Tingyun Best Builds and Teams | Honkai: Star Rail|Game8 (2024)

Tingyun Best Builds and Teams | Honkai: Star Rail|Game8 (1)

Tingyun is a Lightning and Harmony character in Honkai: Star Rail. Check out Tingyun's best builds, team comps, materials, light cones, relics, and her kit here!

List of Contents

  • Character Overview
  • Best Builds
  • Best Teams
  • Best Relics and Ornaments
  • Best Light Cones
  • Trace Priority
  • Gameplay Guide
  • Traces (Skills and Kit)
  • Eidolons
  • Ascension and Trace Materials
  • Character Information
  • Related Guides

Tingyun's Character Overview

Tingyun Basic Info and Rating

Tingyun Best Builds and Teams | Honkai: Star Rail|Game8 (2)Tingyun Rarity






Tier List Rating

Tingyun Best Builds and Teams | Honkai: Star Rail|Game8 (6)Overall

Tingyun Best Builds and Teams | Honkai: Star Rail|Game8 (7) Support

Ratings are based on E0.

How do you rate Tingyun?

Character Tier List

Tingyun Stats

Level 1

Level 80

Stat Base Value








Stat Base Value








The stats indicated above are Tingyun's base values. These numbers do not include the character's equipped Light Cone, Relics, or activated Trace nodes.

List of All Character Stats and Rank

Should You Pull for Tingyun?

Tingyun is a Lightning Harmony character that can provide offensive buffs and restore the Energy of a single ally. Her kit is focused on supporting a DPS character and enabling them as a hyper carry. She is a universal character as well and fits into almost any team.

If you find her kit interesting or need a Lightning support character that can provide offensive buffs for your DPS, then Tingyun is a great choice.

Tingyun's Best Builds

Hypercarry Support

Base Build

Alternative Cones

Best Light Cone Relics and Ornament
Flowing Nightglow

Messenger Traversing Hackerspace

Broken Keel

Main Stats Sub Stats
Body: ATK %
Feet: SPD
Sphere: ATK %
Rope: Energy Regen
ATK% ★★★
SPD ★★★
HP% ★★
Effect RES% ★★
Alternative Light Cones

But the Battle Isn't Over


Earthly Escapade


Meshing Cogs


Dance! Dance! Dance!


Memories of the Past

This build allows Tingyun to provide other useful buffs in addition to the buffs her kit already has. Messenger Traversing Hackerspace increases her SPD and provides a party-wide SPD buff after casting her Ultimate, which can be useful for any character.

Broken Keel increases Tingyun's resistance to debuffs thanks to the Effect RES and increases the CRIT DMG of the party, as long as she meets the 30% Effect RES requirement. Having ATK% Body and Sphere pieces is also useful since Benediction scales with ATK%.

Recommended Stat Values

Stat Recommended Value
ATK 2400 or above
SPD 134 / 143 / 160+
HP 3000 or above

Tingyun's ATK buffs scales on the ATK stat, so prioritize that along with SPD. Having some HP sub-stats will help Tingyun survive hard-hitting attacks.

Having high SPD on Tingyun allows her to regen SP and Energy more often by having more turns. Higher SPD is even better, but try to hit SPD Breakpoints.

Tingyun's Best Teams

Tingyun F2P Team

Support Support Main DPS Healer
Tingyun Best Builds and Teams | Honkai: Star Rail|Game8 (16)Tingyun Yukong Dan Heng Natasha

As one of the best supports in the game, Tingyun can be added to any Team Comp that has room for her. For a F2P team, Dan Heng would especially want Tingyun in the team since his Talent, which only activates when he's targeted by an ally's ability, synergizes well with her.

Hyper Carry Teams

Support Support Main DPS Healer
Tingyun Best Builds and Teams | Honkai: Star Rail|Game8 (20)Tingyun Sparkle Any DPS Character Huohuo

Tingyun's offensive buffs are great by themselves, but pairing her with another offensive buffer like Sparkle will significantly ramp up the damage output of a single Main DPS unit. This enables the DPS to be powerful enough to take out enemies with ease.

With this kind of team composition, you usually don't need a Sub DPS anymore. If you don't have another buffer, pairing Tingyun with a debuffer like Pela would also be viable.

Character Merits
Asta Can replace Sparkle. Provides Speed and stacking Attack buffs for the whole team.
Bronya Can replace Sparkle. Bronya provides DMG buffs and extra turns to the DPS.
Robin Can replace Sparkle. Robin provides DMG buffs and an extra turn for her other allies when she uses her Ultimate.
Ruan Mei Can replace Sparkle. Ruan Mei brings more unique buffs like Break Efficiency and All RES PEN, which can be paired well with Tingyun's buffs.
Hanya Can replace Sparkle. Hanya brings single-target SPD and ATK buffs, as well as SP restoration which can also pair well with Tingyun's buffs.
Tingyun will greatly improve the damage of any offensive unit designated as the Main DPS.

