiilers. tractors, cabinet shops PACIFIC PLYWOOD PRODUCTS ME 7-4759 at 12th STEEL Rb'nf Trusses, gable type, lenglh 40 feet, height at center of gable 10 feet; storage tanks, welded 0 tion. ll-mcnus aies; corrugated metal siding; miscellaneous lot of lumber and limbers, Progress Iron A Steel Company, Uth and Locust street, Jef-frrsnnvllle, Indiana. Phone BU STEEL STT.EL STFIT, Angles, channels, I beams, platoa, pipe, reinforcing eterl.

etc. Aluminum in assorted shape. TRI-CITY bTLKL Grade lain EM I-1 two STORM doors, aluminum 1 Inch, all hardware, tnatalleel, 6'M 50 stoioi windows, triple tilts. $13 95, Ell.V terms.Paulin Co. W'O 9-82114.

WE DELIVER 49x9flxt'4 paneling 49xP6xk ply veneer $2. 08 2x4x8 foot Economy fir 4a 7x86 reject flu-h doors $1 4flx9iixt, plasterboard SI 40 HIGHEST prices paid for mortgages, quick results. L. 1. Alper, JU TW 5-4791.

OI'ICK CASH for second mortgages. After 6 m. GL 1-5535. pet al no aililil tonal e-ost when pur-chiiKing cat pet for your living room, dining room and hall. THIS WEEK ONLY! Open Sunday at noon.

Monday and Erldav until 9 boih stores. 170JI Bardstown Hd. 108 Market CONTR ACTORS CARPET OUTI.F (iL 1-7521 JU 3-8011, CARPET, 9x12 Axmlnster rugs, florals, and ton on tones; slight water damaiie; assorted colors; value) to .,9 sale 628.94. Stevens 61 smith Floor roverlntf 730 W. Market.

JU T-6692. CARPETS; fust" qualilv name' hi anils, 3 rooms carpet based 0,4 ,10 seriate yards, Imv as Jll.v Oneil Sund.iy I Monday and rn-day till boih stores. Itatds-town Hd. 4.81 11 a y. V.GIC CAIII'ET I GL LI72H E.M 6 MI7.

CARPEf'NO for the home; frew' decorator ce: imnir. shown. LION H'S I UKNITl HE 3010 Cane hull Hd SP 6at6 CARPETS, rues, and runners, used, all renovated and reconditioned; also used rug pads V. C. Glasa Carpet lo4 W.

Main. JU 6228a. linoleum at pric. Sol "lhe Pioneer Rug Dealer." 133 E. Market.

JU 4-0581 CHAIR, makes bed: typewriter-, cut glast, bowls; desk; ehrom hlch chair. 1419 Highland Ave. DFHUMIDlflERFedders ltrV au-tomalic; s.ile priced 95, terms. (il'Y 218 W. Market DINING room suite, good condition: air-conditioner, end tables! le sonable.

SP DINING r.Hitn nutc, mahogaiU', ft3. 727 38ih St. DINING room suite, 9 pieces 3633 North Western I'kvvy, SP IR. SAMPSON 17 font Dnv erulsee. ton COHEN REALTY CO JU s-8178 week; married; receiving and stork clerk, porter, assembly line experienced SP 4-3383.

PART time work, Saturdays. Sundays and evenings; clprk. hotel or drug, consider anything; family. Write THIS, care -Times Married man. with car.

to take over established Fuller Brtnh dealer route, $100 weekly guarantee to start plua expense allowance for 1 week training period, phon JU 4-5fi79. ftALF-SMEN: no experience necessary; a national concern with op-portunitiea locally; men selected will be thoroughly trained, we want men past 2a, sincere and not afraid to work; car necessary. kPhon Gl, fcAI.ESMKN, new'dcal: weekly guarantee if you qualify: something different, stecialty outside selliug, Sermanent. Phone for appointment. Ir.

Jim Boes, WO 9-0601, 12 30 to 4 m. or after 9pm "SIXTY7 prepared stops per day," married man with good cat for dealer mute potential earnings gC (to to $3 40 per hour to atari, expensea paid. Call JU 4-Wll. PAR? Lima sale-snAn, automooiie experience referral, not nevea-sary, oepesvUble; intorested in tatla Call Kam Pottinser W. Hroadw si.X' JW VtiKNtTags "34-40.

for an eatab-Itihed territory, 8.50 per week guarantee. We train you. Western A Southern Life, GL 1-glBl. fi CT.UEvr"exeTTenrppor for aueo with ambition to seU Meco Men In southern Indiana. Call Mr dailv a m.

to jl m. handle naUonaliy adver." tied food route, need car and mall amount of rash, full or part time. 9.4 S. 1st ue 3 top ssfeMnen for riga commiMion ales job, guaran-pe kn training MK 1-7JM. IK YOU are looking for permanent mptovment with excellent earn bunks.

