Valley Times from North Hollywood, California (2024)

use, UCLA HOPES DASHED Turns ra s' Trey, iruiri Plans trts 'if point program of the University of Southern California Board of Trustees was defeated. The Regents govern both the Berkeley and UCLA campuses. The conference did vote a method of modifying the round robin football schedule during the next said Prof. Hugh C. Willett of USC and his statement reflected the feeling of the 'other two schools who were voted down on their proposed programs yesterday.

Most of the five-point program of the University of California Board of Regents and the eight- By JACK STEVENSON SAN FRANCISCO U) Calif-forma, UCLA and Southern California, dealt a stunning setback by the Pacific Coast Conference, today adopted a wait-and-see attitude on withdrawal from the loop. We were very IN FIRST BIG TRADE AT BASEBALL MEETING VALLEY oles, and pitcher Jack Harshman and outfielder Larry Doby of the White Sox. In addition to Doby and Harshman, the Orioles will get another player to be named later by the White Sox. AP Here are the three Baltimore and two Chicago players who figured in the first major trade of the current baseball meeting at Colorado Springs. From left, outfielder Tito Francona, infielder Billy Goodman and pitcher Ray Moore of the Baltimore Ori Chisox Trade Doby And Get Billy Goodman CLAUDE NEWMAN, Sporfs Editor CLAUDE NEWMAN SAYS: VALLEY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1957 12 Brown Solid Pick In Title Defense Just What Is 'Controversial1? three seasons which may prove a gam to the three schools.

However, the Regents decreed last June 21 that California and UCLA were: Committed to the achievement of the five points as set forth whether within the Pacific Coast Conference or outside it. However, spokesmen for the three schools here all said reception of the rebuff was a matter that would have to be handled at an administrative level. On the important Point 5 of the Regents program, the free scheduling of football games beginning next season, the conference adopted a compromise offered by Washington. This would permit a team to play only six conference games next season, five in 1959 and 1960 and still remain eligible for the PCC championship. A round robin requiring at least seven games currently is in effect.

Decision on what schedule changes will be made and also on whether 11 juniors at UCLA and 5 at USC will regain eligibility remain to be made, The 16 were freshmen when the illegal aid cases of the PCC cost them a year of eligibility. Defeated were motions by California on scholarship, institutional responsibility for rule enforcement, a new wage rate schedule and football scheduling on a freedom of choice with only five conference games required. One point, setting up a program of tuition grants-in-aid on a basis of need, was referred to committee for study. Also sent to committee was a proposal for subsistence grants-in-aid subject to need but not to exceed income lost due to loss of work opportunity during practice or playing seasons. A resolution boosting eligibility requirements proposed by California was defeated 6-3 with Cal, UCLA and Stanford dissenting.

A revised plan with those three again on the losing side will set a 1960 standard as a 2.5 in high school, 2.3 in junior college or 2.0 (C) in the first year of college or university work. CHICAGO UP) Diminutive Joey Lopes puts his speed against the canniness and punching power of champion Joe Brown to night in a lightweight title fight. Brown, who has scored 28 knockouts In winning 67 of 90 bouts. Is a solid favorite although the challenger from Sacramento, held the champ to a He's controversial is a phrase covering a multitude of tins, it In being contentious one does it wilh the idea of calling attention to himself, hang the justice or injustice of the cause. In short, there seem to be a lot of characters around these days who are reaching for controversy as-a means to an end.

They are opportunists, snatching onto something they know will arouse public indignation or individual argument, They make outrageously atrong statements merely to a dispute and draw attention. Some of them write it, others shout it. Their excuse is that you have to be conti oersial to get anywheie. The way it goes, they often are right. They do altiac-t attention and they do get cussed and discussed.

In my book it is intellectual dishonesty to espouse a cause If you personally do not believe in it. To be pio or con merely to attract public attention Is taking the easy way. It's much tougher to believe in something and fight through against 11 odds. In particular it Is tough to make a fight for something you believe in but the public doesn't. Tough, too, is attacking something the public believe Sexauer Pigskin Champion COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo, ffl The Chicago White Sox completed a 3-for-3 swap with Baltimore to kick off the player trading at the national baseball convention last night.