Tingyun's Best Relics and Ornaments

All Recommended Relics and Ornaments

Relics Rating & Merits
Messenger Traversing Hackerspace x4 ★★★★★ - Best Messenger is the best set for Tingyun since it increases her SPD and provides a party-wide SPD buff after using her Ult.
Eagle of Twilight Line x4 ★★★★☆ - 2nd Best Eagle of Twilight Line can be used by Tingyun since it gives her Advance Forward after using her Ult, which means she gets her next turn much earlier. This allows her to get her Ult back up more easily by restoring Energy through quick turns.
Watchmaker, Master of Dream Machinations x4 ★★★☆☆ - 3rd Best Watchmaker can be used if anyone else in the party is using Messenger Traversing Hackerspace. Best used with other party members who scale on Break Effect.
Ornaments Merits
Broken Keel ★★★★★ - Best Gives a CRIT DMG buff for the team, which provides the highest DPS increase out of all the support Ornaments. Requires Effect RES from substats or other bonuses to activate the CRIT DMG buff.
Fleet of the Ageless ★★★★☆ - 2nd BestIncreases Tingyun's HP%, which slightly increases her survivability. Provides an ATK% buff for the entire team, which is easier to unlock compared to Broken Keel.
Penacony, Land of the Dreams ★★★☆☆ - 3rd Best Enables a 3-turn Ultimate cycle when paired with an S5 Memories of the Past or Meshing Cogs. Tingyun will still need a 4-turn cycle to recharge her Ultimate without the previously mentioned S5 Light Cones, with or without an Energy Regen Rope main stat.

Tingyun's Best Light Cones

All Recommended Light Cones

Light Cone Why We Recommend It
Flowing Nightglow ★★★★★ - BestFlowing Nightglow is the best Light Cone for Tingyun since it increases her ATK and helps her increase the DMG dealt by the party when she uses her Ultimate.
But the Battle Isn't Over ★★★★☆ - GreatBut the Battle Isn't Over provides Tingyun some Energy Regen and can provide a Skill Point after using her Ultimate. The DMG buff requires Tingyun to be before the DPS in the turn order for this to be effective.
Earthly Escapade ★★★★☆ - GreatEarthly Escapade provides party-wide CRIT Rate and CRIT DMG buffs. Tingyun would want to be before the DPS so that the latter can receive the DMG buff.
Meshing Cogs ★★★★☆ - GreatMeshing Cogs can provide Tingyun energy whenever she attacks or gets hit. This allows Tingyun to get her Ultimate back quicker. This is also a Light Cone you can easily S5 to gain its maximum potential.
Dance! Dance! Dance! ★★★☆☆ - GoodDance! Dance! Dance! allows Tingyun to Advance Forward her allies when she uses her Ultimate. This synergizes with her kit and can grant allies extra turns.
Memories of the Past ★★★☆☆ - GoodMemories of the Past provides extra energy to Tingyun after she attacks an enemy. This has better stats than Meshing Cogs but does not regen Energy when the wearer gets hit.

Tingyun's Trace Priority

Combat Traces

Trace Priority & Explanation
Basic Attack ★★☆☆☆ - Low PriorityMainly used to activate her Talent and generate SP.
Skill ★★★★★ - Highest PriorityGreat ATK buff that scales off both Tingyun and her target ally
Ultimate ★★★★★ - Highest PriorityDMG buff that scales well into late game.
Talent ★★★★☆ - High PriorityFree Lightning DMG for when she attacks while Benediction is up.

Bonus Abilities

Trace Priority & Explanation
Nourished Joviality ★★★★★ - Highest Priority This increases Tingyun's SPD after using her Skill. This lets her get more turns which is great for a support like her.
Knell Subdual ★★★☆☆ - Medium Priority This is a boost to Tingyun's Basic ATK DMG. It's okay to have but has a lower priority than her other Bonus Abilities.
Jubilant Passage ★★★★★ - Highest Priority This lets Tingyun regen some Energy at the start of her turn. It's great since it allows Tingyun to get her Ultimate quicker.

Tingyun's Gameplay Guide

Buff a Party Member's ATK

Tingyun's Skill gives the Benediction buff to the targeted character. A character with Benediction has increased ATK and will deal additional instances of Lightning DMG.

Use Tingyun's Skill on characters whose skills scale on the ATK stat.