40 HP Scolt electric motor, controls, lights and trailer 81,385 Small dnwn payment, balance 30 to 60 months: hank terms, FAIRGROUNDS MARINE SALES Authorized Scott Sales. Service 4331 Crittenden Or. EM 61885. Wanted to Borrow. 58 WILL you lend 644MU to keeo family together, intcreot up to you.

Writ V736, care C.I pay, experienced preferred. 'Apply I Situations Wanted Women. 43 in person, no pnone cane, hub I ASSISTANT in institution or eld- Department Hiore, Number 2, 1701 Livestock Ac fa mi lipmst DIRT, top soil, fin and cinders will deliver or load on your truck. EM 8-5124 DIRT, top soil and" fill; best "grade;" delivered. EM 3-3 180.

"DIRt; clean, fertile topsoll and fill, delivered. EM 8-5979. DISHES factory istcemda 32 piece service for 6 61.96 up. 203, 205 Jefferson. Standard Distributing Co ELEVATOR, passenger.

In very good condition; this equipment is automatic, can arrange installation; excellent for 3 or 4 floor apartment, store building, or small hotel; can be enlarged for freight elevator; can be cn in building. LAYMAN BROS. WRECKING CO. .1029 Jeflerson. JU4-3129 FILt, 500 tons, gravel loaded on your trucks without cost Do not phone, pick It up at 1212 S.

LUh Washout Pit owvier in, nmi sen BERNARD KLOTZ REALTY CO. JU 3-2420. 1-4181. CAFETERIA; factory area, with beer, good neighborhood trade, sell equipment, lease building, 171)9 Lee. HA 1-22H5.

COIN operaU-d AND DRY" CLEANING CLOTHES CAKE CENTERS; we have only a limited number of franchises available for this srea; here is a new idea in the service Industry which Is Interesting to the Investor; because of Its complete control of cash; and the tremendous mass marketing appeal. WASIt-O-H AMA SALES 1155 Bardstown Hd. GL 2-021 4. COIN laundry equipment, Phileo- Bendig, Midwest Launder Center, 4325 Vermont. SP 5-8444.

DRY GOODS and "department store; modern; well established: clean Inventory; to sx'ttle estate. 302 W. Wood lawn, GROCERY stock and fixtures 1 acre, South Jeflerson County on Cross ftoads, (toing 610, (Kg) buvinea annually. Owner Dogs, Cots, Other Pets. 59 elry people home or companion to lady; nights, mature, while; refer, ence.

TW 6-1466, mornings- before 8. BABY sitter, some housework, 5 days (o; mature, white lady; city limits only; referencee. EM 6-1451. w. siaraet si.

SALESLADIES and ra4ijera: part time: age 25 to 40; experienced preferred; employee benefits. Apply Consolidated ha lee 1407 W. Jeftersmn. SALESLADIES; 2 experienced 111 USED BOAT SPECIALS Reynolds, 12 foot aluminum, 675 Starrraft, 15 foot, trailer $140 Dunphy 14 foot runabout 685 Switrer Craft. 14 foot, 28 HP, Evinrude, trailer, real sharp, complete $595 Century 16 foot deluxe, solid mahogany, Mark 78A, electric, trailer, radio, a real beauty $1,450 Cruiser.

17 foot kit 30 Johnson, trailer, complete IWS FALLS CITY BOAT W01IKS 132 N. 4lh JU 4-6308 CLEARANCE SALE into Lone Star Dura-Craft Sword BABY aitter. light housrwnrk. rcauy Ui wear, full lime, apply In 5 days; go; white; food person oiuy, x-uieinan BABY aitter and light cleaning or ironing; experienced, colored; references. JL' 6-3795.

BABY sitter, after 3 P. on; ex I SEAMSTRESS for drv cleaning, must be experienced, steady work. Apply in person, Dixie Laundry and Dry Cleaning, WO Breekin- aluminum and heratas 48x98.x', masnnite 62 0 perienced, white: have own trans- FOAM rubber and 7 I riOlie I ntl.n,. XI 1." tJKIl boals, Evinrude motors, good used carloads; by the piece or carload: Special pnesps to maiiufacturera SEAMSTRESS," experienced on llp-'i iABy restaurant' work i DINING room suite. 8 piece Pm.