The deal sends White Sox center fielder Larry Doby, pitcher Jack Harshman and another player to be named later to the Orioles for infielder Billy Goodman, pitcher Ray Moore and outfielder Tito Francona. Doby, 33, and Harshman, 30, had disappointing records last season. Goodman, 31, veteran of more than 10 years in the majors, was injured part of the past season. Francona, 24, is a promising slugger. Moore had a 11-won, 13-lost record with fifth-place Baltimore.

Convention centers are bubbling with trade rumors. The Philadelphia Phillies are oifering pitcher Robin Roberts and outfielder Richie Ashburn in proposed deals for younger talent. Ashburn and left-handed pitcher Harvey Haddix were offered by the Phils for St. Louis third base man Ken Boyer, but the deal was rejected. Cincinnati offered an unidentified outfielder for Roberts and the Phils responded by asking for center fielder Gus Bell in Exchange but the swap failed.

It was reported the Reds offered outfielder Wally Post. Washington and Detroit were trying to connect on a multi-player deal. The latest Detroit proposition being studied by Washington proposes: (1) infielder Ray Boone and either pitchers Bob Shaw or Hal Woodeshick to go to the Chicago White Sox in a trade for pitcher Bob (No Hit) Keegan and outfielder Bubba Phillips; (2) Detroit would then send Phillips, infielder Jim Finigan, outfielder Jimmy Greengrass and catcher J. W. Porter to Washington for catcher I-ou Berberet and infielder Pete Runnels.

THE AMAZING MR. SHIELDS in public. Some spielers seem well endowed with such poor taste, especially on TV. 10-round non-title draw four months ago at Chicago Stadium. This accomplishment earned the 27-year-old Lopes a shot at the crown and the match was made by the International Boxing Club despite sharp criticism from some quarters that No.

2 ranked Kenny Lane deserved the Lopes, who stands 5-6 and is two inches shorter than Brown, is rated the No. 7 contender by the National Boxing Assn, and No. 6 by Ring Magazine. He has 43 victories in 57 starts and is credited with 16 kayoes. The 15 rounder at Chicago Stadium will be televised nationally (7 p.m.

PST, ABC) with Chicago blacked out. There will be no radio broadcast. Brown, at least four years older than the Portugal-born challenger, is unbeaten in his last 13 fights. He is one of the busiest fighters in the business, having had six bouts already this year. This will be his third title defense since winning the 135-pound crown from Wallace (Bud) Smith Aug.

24, 1936. Brown, whose home is in New Orleans, scored an 11-round kayo over Smith and a 15-round knockout of Orlando Zulueta in title defenses this year The odds that he will knock out Lopes are 2-1. Youre looking at one of the best high school football' players in the Southland. Hes Eagle Rock Highs Alan Shields who will be leading his teammates against Manual Arts in the semi-finals of the current Los Angeles city-wide playoffs at the Coliseum Saturday. Last Saturday against Fremont Shields rolled up 248 yards in 16 carries.

Valley Times photo. The winner of the Valley Times Pigskin Pickin be rby is Chuck Sexauer, It was a hard pull because Sexauer had to break, a three-way tie the final week of the 10-week campaign between himself, Tom Harmon and Clalide Newman to pick up the blue ribbon, Sexauer pegged 19 right, seven wrong last week while Harmon collected 18 right and eight wrong. Newman slipped to third place with 16-10. Pete Kokon, riding the cellar all year long, finally had a good week" as he tabbed 22 right and four wrong to- pull into a tie for fourth spot with A1 Hunt, coach at Valley Junior College. Sexauer took the lead the very first week and never re-linquished the lead.

He was tied for it just last week but never any worse. His seasons total hi 267-124 while Ilarmon ended with 266-123, Final standings: ilt a.lfjj:' Wallen, Leeka On AII-PCC Eleven In and follows with fervor. The professional maker of controversy has no such hopples on him and ho qualms about adopting a subject he think will atir up angry discussion. The more outlandish the statement, the greater the controversy, or to the declaimed for lntellertual dishonesty would have it. In many way this Is an age of sensationalism.