Ultimate Restores Energy and Buffs DMG

Tingyun's Ultimate buffs the targeted character's DMG and restores their energy so they can use their Ultimate as soon as possible.

Use Tingyun's Ultimate to buff your DPS' DMG or if you need the energy to use a character's Ultimate.

Tingyun's Traces (Skills and Kit)

Active Abilities

Level 1

Level 6

Level 8

Level 10

Trace Scaling and Explanation
Basic ATK Dislodged: Tingyun Deals Lightning DMG equal to 50% of her ATK to a single enemy.
Skill Soothing Melody: Grants a single ally with Benediction to increase their ATK by 25%, up to 15% of Tingyun's current ATK. When an ally with Benediction attacks, they will deal additional Lightning DMG equal to 20% of that ally's ATK for 1 time. Benediction lasts for 3 turn(s).
Ultimate Amidst the Rejoicing Clouds: Regenerates 50 Energy for a target ally and increases the target's DMG by 20% for 3 turns.
Talent Violet Sparknado: When an enemy is attacked by Tingyun, the ally with Benediction immediately deals extra Lightning DMG equal to 30% of that ally's ATK to the same enemy.
Trace Scaling and Explanation
Basic ATK Dislodged: Tingyun Deals Lightning DMG equal to 100% of her ATK to a single enemy.
Skill Soothing Melody: Grants a single ally with Benediction to increase their ATK by 37%, up to 20% of Tingyun's current ATK. When an ally with Benediction attacks, they will deal additional Lightning DMG equal to 30% of that ally's ATK for 1 time. Benediction lasts for 3 turn(s).
Ultimate Amidst the Rejoicing Clouds: Regenerates 50 Energy for a target ally and increases the target's DMG by 40% for 3 turns.
Talent Violet Sparknado: When an enemy is attacked by Tingyun, the ally with Benediction immediately deals extra Lightning DMG equal to 45% of that ally's ATK to the same enemy.
Trace Scaling and Explanation
Skill Soothing Melody: Grants a single ally with Benediction to increase their ATK by 43%, up to 22% of Tingyun's current ATK. When an ally with Benediction attacks, they will deal additional Lightning DMG equal to 35% of that ally's ATK for 1 time. Benediction lasts for 3 turn(s).
Ultimate Amidst the Rejoicing Clouds: Regenerates 50 Energy for a target ally and increases the target's DMG by 50% for 3 turns.
Talent Violet Sparknado: When an enemy is attacked by Tingyun, the ally with Benediction immediately deals extra Lightning DMG equal to 52% of that ally's ATK to the same enemy.
Trace Scaling and Explanation
Skill Soothing Melody: Grants a single ally with Benediction to increase their ATK by 50%, up to 25% of Tingyun's current ATK. When an ally with Benediction attacks, they will deal additional Lightning DMG equal to 40% of that ally's ATK for 1 time. Benediction lasts for 3 turn(s).
Ultimate Amidst the Rejoicing Clouds: Regenerates 50 Energy for a target ally and increases the target's DMG by 60% for 3 turns.
Talent Violet Sparknado: When an enemy is attacked by Tingyun, the ally with Benediction immediately deals extra Lightning DMG equal to 60% of that ally's ATK to the same enemy.

Basic ATK is maxed out at Level 6.

Technique and Bonus Abilities

Trace Scaling and Explanation
Technique Gentle Breeze: Tingyun immediately regenerates 50 Energy upon using her Technique. Stat Bonus:
1. ATK +4.0%
2. Lighting DMG +3.2%
3. ATK +6.0%
Bonus Ability Knell Subdual: Basic ATK DMG increases by 40%. Stat Bonus:
1. ATK +6.0%
2. DEF +7.5%
Bonus Ability Jubilant Passage: Tingyun immediately regenerates 5 Energy at the start of her turn. Stat Bonus:
1. Lightning DMG +4.8%
2. ATK +8.0%
3. DEF +10.0%
Bonus Ability Nourished Joviality: Tingyun's SPD increases by 20% for 1 turn after using Skill. Stat Bonus:
1. DEF +5.0%
2. ATK +4.0%

Tingyun's Eidolons

Tingyun's Recommended Eidolons

Why We Recommend It
E1 ★★★☆☆ - Decent Can increase the SPD of multiple allies if benediction is applied to different teammates after Tingyun uses her Ultimate.
E2 ★★★★☆ - Good This allows the ally with Benediction to regen some Energy when they defeat an enemy. It can help the DPS get their Ultimate much quicker.
E4 ★★★★☆ - Good This gives a significant increase to Benediction DMG buff to further boost the damage of the DPS.
E6 ★★★★★ - Great Extra energy restored to allies on Tingyun's Ultimate should help them get their own Ultimate back up sooner.