1 uncial (he, ry. I year old. GL L8I4.1,- ing rail JI' mom fnr ipp.intmer)t hoais and motors, bank terms up 1 tn 36 months. Open weekdays, 9 to AMERICAN Pit Bull, male, year old, 805: female black Poodle, 660; good bloodliness. CA 6-1522.

BIRD dogs: Pointers" and trained: also have Pointer and Setter puppies, 2 and 3 months old; all si red by Grand National Champions Call mornings, before 10, SP 4-5926. BOSTON Terrier months, champion bloodline; A.K.C. registered. Fort Knox 4 5782. BOXER, male: fawn, black" masak.

while markings: registered, 6 month old. Call JU 2-3MHH. CANARIES; "young, 0 e'd choice of color 81.35. Haller's Pet Shop, 214 W. Market.

CHIHUAHUA puppies, up, ME 7 1 806 2II4 S. 1st CHIHUAHUAS toy; also puppies. weeks old: A.K.C. regkstered; ieasonable, miaet geU. MIL l-58 or Ui 74690, iillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll 'by day; experienced, white; refer and dealers.

KREEGER 61 IIENSI EH, INC Han- i e- i voip. Sp 4-1745 wlt.l.,m.M M.n.3l BOOKKEEPER, over. Indiana, ph. UN 6-4821 Open Vi' week A.M. to 7 M.

EST ex penenred iitiix tii. settled widow all phases: part time. Write 7.17. Aluminum storm doors Triple-tract windows sit; il 98x84 4 section garage door J. 1 Ceiling tile, 84 square reel S7 80 fret Insulation balls $1.20 No Mouev Down on A.

OLD FOffT SALES. 1(111 W. Hill. CASH ANI CARRY Asphalt shingles, square $6 Rra wool, full thick baits, aquar foot 6 Wc Plasterboard, 4x6 foot Inch. $1 36 Cement hag $1.26 WATEftf-UJaY BROS TSC.

iV 1-J0U6 700 (M St Special rlnsrout, I960 models, F.vln F00TL0CKERS; Army. 62 50 to Cots $4 99 up, Gassier pln Store. Jefferson. rude motors, used motors. retiring, all for

Including stock, fixtures and real estate; for information call JU 7-AI4I K. MB 6-21)70 GROCERY; South End: doing around 62,000 per week: one of the better stores: parking lot; Invenlory slock or walkout. Call a D. Ferry, GL 8-8570 KKN TUCKIANA CO. MR 6-2M4.

LAUNDIRETTE coin and atsrTtgstx pacrllka, Broker TW 6-J743. DINETTE chrome trim, rav Eormic.e fi eif storing iraves, 4 1 hairs. TW MM9. DIVAN, cluir. end tables, bcrim AIF.

6 2120 DRYER, new IWSO model, with full warranty. Only S1M.96 who trade, SUN TV. 71 E. DRYESS'riS'f'AT'hlrtpoea, new la crates, 8140.96. ULltxLLR 3rd ttt Central.

Tenr. MARBLI tops; cut and finished-j II aperel Hidg 4th and Guthrie "2. l' ir Ad.sore Fee JU 6-3JP3 dotation, knowledge of booh- rum snuiwri keepuig preferred but nest esaieii- eaa tLlJI Ft "M)N ttai pleaaant eurrenamllngs. In rsl etat and Oneninga 6.6 Acrvsnce fee twant ay ve CKNT7-H 1 fu psrticulars etaeinaT quaJlilca, Lj isnanailsioesiih Moal. orss and exoe.fs1 starting ssUaU7.

4Vn j4s3 tovxvcKss aM rlu i. I4J, 6i CJ'TimM, care C.J -Times. BOOKKEEPER, part "time." experienced double entry, GL I -338a, CAR! for children or elderly peraon, dishwasher, kllchen helpt ex-perlenceei. ceilotM, gleacLy vjiu si. ssrence.

tiP 6-7 54J Lamon, Cutter, Span America. Call NOW fnr winter atoraga. Up to 30C off. See las first DIXIE MARINE a BOAT SALES Ynur Evlnrud Dealer 4406 Slxl Hgwy, IX MJTI, can aruar 4 p.m. weekdays, all day Saturday JojeyhJEalrsP fi-4006.

NEON "sign," 8 foot 'Z snipe, cogT, 11), on dee tint, Cla 1.

The Courier-Journal from Louisville, Kentucky (2024)


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Author: Rob Wisoky

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Author information

Name: Rob Wisoky

Birthday: 1994-09-30

Address: 5789 Michel Vista, West Domenic, OR 80464-9452

Phone: +97313824072371

Job: Education Orchestrator

Hobby: Lockpicking, Crocheting, Baton twirling, Video gaming, Jogging, Whittling, Model building

Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.