The factual story, brilliantly written, may go begging while the one with a sensational angle" is published. The same eems to be true on the radio and TV air waves where the self-professed controversial" figure our ear with opportunist drivel slanted toward a "name for roniroverxy. a If one could but keep a record of just how controversial ome of these individual really are he might be surprised to find several of them v'ere Mugwumps, wilh "mug" on one side of the fence and wump" on the other. One also might discover a considerable vacillation, wilh the lensationalist fer a eaue one time and agin" it at another, but seldom atabla In hi beliefs, at least for long, 'ill- oajuco ajRiiffl One-Sided Stand There is the other side to it, the refusal to accept the facts by stubbornly remaining onesided in treatment of a subject. I can undersand being in favor of a team, or a cause, or a person, but it is intellectual dishonesty not to report when your pet has done something w-rong.

Glossing over, or "ex-plaining," bad performances is the worst ailment afflicting some of those who profess to be honest, hard-bitting experts. Controversy should romp when you are honestly critical and not when you are reaching" for something on which to hang it. The people who disagree with you sometimes can make plenty of controversy without you manufacturing it. There are enough bad spots in boxing, college football, pit) football and other spoits to make any truly controversial figure happy IF he choosps to dissect them honestly. But to rlobber something just because you think the public will be aroused is asinine and should earn you a beggars fee at the public trough.

Too often, though, such things are approached from the angle of will this get a rise out of the public?" Five seniors and six juniors from seven schools were on the 1957 all-Pacifiq Coast Conference team announced today by the PCC commissioner's office. Bob Newman of Washington State and Joe Francis of Oregon Slate College were named to the first, string backfield which also Included Jim Slianley of Oregon Vic Seixas Meets Ampon (for 0 QUARTER CAR RESULTS AT PANORAMA CITY Senior main Dick Taklmoto, 11, Cor Small Cars Spotlight Races C. Newman No. 231, Panorama Citvi Roser Hu left, 11, Cor No. 251, Bell Gardens.

Novice main Steven Ruth, Cor No and Jim Jones of Washington. Don Ellingsen, PCC leader in pass receptions with 45 from Washington State, was at one end with UCLA's Dick Wallen at the other. At tackles the coaches selected Bill Leeka of UCLA and Troy Barbee of Stanford. Guards were Gerry Kramer, Idaho, and Harry Mondale, Oregon. Francis (Buzz) Randall, Oregon State, was the center.

ADELAIDE ()P) The two veteran members of each team, Vic Seixas of Phildelphla and Feli-cimo Ampon, were drawn for the opening singles assignment tomorrow in the interzons Davis Cup tennis final between the United States and the Philippines. The second match sends Herbie Flam, of Beverly Hills, against Rayniundo Deyfo, the Philippines national champion, in a stern test for the Yanks. Talbert announced that Seixas and 44-year-old Gardnar Mul-loy, of Miami, would form Fridays doubles team. Diy de layed announcement of his official tandem until tomorrow's deadline. TALE OF THE TAPE WE HAVE INSTALLED MUFFLERS FOR 20 YEARS RRD FIND THIS TO IE ONI OF THE OUTSTANDING MUFFLERS ON THE MARKET TODAY! Bee Tourney At Burroughs WIIB ffflwty FOOTBALL SCORES Convenient Memory If you rant against a man a a no-good and a thief it hardly adds up if you suddenly change the tune.

Maybe it was propitious to criticize him at the time, but if he was a bum then, and you were intellectually honest, he still must be a bum. So you either remain opposed to such a man and what he stands for, and leave him alone, or you change the tune and trust the public foigets what you said about him. Sports is full of honest arguments without conjuring up spurious ones for fear you will gq unnoticed, whether you ai writing it or talking it. Strangely enough, though, the phoney controversial" figures nomcimes become quite popular. This is like rewarding a man for cheating on his examinations.

Worse yet Is the smart aleck who thinks to advance himsplf at the cost of another's dignity Independf'nfr Indians 18, 7-Up Thunderbolts 13. Schadult Tonight, Memorial Stadium 30 Cook Brothers Rangers vs. Independents Leogue). The small car feature figures to take some of the spotlight from the big car action In this weekends fifth Paramount Ranch sports car road races. More than 150 driver will participate Saturday and Sum day at the west San Fernando Valley racing strip.