All Eidolon Resonance Effects

E1 Windfall of Lucky SpringsAfter using their Ultimate, the ally with Benediction gains a 20% increase in SPD increases by 20% for 1 turn.
E2 Gainfully Gives, Givingly GainsThe ally with Benediction regenerates 5 Energy after defeating an enemy. This effect can only be triggered once per turn.
E3 Halcyon BequestUltimate Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15. Basic ATK Lv. +1, up to a maximum of Lv. 10.
E4 Jovial VersatilityThe DMG multiplier provided by Benediction increases by 20%.
E5 Sauntering CoquetteSkill Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15. Talent Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15.
E6 Peace Brings Wealth to AllUltimate regenerates 10 more Energy for the target ally.

Tingyun Ascension and Trace Materials

Total Ascension Materials

Ascension Material Total

Immortal Scionette


Immortal Aeroblossom


Immortal Lumintwig


Lightning Crown of the Past Shadow



Lvl. Character Ascension Materials
20 ➔ 30

Immortal Scionette x4

Credit x3,200

30 ➔ 40

Immortal Scionette x8

Credit x6,400

40 ➔ 50

Lightning Crown of the Past Shadow x2

Immortal Aeroblossom x5

Credit x12,800

50 ➔ 60

Lightning Crown of the Past Shadow x5

Immortal Aeroblossom x8

Credit x32,000

60 ➔ 70

Lightning Crown of the Past Shadow x15

Immortal Lumintwig x5

Credit x64,000

70 ➔ 80

Lightning Crown of the Past Shadow x28

Immortal Lumintwig x7

Credit x128,000

Total Trace Materials

All Trace Node Materials Total

Harmonic Tune


Immortal Scionette


Ancestral Hymn


Immortal Aeroblossom


Stellaris Symphony


Immortal Lumintwig


Destroyer's Final Road


Tracks of Destiny



Lvl Basic ATK Ascension Materials
2 x2 x4 x4000
3 x2 x2 x8000
4 x4 x3 x16000
5 x2 x2 x36000
6 x6 x3 x128000
Lvl Skill, Talent, & Ult Ascension Materials
2 x2 x2000 - -
3 x2 x4 x4000 -
4 x2 x2 x8000 -
5 x4 x3 x16000 -
6 x6 x5 x24000 -
7 x2 x2 x36000 -
8 x1 x4 x3 x64000
9 x1 x6 x128000 -
10 x1 x1 x11 x240000
Nodes Bonus Stat and Abilities Materials
Ability 1 x2 x4 x4000 -
Ability 2 x4 x1 x1 x16000
Ability 3 x6 x1 x1 x128000
Stat 1 x2 x2000 - -
Stat 2 x2 x4 x4000 -
Stat 3 x2 x2 x8000 -
Stat 4 x2 x2 x8000 -
Stat 5 x4 x3 x16000 -
Stat 6 x2 x2 x36000 -
Stat 7 x2 x2 x36000 -
Stat 8 x6 x6 x128000 -
Stat 9 x6 x6 x128000 -
Stat 10 x6 x6 x128000 -

Additional Tingyun Information

How to Get Tingyun

All Limited and Permanent Banners
Brilliant FixationBloom in Gloom
Bygone ReminiscenceEarth Hurled, Ether Curled
Stellar WarpDeparture Warp

You can get Tingyun at a standard rate by pulling from any Warp Banner.

All Gacha (Warp) Banners

Background and Voice Actors

Voice Actor EN: Laci Morgan
JP: Yuuki Takada
Faction / Affiliation The Xianzhou Luofu

Tingyun's In-Game Lore

Faction The Xianzhou Luofu
Background A silver-tongued Foxian girl, Tingyun is the Head Representative of the Whistling Flames, a merchant guild official approved by the Sky-Faring Commission.

Honkai: Star Rail Related Guides

Tingyun Best Builds and Teams | Honkai: Star Rail|Game8 (159)

▶︎ All Playable Characters

Characters by Rarity

Character Rarity
★★★★ ★★★★★

Characters by Path

Character Paths
Destruction Hunt Erudition Harmony
Nihility Preservation Abundance

Characters by Element

Character Elements
Fire Ice Lightning Wind
Quantum Imaginary Physical

All Lightning Characters

Lightning Characters
Tingyun Best Builds and Teams | Honkai: Star Rail|Game8 (174)Tingyun Serval Kafka Jing Yuan
Bailu Arlan Acheron Moze
Tingyun Best Builds and Teams | Honkai: Star Rail|Game8 (2024)


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Author: Terrell Hackett

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Name: Terrell Hackett

Birthday: 1992-03-17

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Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.