The meet is the concluding event of 1937 for. the sports cars. The big duel In the modified under 1500 cc. competition matches the great Ken Miles agninst Jean Pierre Kunstle. Miles has completely monopolized honors this year, being virtually unbeatable.

But one of the very few men to get an exhaust pipe In front of the lean BritNher was Kun slle. The handsome Carmel laeer did It In the preliminaries of the recent Pomona road laees. Miles came back to annihilate Kunstle in the finals the next day, but it has become news when anyone can finish in fiont of Miles. Sponsoring California Sports Car Club officials look for rugged competition In all classes. Action should be especially heavy in the large production class where classy Jerry Austin guns his red Corvettes against a field of Mercedes 300 SLs and Con cites.

A nzMVWVW't wow DW 202, Los Angeles; Stive Newgard, Car No. 12, Burbank. Regular mom Dlckio Burdge, 10, Car No. 38, Panorama City? Jerry Claycamo, 7, Cor No. 44, Pacoima; Rifchit Fountom, 9, Car No.

50p Studio City. Novice Semi Moin Hollis McBrid 4, Cor No. 173 Granada Hills; Wendy Rick-mon, 7, Car No. 132, North Hollywood. Regular semi mom Dennis Hartley, Cor No.

26, Canoga Pork; Ritehig Fountain, 9, Car No. 50, Studio City. Senior helmet dash Dick Taklmoto, 11, Car No. 30, Pacoima. Novice helmet dastv Steve Newgcrd, Car No.

12, Burbank. Regular helmet doth Larry Horn, Cor No. 41, Encino. Senior trophy dosh-Bill Hartley, 12, Car No. Canoga Park.

Regular trophy dash-Lorry Horn, 1 Encino. SAN FERNANDO dastv-MIkg McDonald, 12, Car Bruce Hustls, 10, Car No. Tommy Patton, 12, Car No. Steve Koster, 10, Car No. Buster Venord, 15, Car No.

Hollywood; Jackey Lakely, 10, Compton; Karen Venord, North Hollywood. Ronnie Barr, 13, Car No. Park; Pat Dupree, 13, Car Danny Carr, 7, Car main Richord Shannon, 6, Canogo Pork; Mike Johnston, No. 51, Son Fernando. Steve Koster, 10, Cor No.

Lynn Mills, 14, Cor No. 78, Ronnie Borr, 13, Car No. Pork. Pat Dupree, 13, Car No. Richord Shannon, 4, Park.

CORNELL CORNERS Johnny Richardson, Jimmy Evans. Don Boilev. No. I Dovid McDonough. No.

3 Bobby Goroo. Benny Garcia. Don Bailey. Steve Kilev. Benny Garda.

Billy McCollough. Main Steve Kiley. Bobby Garcia. Benny Garcia. Don Boilev.

Qualifying Novice, Ricky Er Bobby Evons; Senior, Grandstand Play Honest reporting of auto racing, for example, goes begging but a sensational stogy about death on the speedways can get a big play in a national magazine. Sensationalism, thats the stuff. Too often the renegade of boxing is the one who gets splattered all over the magazines pages, or the newspapers, while the truly fine workman is ignored because hes too normal and has only the usual human frailties. The big play too many times Is on the scandals involved, as in college basketball, and not on the truly great works of a team or a roach. Baseball ulso suffers from sensationalism with inside" stories that deal not with the finer points but with the seamier side.

In college football the was a cheater" angle is played up, not the many thousands of fine young men who did their individual best, I fear it is an age of sensationalism, with the phoney controversial" capitalizing on It. A better way is to think light, have deep-seated con-victions, and not be afraid to defend them w'ithout thinking about whether It "will get a rise out of the public. In opening their "Foothill League Bee basketball tournament action, the Burbank Bull-pups clash with the Notre Dame Squires In the featured 6 oclock engagement this evening upon the John Burroughs maple-woods. The hosting John Burroughs Braves test the John Muir Ponies at 3 and the El Monte Cubs battle the Pasadena Bull-pups at 4:30 this afternoon in the tourney's opening encount-eis. In the other evening contest tonight the Glendale Hoover Cyclones encounter the Glendale Blasters at 7:30.

Last night Burbank headman Pete Peterson announced that forwards Richie Kyle and Ed Lowman, center Dennis Shriver and guards Mike Stanwick and John Tindell will form his starting quintet. Forwards Bob Canfield and Bob Sprowls, center Jerry Patch and guards Mike Ilirsch and Denny Keenan comprise the John Burroughs starting lineup. NTcVv''ouniao" Car No. 41, AT Trophy 6X, San Fernando. Mam event 42, Burbank; 99, Von Nuys; 1, Van Nuys.

Semi mouv 3, North Car No. 6, Car No. 60, Junior main 15, Canoga No. 172, Burbank; NO. 54X.

Junior semi Cor No. 49X, 7, Car Heat No. 5 1, Van Nuys. Heat No. 4 Pacoima Heot No, 15, Conooo Heat No.

2 172, Burbank. Heat No 1 No. 69X, Conoga AT Novice Helmet Regular Helmet Senior Helmet Novice Heat Novice Heot Regular Heat Senior hot Novice Trophy Regular Trophy Senior Trophy Novice Semi Novice Mom Regular Mam Senior Main Fastest rickson; Regular, Louisville Star Tops All-America PRO CAGE RESULTS TvrocusJ 1 1 Philodeiphla 94. New York 110, Cincinnati 104 St, Louit 115, Mtnnenapoiif 101, Boston 124, Detroit 113. i XMAS SPECIAL Beam's Bottled in Bond 100 proof treasured opal glassware 71) NEW YORK m- A halfback, playing for a small college but so good he was chosen in the first round of the pro draft, is the bulwark of The Associated Press annual Little All America announced today.

He is Leonard Lyles of Louisville, who led the natiqn's scorers with 132 points. His team won a berth in the Sun Bowl at El Paso, against Drake, because of his high-scoring exploits. The Baltimore Colts of the National Football League made him their first draft pick this week. Nom Colltt End Howard Clark Chattanooga End Peter Kasson Rlpon Tackle Bruct Hartman Luther Tackle Dudley Meredith Tech Guard Howard Morris Llnfleld Guard Dave Young Randolph Mocon Center Dick Huston East. Washington Back Don Nolan Lehtgh Back Charles Bradshaw Wofford Back Leonard Lyles Louisville Back Norman Jarock St.

Norbert'i IDEAL CHRISTMAS GIFT For Boys and Girls Ages 4 to 16 GUARANTEED 1st LINE NOT SECONDS Beams Royal Opal $jeo Memorable Holiday Gift 45 QT. UAIILD0RG MIDGET Beam bourbon of such distinctive character quite naturally belongs in this exquisite container an original design in flashed opal glassware. Beams Royal Opal has the very elegance a perfect holiday gift should have. BEAM'S ROYAL OPAL 100 PROOF BOTTLED IN BOND KENTUCKY STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY 70x15 WHITEWAU. ( 1 100x15 WHITEWALL (Tub.l.u) 170x15 ILACKWAll (Tub.

Typt) PREMIUM RETREADS-Any Six 15 ($1.00 Extra for Whitewall) (Plus Taxes end Rtfraadabie Tire) X) AUTO RACERS AND UP $310 kite! To Lead Princeton PRINCETON, N.J. lift -Fred Tiley, Junior fullback who led Princeton In scoring with 52 points this season, will captain the Tigers 1958 football team. Tiley averaged 4 7 yards per airy this season in gaining 592 jrarda rushing. Jim i 45 QT. Smartly packaged in distinguished new blue and gold carton.

PROOF KENTUCKY STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY, JAMES B. BEAM DISTILLING CLERMONT, KY, fin.nctd -10 Down FOR INFORMATION CALL: Diamond 8-3972 FLorida 3-4043 14422 OXNARD in Yin Nuys 2209 SO. FLOWER In Ids Angeles 9i Ilk. Bart ef Ven Nuys tlvd. 2 Ilk.

S. ef Washington I ST. 4-8762 Rl. f-1001 LBUDGET TERMSl I A.

Valley Times from North Hollywood, California (2024)


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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

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Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.